(Part 4) Best health & personal care according to redditors

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We found 68,363 Reddit comments discussing the best health & personal care. We ranked the 26,103 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the products ranked 61-80. You can also go back to the previous section.

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Top Reddit comments about Health & Personal Care:

u/raiden_the_conquerer · 166 pointsr/AskWomen

egg cooker for egg cooking

shark bed for pet snoozing

squatty potty for help pooping

u/wafflesareforever · 150 pointsr/tifu

For some reason, whenever I swim, I get crazy amounts of ear wax buildup over the next couple of days. I used one of those Japanese ear picks for a while, and it helped, but then I discovered this glorious device. Fill it with warm water, shoot it into your ear, and repeat. The first few sprays probably won't produce much, as it needs to soften up the wax a bit first, but then big chunks of wax start coming out of your ear and suddenly you can hear so much better. It's the most satisfying thing ever.

The photos in the Amazon reviews are disgusting, but they'll give you an idea of what will be coming out of your ears.

u/strikkeislandhast · 65 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

YES. SO TRUE! My boyfriend and I kept telling ourselves stuff like "they can't be that good, we don't need one, blah blah."

We finally bought one because he saw a sale and we LOVE IT. We also got a squatty potty stool and it is great. The experience of pooping has been transformed. You can get both for like $60 or $70 bucks total on amazon.

Our bidet is this one and I got this squatty potty.

OP, seriously. Bidet. Squatty potty. You won't regret it. Except maybe you will then regret that not every toilet in your life is as richly equipped as the one at home. Pooping elsewhere sucks ):

u/streaksrm · 57 pointsr/pcmasterrace
u/BadHeartburn · 53 pointsr/popping

Lot of good info here, but a few things are missing:

  • Use a sitz bath. Place it over the toilet seat, fill it with warm water and Epsom salts, and browse reddit for about fifteen minutes. Do this twice a day.

  • Use a Squatty Potty when you poop. It shifts the position of your abdominal muscles, allowing you to pass doodoo more easily and without straining. The last thing you want to do is squeeze that little fucker out even further.

  • Wipe your bum with medicated wipes. In addition to quenching the fire down below, they also feel goddam luxurious. Some people might tell you they're bad for your septic tank or sewage system. These people are damn, dirty liars. Do it anyway.

  • Sit on an ass donut any time you need to be seated for a while. In the car, at the office, having tea with the Queen -- the Ass Donut™ goes wherever you go!

    Several commenters have suggested using Preparation H or some other sort of cream. Do that, too. With abandon. Don't be shy about it, neither. Eventually, your new buttmate will quietly slink away into nameless oblivion.

    Source: Had a few buttmates of my own.
u/kickerofelves86 · 41 pointsr/nba

You need one of these

u/raptorsdelight · 39 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

I've never tried using a disposable razor before, but I have a "fabric shaver," which has given new life to a ton of my clothes. It works really well for getting off both pills and lint that has woven itself into the fabric.

u/joebo745 · 39 pointsr/nba

I had in 7 in high school from soccer, so can confirm that they are a bitch lol.

For some advice: Consider getting on something like adderall/vyvanse for the focus issues (don't abuse it, just take the recommended dosage). Also for the depression, be wary of going on any medication. I went on cymbalta for a long while and it completely changed me as a person. When I started noticing how boring I became I decided to get off it... but the withdrawals were fucking horrible. Legit took me months to get back to my normal self. Some things that have worked: therapy (a good therapist goes a long way), sunlight or a light box in the winter times, a good social circle around you, working out, and limit your drug/alcohol use. You'll likely still have your moments where life is depressing as hell, but you just have to know you'll eventually be fine again.

I'd also recommend researching more about concussions and trying to understand everything you can about them... as it can help you cope when something pops up. Concussions can cause you to become a sex addict, more likely to abuse drugs, have anxiety, etc. there's just a lot that can happen when your brain is damaged and it can be nice to know what some of those things are so you can better address them.

Last thing: consider a good neurologist if you still get headaches. I used to get hella migraines (and still get them occasionally), but there are some great drugs out there that can help and the science gets better every day. It took me awhile to find something that worked for me, but eventually I found something that made them manageable. Either way I hope everything works out for you/anyone else who may read this who is struggling with some of these issues.

u/Germaneer · 32 pointsr/IKEA

Looks, like it rubbed on something in the packaging.... this might be your most inexpensive solution: https://www.amazon.com/Remington-Fuzz-Away-Fabric-Shaver-RTFS-2/dp/B0034BV6KA

u/bubbaholy · 29 pointsr/lifehacks

That's not true. Light therapy is proven effective. Basically you expose yourself to 10,000 lux worth of high intensity blue-white light for 30-60 minutes. (Our brains are weird.) If you want to move your circadian rhythms earlier, you do it when you get up. Later, and you do it in your evening.

It works in many people. Do it consistently every morning for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I personally use this light (no affiliation) and would recommend it.

u/UnbiasedGujrati · 29 pointsr/MurderedByWords

We are ahead of you in pooping techniques. You guys recently learned about squatting benefits and started buying these https://www.amazon.com/Squatty-Potty-Original-Bathroom-Toilet/dp/B00ESKVN7W

u/Titaniummike · 28 pointsr/malefashionadvice
u/a_ninja_mouse · 28 pointsr/Fitness

Well that's the real reason this was invented. So you can squat over the toilet and still get below parallel.

u/MrMetalfreak94 · 28 pointsr/WTF

You actually aren't supposed to do that. The warnings not to put Q-Tips in your ear on the package are there for a reason.

It gives you no medical benefit and when you clean your ear with them you actually push a good deal of the ear wax deeper into the ear canal, which builds up over time and can result in a blockage, which can cause pain, hearing problems, ringing in the ear, or dizziness. You can also accidentally puncture your ear drum using these.

Most people also don't have to and shouldn't clean the ear wax in the canal, it's there to clean and moisturize your ears, prevents insects to a certain extent from entering it and is anti-bacterial. Constantly removing it often results in earaches and a higher risk of ear infections.

If you actually have to clean your ear, use ear syringes, they are a cheap and safe way to clean your ears, never use Q-Tips for that!

u/KinnerNevada · 27 pointsr/lifehacks
u/vampire_kitty · 27 pointsr/Paleo

I was doing strict paleo (as in the militantly strict version with the exception of the occasional butter pat for sautéing) for more time than not for about 5ish years before I started finding on r/progresspics that all the awesome results were happening from people eating a keto diet. In January I decided to combine the two.

The first thing I noticed was that ALL depression... obliterated. Within a few days or a week or so. I don't remember precisely as I didn't write it down, but it was pretty gawddamn amazing. But as for the foods...

At first I had a LOT of trouble getting in enough fats and increasing the coconut oil was just giving me the runs (and thusly I wasn't absorbing a lot of what I was eating) so I switched to using only butter as my cooking fat. That solved the runs (and was SOOOOO delicious!) I slowly started adding in some cheese, found I had no issue, so I started eating cheese anytime I was craving it (which was apparently a lot lol) - at which point I was completely blocked up for a couple weeks so that wasn't fun. I eventually found a balance of using butter, cheese and heavy whipping cream that finally allowed me to get all the crazy high fat content while still eating everything else strict paleo ingredients only.

And for a short time I was losing weight and changing body composition but then it just sorta... stopped. For many months. I decided to do some more research and it seemed that removing dairy was going to be a strong part of the solution. Most folks were sharing anecdotes about how, while they weren't gaining weight eating dairy, they were not losing any, either. So I nixed the dairy except for the butter. The weight stayed the same, but my body composition changes resumed (by that I mean I was losing body fat per the tape measuring).

I recently re-did the keto calculator and found that despite my weight staying the same, my body fat had dropped enough that I needed to cut out an additional roughly 250 calories per day. So I started doing that and the weight began dropping again. Pro tip: as your body changes, keep going back to the keto calculator to make sure you are getting the right combination for whatever goals you are seeking. Mine, obviously, are to lose weight and look good as a secondary goal to improving my health. The mental health improvement was unexpected and, in fact, now my A#1 reason for continuing this diet plan.

These days I have maybe one or two ounces of cheese per week (lately often in the form of a cream cheese and egg pancake cooked in butter - sooo good). But I find that a combination of using butter or animal fats (I make bone broth in the crock pot, scrape the fat off after it cools and save it) for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for anytime I don't need heat (it oxidizes readily with heat - try not to cook with it. It's an amazing salad dressing by itself) and when I've not had enough fats for the day adding in however many portions of full fat canned coconut milk (Thai Kitchen brand is the tastiest one for straight drinking out of the can - I use a pet food lid to store the rest in the fridge until I'm ready to have more) is an excellent method of making up the difference in daily fat content. Plus the coconut milk is full of MCTs which help with the fat burning, neurological health, and various other benefits. I don't mess with coconut oil anymore except as a moisturizer if my hands are particularly dry (which is like... once every few months on a day I've done heavy cleaning around the house and the cleaning products dried me out).

Everyone likes to tout fiber and making sure you get x grams of it per day but there's a lot of research out there about how, honestly, it just doesn't really matter and, in fact, can cause more problems than it solves. I, personally, stopped worrying about any fiber and, in fact, I'm more regular and comfortable with bowel movements when I have hardly any fiber for the day than days where I have more. I don't mess around at ALL with adding chia seeds or flax or whatever other stuff everyone else does. Do your own research and experimentation with your body to see what works best for you.

I also don't do fat bombs at all. If you need a fat bomb, you're probably not eating the right cuts of meat or cooking with enough of the right kinds of fat. See above where I mention that I save animal fats for cooking and, really, just always add a tablespoon of butter to ANYthing that you are cooking and you'll be golden.

But seriously, don't forget your dark leafy greens. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Iceberg lettuce and crap like that is insufficient nutrition. Your body will be unhappy with you over time. Stick to low glycemic dark leafy greens (and omfg they taste SOOOO good heated in a fry pan with butter!) and brightly colored all the way through vegetables and berries to make sure you're getting lots of great vitamins. Blackberries and boysenberries tend to be the lowest carbs and blueberries are a good runner up. They taste excellent drenched in coconut milk. :)

Anyway, I could go on and on and on (and already have) but what works for ME is to personally avoid all the cheese-heavy and dairy-based recipes in r/ketorecipes and/or adapt them in such a fashion that I can sub in some coconut milk or turn it more paleo in some fashion. I avoid ALL dessert things in there because they are full of artificial sweeteners and other such things that are not paleo. If I REALLY need a dessert, I'll do the berries in coconut milk thing but, really, I just don't crave sweet things and haven't for a long time now. Keto really does solve that problem quite well when paired with a paleo diet as well.

Lastly, BE MINDFUL OF YOUR ELECTROLYTES. :D That's where I got screwed up the worst. Seriously, eat a teaspoon of salt and chase it with water if you are low on sodium when you first start. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium as well (especially if you are female - this helps with menstrual cramps but if you get leg cramps at all, which I never did, supposedly this helps as well) and using No Salt which is all potassium or "lite" salt (which I don't use but I'm told is roughly 50/50 potassium and sodium) are great to keep up on your electrolytes. Raw pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium and super inexpensive at Trader Joe's if there is one near you. Also, unless you are eating lots of seaweed (either in pill form or nori sheets for paleo/keto sushi without the rice or something like that) on the regular, make sure you are using iodized salt. I personally use iodized sea salt and sprinle No Salt on dishes as well.

All of the above suggestions are strict paleo friendly except for the dairy, of course. You'll find what works best for you. :) If you have more questions, feel free to inquire. I'm obviously FULL of ideas. I also have a hefty list of recipes as well if you are lacking in ideas.

u/deadasthatsquirrel · 26 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Forget the Period Tracker! She can have the most regular cycles in the world, but you still completely miss the fertile window.

Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, buy a BBT thermometer (I use the Mabis one) and some OPKs (Wondfos are loved here), and use FertilityFriend to track her temperature, OPKs and cervical fluid.

Also, FertilityFriend has a charting course that's a good way to learn the basics.

Edit - Also, yay for another guy speaking up! We did a subreddit survey a little while ago and we only got four guys answering, so I'm glad there are five of you now :D

u/[deleted] · 26 pointsr/vegan
  • B12: cannot stress that enough, don't believe sources telling you that you can get this vitamin from unwashed vegetables, tempeh, seaweed, etc. B12 is created by bacteria which lives in dirty enviroment and isn't associated with animal products either (you can get it from animals, but the bacteria living in their guts still do all the work). I recommend taking these Deva vitmains. It's highly recommended to take any B12 oral supplementation with food, because it bounds to certain proteins, allowing better digestion.

  • D: depends on where you live and what your skin complextion is; vitamin D2 (the non-animal version) is created when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet light (e.g. the sun). 20 minutes of daily exposure is enough for pale people (I think paleness reported in some vegans might actually be an adaptation technique), but if you're black and live in England, I would recommend an hour or so. This vitamin is needed for proper calcium digestion.

  • Iron: iron is not usually problem in males, women can have problem because of their period. There's a really easy trick to sky-rocket your iron intake - eat vitamin C with iron-rich food and avoid tea and cofee.

  • Calcium: dark green vegetables and soy products are rich on calcium. I drink fortified soy milk. Sneaky edit: spinach is actually not a great source of iron and calcium due to high oxalate content, as opposed to popular claims. Broccoli on the other hand... learn to love it!

  • Protein: that's a really easy one - lentils. Eat quinoa (tastes like rice, but has twice the nutrients), beans and peas. Wheat pasta is an empty food, try not to overuse it. Lysine is the limiting amino acid in vegan diets, but lentils have plenty of it (that's why you should eat them). Your daily protein intake can be calculated by this equation: your_weight_in_kg [number from 1 to 1.3 depending on your physicial activity, higher number means higher activity] = grams_of_protein_you_should_eat. For example: 80kg 1.2 (high activity) = 96g of protein.

  • omega-3: you should stabilize ratio of your omega-6:omega-3 intake to 4:1 (the best scenario would be 1:1, but that's very hard). Try to avoid sunflower oil and use olive or canola one, eat walnuts and flax seeds. But not flax seed oil, it tastes like a poison from armpit!


  • Food preparation: I highly recommend steam cooking, the taste is amazing and vitamins/minerals don't dissolve in water.

  • Society: Just don't give a damn about others too much, you are doing the right thing and don't have to apologize for anything. People don't like confrontation and depending on your personality, you might be tempted to talk about your veganism a lot at first. Try to hold it back for few months to sober up a little :)

    Have I congratulated you? No? Here you go: congratulations! :)
u/happybadger · 23 pointsr/SocialistRA

The most important thing about bleed management is being able to identify what kind of leak the person has. Treatment for an arterial/venous/capillary bleed differs. Colour isn't the best indicator because lighting conditions change, what I look for is flow pattern. If it's coming out like a heartbeat or squirting it's arterial and a tourniquet is a good idea. If it's flowing smoothly and there's a lot of it it's probably venous and can probably be controlled with direct pressure. If it's flowing smoothly and there isn't a lot, it's capillary and direct pressure will stop it. For pressure bandages, I like these. If I don't have that, wrap a towel or shirt around your fist and grab/press the wound hard. You can swap it out for something better but that will buy you time and give you something that's easy to remove from the patient before you're ready to move them. If it's something like an abdominal or chest wound where there might be internal injuries, you don't want to be super aggressive but the bleed will kill them faster than most things you could do.

While CATs are decently made, I prefer the SOF-T tourniquet. The velcro on a CAT can be difficult to use when you're drunk on adrenaline and readjusting it becomes difficult as blood coagulates in the hooks and loop. They also have a plastic windlass and I'm very weary of plastic because the goal is to twist as tight as possible. SOF-Ts use a metal one which I have a lot more confidence in.

The quick and easy way to handle a massive bleed is:

  1. Take a step back and look at the wound as a science project. The patient's reaction to their injury will distract you and your first impulse is to calm them down which wastes time, and if it's something like a leg amputation you might have under two minutes to work with. Note how many injuries, where they are, which one is bleeding the most, what type of bleeding is going on.

  2. On extremities with an arterial bleed, jam your knee hard into their groin/armpit to give yourself as much time as possible. This will hurt and they'll hate you for it.

  3. Put three fingers above the highest wound if it's on the upper portion of the extremity or a few inches above the elbow/knee if it's on the lower portion, place the windlass of the tourniquet directly over the artery

  4. After the tourniquet is on, tighten the windlass until they hate you more than the injury and secure it. Wrap the excess strap around the windlass to further protect it from accidental bumps. It should be tight enough that the bleeding is completely stopped and if there's anything left of that limb you shouldn't be able to feel a pulse below it.

  5. I keep a sharpie in my medbag because they're useful in a lot of situations. In this one I mark the time on their forehead or throat if they have a lot of hair. Somewhere that will be completely visible to the surgeon removing the tourniquet so that they know how long the tissue has been without blood.

  6. Unless you know for absolute certain that you've treated their only injury, like you've directly witnessed them dropping the saw on their leg and there is no chance they could have had additional injuries they're not yet aware of or that the injury could have penetrated or if you only have witness accounts, do a blood sweep. Start from the head and try to feel as much of their body as possible, checking your hands for blood every time you reach the end of some piece or feel a change of texture on your fingertips. If you do feel or see blood, remove that piece of clothing and treat secondary injuries before covering them back up. The patient might say they have no secondary injuries but they're also distracted by a more intense pain and they're probably not mentally sound at that moment. Missing one is easy when everything is already saturated.
u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl · 21 pointsr/trashy

You too can benefit from better pooping posture with only 24.99 down!


u/StefaniePags · 20 pointsr/weddingplanning

A Squatty Potty and a cat shaped toilet brush holder. These items were called "My husband didn't want to come pick out items, so I got all the stuff I wanted!"

We got both items at our bridal shower!

u/CupofTia · 20 pointsr/BabyBumps

Ladies, I invested in a squatty potty and it's been a god send! I have major constipation this time around and I can tell it will be my savior post partum. First time around I was just like you!

u/evilyou · 18 pointsr/malefashionadvice

No recommendations on a specific brand but you could try getting a clothes shaver. They're pretty good about taking the pilling off things that've gone through a dryer.

u/FsckItDude_LetsBowl · 16 pointsr/reddit.com

As the son of an ear doctor, lemme caution people to please, please, please refrain from doing this with anything but a large bore nozzle and low pressure. Or simply not at all; instead use a special ear cleaning tool that is designed not to direct a thin, high pressure jet of water directly at your eardrum.


u/Maxiswellhere · 14 pointsr/ProductPorn

Squatty Potty

Price: $25

Product Link


Think this thing is weird? It sort of is, but its healthy as fuck, and will help you shit like a motherfucker. Now, don't get me wrong, I hate having white plastic anywhere in my house, I wish I could get everything made out of stainless steel, obsidian or slate, but the utility of these things really makes up for being unsightly - because being healthy makes you less unsightly anyway.

u/mguzman011 · 13 pointsr/teenagers

There are some lights that help combat this.

One of my teachers had one in a class with no windows and it was pretty nice.

u/HeyWow · 13 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

Have you considered trying light therapy? I used to get gloomy and sleepy all winter. I bought that in December and started using it every morning, it made a world of difference in my mood and energy level. There is some scientific evidence behind them, though its not definitive. Who knows maybe it was just placebo effect for me, but it made me feel so much better.

u/Holein5 · 13 pointsr/Fitness

I have a family history of sleep struggle, including a father who has a CPAP machine. This is what I do for sleep:

  • No alcohol.
  • Make my room as cold as it can be without freezing to death. Usually I set the temperature to somewhere in the 60's.
  • Turn on a fan to have continuous airflow/circulation/additional noise
  • White noise maker. This has been one of the best purchases, I use the Lectro Fan
  • Don't eat a few hours before sleep.
  • Don't nap. I used to randomly fall asleep in front of the TV for 30 minutes after a hard gym workout, but realized that it was making falling asleep at my normal time more difficult. I cut it out and force myself to stay awake until my normal sleep time. If I am tired that day I'll goto bed a little earlier than usual.
u/thenerdal · 13 pointsr/ofcoursethatsathing

The key is to use this after. https://www.amazon.com/Acu-Life-Ear-Wax-Removal-Syringe/dp/B000SOJXGA

It's a syringe for your ears that won't let the water go directly on your eardrums so you can put more pressure than a regular syringe. Works well for me.

u/christopherw · 12 pointsr/popping


Periodically I have a TON of stuff like this come out of my ears. It used to be a lot worse.

Here's a fun story (with some useful info): I needed ear canal impressions for custom earplugs recently. Upon checking my ears, the audiologist immediately declared that one of my ears was almost completely blocked with impacted earwax and I'd have to get it cleared before I could get the impressions.

Like most people these days, it's doubtless partly due to high decibel listening - particularly using my closed cup headphones - and general assault from noisy life in general. The earwax overproduction is partly your ear defending itself, and also possibly overproduction due to irritation or environmental factors.

Apparently my eardrum was almost completely covered -- just the tiniest gap through which I was hearing (yet I heard no difference in sound whatsoever between ears, and I'm a sound engineer!).

So, in order to take the impressions you need clear ear canals. To accomplish this within a week, I used the following:

  • medical grade olive oil: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Georges-Medical-Olive-Oil-Drops/dp/B002AEWSF4
  • chemical based solution (active ingredient Urea Hydrogen Peroxide): http://www.amazon.co.uk/Otex-Express-Ear-Drops-10ml/dp/B001LK8BRW/

    and this MAGICAL ear syringe:

  • http://www.amazon.co.uk/AcuLife-Ear-Wax-Removal-Syringe/dp/B000SOJXGA

    DON'T use any products that involve suction or curettess / earpicks / q-tips. You should avoid touching the incredibly sensitive eardrum at all costs.

    Alternating between olive oil and the chemical product I found worked well.

    This part is slightly messy. If you are able to sleep on your side without moving, the simplest way to loosen up the earwax is to tilt your head right over, drop olive oil right into the ear until it feels completely blocked, massage in vigorously and leave overnight. Sleep with your head on a towel.

    In the morning, you'll find some will have seeped out but the rest will be absorbed into the hardened earwax. Later that day, use the urea hydrogen peroxide based product for some more aggressive breakdown. Tilt your head and apply the drops, listen for the bubbling/popping as the solution produces oxygen and breaks down the earwax. Keep your head tilted for a few minutes after.

    A stock of paper tissues will come in useful to daub up the overflow.

    After a while, use the ear irrigation tool. You need to be fairly forceful depressing the plunger, and the silicone end of the syringe needs to be properly inserted all the way into your ear canal for maximum effect. To get a good angle, use your other arm, reach behind your head and pull your earlobe directly out and away from your head - that should straighten up the ear canal a bit (also works well for inserting earplugs).

    I suggest you use warm (not hot) water as it does feel weird to start with. It feels GREAT after a while though, and the bonus of this syringe tool with the channels on it is that you can see the earwax come out.

    Don't stop after you see a few flakes, there's probably 10x as much inside your ear which you just can't see. You'll feel it start to come out before you see it. Once you're making headway on flushing it out, just keep going for five or ten minutes. Repeat this process for a week and it should be all out.

    I followed these steps, along with some reading on the Internet for technique and such, and when I went to my next audiologist's appointment he complimented me that I'd done a much better job than if I'd gone to hospital to get it done. He also recommended I periodically repeat the process to keep the ears clean... Which of course I've not done. I should probably do that.
u/popeye44 · 12 pointsr/sex

Millions and millions of orgasms from Hitachi since 1979,
But as you say.. it's very powerful. Some folks put devices inline with plug to reduce power, Some put a towel between their parts and the head. Whatever works.. it's a really good device.

Speed Controller

Edit: Link to speed controller.

u/jaysanw · 12 pointsr/photography

Second u/TwiztedZero: Zeiss disposable pre-moistened wipes (i.e. the same ones used for cleaning eyeglass lenses) are great for general purpose maintenance upkeep: amazon.com/Zeiss-Pre-Moistened-Lens-Cleaning-Wipes/dp/B0030E4UIQ/

If you use a cloth, go microfiber (i.e. never anything paper that sheds fibers): amazon.com/MagicFiber-Microfiber-Cleaning-Cloths-PACK/dp/B0050R67U0/

u/slugposse · 11 pointsr/tumblr

Just saying, this ear wax removal syringe with the tip that won't let you shove it in too far, and with holes to spray the water at the sides of your ear canal instead of blasting it straight at your ear drum is the only way to go.

u/YahwehTheDevil · 11 pointsr/DebateAVegan

>it's like people are playing some kind of game, and they just want you to join their side

I completely understand this, and it makes it difficult to figure out what's true. I do think that vegans sometimes stretch the truth in order to try to win converts, but I look at that as a misguided act of compassion, because the new vegans are going to learn eventually and then they may very well give up.

Personally, I believe that we can absolutely be healthy on a plant-based diet as long as we supplement B12, D3, and omega-3 fatty acids.The first two are incredibly cheap: This supplement costs $20 for a three-month supply of B12, on top of giving a host of other useful nutrients in case you're missing anything, and for $12 you can buy eight months' worth of D3.

As for omega-3 fatty acids, they are unfortunately on the more expensive side. A lot of vegans say that we can get sufficient EPA and DHA by eating ALA, such as from flaxseed and chia, and converting it ourselves. While there was a promising study saying that vegans convert ALA to EPA and DHA more efficiently that omnis, flax and chia on their own are probably not sufficient.

At the recommended dosages, supplementing omega-3 FAs will cost you about $15 a month. I usually buy Ovega-3, although I recently tried Tesla and liked it as well. We probably need more than 500g a day, since we're meant to consume a somewhat even ratio of omega-3 and omega-6, which would push the cost up to $30 a month or higher. I take three grams a day for mental health, although I doubt that most people would need that much.

As far as needing eggs and dairy to be healthy, I suspect that that's the work of animal industries spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Dairies have taken a huge hit lately as people switch to plant-based milk (now with 100% less pus!), and I think they'd gladly lie to the public in order to tourniquet their losses. For instance, we were all told that we need milk in order to have strong bones, right? But that's absolutely not true. First-world countries have higher rates of osteoporosis. And while I'm not sure how credible this is, the great Yourofsky believed that it was because animal protein is acidic, and to counteract that acidity our bodies draw calcium from our bones.

I'm going to wrap this up before I ramble any more, but in short, take B12 D12 and omega-3s and you will be all set!

*While it wasn't dairy, /r/vegan recently had a laughably transparent article about someone who was arguing not only that it was okay to wear fur, but that it was actually a
moral imperative* to do so. It was such a moving piece that I immediately drove to a mink farm and snapped those little fuckers' necks myself, because god damn it, I'm a patriot

u/HELP_ME_I_Need_Nudes · 11 pointsr/AskMen

Buy this and this.

"Flushable" is not a claim that is strongly regulated though.

u/done_got_them · 11 pointsr/Whatisthis

It's like one of these: Thera Cane Massager: Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PRMCJU

u/winteriscummming · 11 pointsr/oakland

Probably not the answer you want to hear, but do you use a white noise machine? I have a neighbor whose dogs bark all night long, and I finally picked one of these up on Amazon and it helps keep me sane. Lecteofan

u/alkalinelito · 10 pointsr/malefashionadvice
u/GeoDim · 10 pointsr/Sneakers

I don't know if this can be saved, but a sweater pill remover should help.


u/geoffalan · 10 pointsr/askTO

Try one of these lamps. Works for me. Verilux VT10WW1 HappyLight Liberty Compact Light Therapy Lamp https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UmZZDbJ2HZJ1Z

u/erusko · 10 pointsr/vegetarianketo

lots of good info in that for those who say veggie keto isn't possible!

one thing i should mention though is that it looks like you don't use a food diary and this is something i recommend everybody to use for at least the first 2 weeks to get the hang of what to eat and how much of certain foods/macronutrients you can eat.

for example, it seems based on the example of your breakfast/lunch/dinner, you aren't getting enough protein and your fats may range on the high side. you can totally still lose weight like this, but you may be unknowingly sacrificing a lot of muscle along the way. i know the maxim of r/keto is high fats, moderate protein, low carb but the truth of the matter is the more fats you take in, the higher your calorie intake is and thus, slower weight loss. the best way too look at keto for me is to aim for 20 carbs or less, get your minimum protein amount to avoid muscle loss to (LBM in kg*1.5) which in my case is 120g protein and as low as fats as you can manage. for me, that would be 71g fat if i want 1200 calories a day. if i'm being particularly weak-willed that day, i'll up the fats to 104g fat and that's my absolute max because then i'll hit 1500 calories.

now you might look at this and say, wait a sec, don't you have high protein, moderate fat and low carb? that was my first thought when i was figuring out my diet but then i read a little closer and realized you need to base your diet on energy (read: calories) from these macronutrients. for example, each gram of fat is 9 calories. each gram of protein is 4 calories. using the above info, 120g protein is 480 calories and 71g fat is 639 calories (or 104g fat is 936 calories). based on calories, your fat content is much higher than your protein.

also, remember that r/keto can get away with constantly suggesting to raise the amount of fat in your diet because their main sources of protein are meats that are much lower in fats than your vegetarian counterparts. we don't have the luxury. the more protein we consume, we inadvertantly consume more fats. we vegetarians can't do this and need to watch our intake of avocados, sour cream, butter, etc...

sorry op, i got a little side-tracked in the middle of this comment and felt that the vegketo community might need some more clarification on certain things so i kept on writing. anyway, a lot of info in your guide is still pretty good! here's one more suggestion for people who don't know much about vitamins. even if you're not on keto, you should be taking a good multi (unless your diet is very balanced, and even then, i'd be skeptical!) these are by far the best ones i've ever had, and i've taken dozens of different brands. i've done some extreme manual labor in my day too and i definitely noticed the difference if i had one of these or not. regular multivitamins for meat eaters don't compare to this one for vegos.

u/monkeyfun14 · 10 pointsr/sex

Indeed the standard settings can be too powerful for some people.

You might consider a speed controller like this one:


I [M] have one for the wand I keep at home for worthy houseguests. :-)

u/LadyFaye · 10 pointsr/YouShouldKnow


My PT had me get this. I also have a small one shaped like a candy cane for long drives. Love this (especially since I can't own a single ball my dog doesn't assume is his).

u/talking_muffin · 10 pointsr/bigboobproblems

I use a massage hook that I got on amazon for like $30 - it might seem a little pricey for a knobby piece of rigid plastic but it’s SO worth it. I got this theracane but you could do a search for massage hook and see other options.

This is the only thing that helps me get deep enough pressure to relieve some of the knots. I got one for my father in law and he loves it too. Seriously a life saver!

u/chelbski-willis · 9 pointsr/AskWomen

This neck massager and this everywhere massager. No really, they're for massaging!

u/JackDostoevsky · 9 pointsr/veganketo

i just do a spoonfull of iodized table salt and a spoonful of NoSalt (potassium chloride for my potassium needs) in a 1 liter bottle of water. i won't chug it but drink it throughout the day.

i used to supplement magnesium but i haven't felt a need to in a long while.

u/slowest_clap · 9 pointsr/LifeProTips
u/BruinFootyFan · 9 pointsr/Coachella

As is this product. You can find individual tubes at most running stores or even Target. Easy to stow/pack in your back/fanny pack:

Original Nuun Active: Hydrating Electrolyte Tablets, Citrus Berry Mix, Box of 4 Tubes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001QW1L72/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_3.y9yb90HTNV4

u/cypherreddit · 9 pointsr/quiver

maybe try a power adjuster. Some are made just for the Hitachi


but even this should work


EDIT, not the second one, as it isnt actually a dimmer. but an actual inline dimmer would work

u/Ashcrack · 8 pointsr/tifu

I also have waxy ears and use olive oil drops instead of the hydrogen peroxide stuff then after a few days use one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/AcuLife-Ear-Wax-Removal-Syringe/dp/B000SOJXGA/. It's disgusting seeing all the wax come out in the sink but feels pretty amazing as well and it works great.

u/Soggy_Stargazer · 8 pointsr/AskElectronics

You need one of these.

u/twb2k8 · 8 pointsr/Fitness

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard. I've only tried Double Rich Chocolate and Chocolate Mint but they both taste great. I've been meaning to try Mocha Cappucino, however it's really expensive :(

u/LockyBalboaPrime · 8 pointsr/guns

Keep in mind that I'm speaking generally and I'm not covering all of the options. I don't have a medical background but I have taken a fucking shitload of classes over the years, easily in the 500+ hour range for survival, medical, first response, and trauma classes. I've also taught them many times but mostly at a lower level than what gunshots would be.

My IFAKs are for big bad things, I keep a small first aid pack for boo boos but normally those are rub dirt on it and duct tape it. My real IFAKs are for "oh god, this dude is going to die like right now" kind of wounds.

  1. Never buy anything from eBay.
  2. Never underpay for something. If 99 stores have it for $50 and you find it on sale for $5, it's fake. And fake medical equipment will literally get you killed. Suck it up, pay full price.
  3. Name brands cost more. Name brands also care about their kit and it matters.

    That in mind - all of my IFAKs are homemade. I get supplies in semi-bulk and make 10+ IFAKs because I literally have them everywhere and I rotate out old/expired stuff as needed. I shit you not that I have 4 in my shooting supplies, 1 in my kitchen, 2 in the workshop, 2 in the car, etc. It's not cheap but nothing in life is. If you don't want to be that fanatical about it, getting a kit might be cheaper if you're making one or two.

    All of mine MUST have:

  • Gloves
  • Tape
  • Pressure bandage
  • Clotting agent, normally sponges
  • Gauze
  • EMT shears
  • Tourniquet

    Other stuff like for burns, heatstroke, hypothermia, etc I have in some of my bags but not most of them.

    Cover the basics:

  • Adventure Medical Kit
  • CAT Tourniquet from NAR
  • Israeli Bandage
  • Madison EMT Shear
  • Condor Rip-Away EMT Bag

    There is some arguments that can be made about this setup that I won't get into, these are what I like and trust though. I also normally add some extra gloves, tape, gauze, and QuickClot to each bag.

    The Adventure Medical Kit is cheap and has the core stuff. Nice easy package too, quick to buy a few of them and stash them places if I don't have time to make real bags right then.

    Israeli Bandage is the gold standard for a compression bandage. Watch some YT on how to use one, maybe get to so that you can kill one right off the bat to learn how to use it. Remember - once a bandage is opened, it's use it or lose it. Don't need infections because you used a 5 year old bandage that was stored wrong.

    Madison shears are solid.

    I like CAT style tourniquets and I trust North American Rescue since they're one of the huge massive names in the market. All of mine are NAR CAT tourniquets.

    Condor gets a bad name because of Airsoft kids that wear their stuff all the time, but this bag is really nice. It's fairly cheap, for an IFAK bag, it holds a lot, it's sturdy, and the rip away is really nice. I keep these on the outside of my range bag mostly. The rip away is nice since I can just grab the handle and pull.

    Final note - remember that an IFAK isn't just for you to use. It's also for other people to use on you. Make sure they're marked as an IFAK. Mine are all either bright red with a medical cross on it or at least have a big red medical cross on it in a place that everyone can see.
u/elegy · 8 pointsr/todayilearned

I am affected by Seasonal Affection Disorder, my mind functions at an all time low during the winter time. Gives a true meaning to the winter blues. They sell lights that mimic the sun, just look up "SAD Light" on Amazon or something. I try to spend 30 minutes in front of it every morning during the winter. Unfortunately since I enjoy sleep so much I'm not always awake in time to use it before work and it only works for me if I stay consistent. Still, it might be something you'd like to look into. This is the light I use.

u/Jochanaan · 8 pointsr/askgaybros

Try pooping the way nature intended-by squatting. Read some of the reviews for a product that makes it easier here!

u/pokeraerae42 · 8 pointsr/The_Donald

I'm checking out their Amazon page and it's hilarious the description of how/why the squatty potty works. I wonder how many sales they're gonna make after the publicity of denouncing her. Probably more than they made with her commercial lol

u/scandinaviAnd3rson · 8 pointsr/TryingForABaby

A lot of people here use the MABIS thermometer and really like it. I just got a cheap one from Target and it works just fine. As far as OPKs, the Wondfo brand/other internet cheapies are really popular and super cheap compared to some of the digital ones (Clearblue, etc). It depends on your preference, though. My first time around I used the Clear Blue digital OPKs and I liked that they were cut and dry with their negative/positive response. This time I'm using Wondfos because they're much cheaper, although there is more room for interpretation with the negative/positive. You can check out /r/TFABLinePorn to see what pictures of positive/negative cheap OPKs look like. You can also get cheap HPTs bundles, too. Happy shopping!

MABIS Basal Thermometer, Digital BBT Thermometer, Basal Body Temperature Thermometer... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000O6YCZY/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_mdyrzbBGK3WVV

Wondfo Combo 50 LH Ovulation & 20 HCG Pregnancy Test Strips https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RY8UBNC/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_blyrzbS8T1B71

Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Ovulation Tests https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AOJ5R8W/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_ZlyrzbKCE31EJ

u/lyth · 7 pointsr/keto

"No Salt" my friends.


  • Serving size: 0.25 tsp
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories 0
  • Amount Per Serving and/or % Daily Value*
  • Total Fat 0g (0%)
  • Cholesterol 0mg (0%)
  • Sodium 0mg (0%)
  • Potassium 650mg (8%)
  • Total Carbohydrate 0g (0%)
  • Protein 0g
  • *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower based on your calorie needs.

    I also recommend Magnesium.
u/qualmick · 7 pointsr/TryingForABaby

The daily chat is likely winding down at this time of night (at least in north america)! So, most people recommend either the mabis or the easy@home. I like the MABIS - quiet beeps, temperature recall, no backlighting. Lots of people like the easy@home for the backlighting.

Most of us use fertility friend - it does the best job at using your data in predicting future cycles. Wanna help people do science and get a free VIP subscription? Join the BU presto study. You might want to take the free course they offer to get started on how to temp.

Lots of people use OPKs - most people buy wondfo brand OPKs and HPTs so we can piss on something if the wind blows. OPKs are useful for timing sex. HPTs are useful if you want to have a drink on 10DPO but you're a little worried. At least, that's the only use I've found for them. :)

Lots of people take prenatals - a multivitamin that has 400 mg of folic acid should have you covered, but y'know. Talk to your doctor. I'm guessing if you're in the WTT crowd you got this covered.

You'll also find that we have a stickied thread at the top of the subreddit that goes over the sub's rules, and has additional information. Searching the subreddit will also often find you the answers you seek, in a more timely fashion.

u/guardiancosmos · 7 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Welcome to the cult of Mabis, long may she reign.

u/Elemetrix · 7 pointsr/headphones

AcuLife Ear Wax Removal Syringe https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000SOJXGA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_G1W4xbKFNHY6T

Seriously two squirts of that and you'll think it did nothing. Followed by everything just falling out. It's gross and awesome.

u/ShesSoInky · 7 pointsr/sexover30

If its the classic hitachi that is corded, you can purchase a modulator. It will tame the roar to a very light rumble. The benefit being you can take the intensity up and down to your liking at the moment and its a hell of a lot of fun to tease a person with.

u/wabuson · 7 pointsr/Fitness

This is the greatest scale I have ever owned. Flawlessly accurate. The company is solid as well. I highly recommend it.

u/tokyorevelation9 · 7 pointsr/Sneakers


This is actually designed to remove pilling. Just lightly rub it over the pilled areas - don't push down hard on the fabric while using it.

u/halterscalter · 7 pointsr/Firearms

For those interested I did some research and decided to also purchase a couple of these ($8 each):

and 1 of these ($27):

There's plenty of Youtube explanations on how to use it, worth watching a few just so you don't need to be reading instructions when it counts.

u/PriusCop · 7 pointsr/securityguards

I wouldn’t recommend buying a “prebuilt” IFAK. They can get very expensive when you can build your own for half the price.


u/evilbit · 7 pointsr/motorcycles

vinegar solution will do the trick, guaranteed, along with some patience, elbow grease, and a few microfiber cloths.

if you haven't cleaned them in a while, get some leather honey and work that in after cleaning them thoroughly. let them rest for 24-48h and you'll be blown away with the end result.

u/KellyeTheGreat · 7 pointsr/confession
u/Mighty_Andraste · 7 pointsr/beyondthebump

Not sure if you’re set on music, but Lectrofan has 10 fan sounds and 10 colored noise sounds (white, brown, etc) - it has the option to turn on and play forever or you can set it for an hour if you want.

u/EnglishSubtitles · 7 pointsr/Brooklyn

I second and third all the previous comments that suggest contacting your community board, city councilman and other elected officials.

Since you're the parent of a newborn, you need immediate help to improve the situation. So I suggest getting a white noise sound machine to help you and the kids sleep. Here's one I found on [Amazon]
(https://www.amazon.com/Adaptive-Sound-Technologies-LectroFan-Non-Looping/product-reviews/B00E6D6LQY) but there seem to be many good options. Good luck!

u/Dj_Green · 6 pointsr/Sneakers

You can order this from Amazon. Or you can go to Walmart and buy this. I think a lint roller might do the job as well.

u/AK47Uprising · 6 pointsr/preppers

Pizza's idea of the Sawyer was an excellent suggestion and would be one of my top recommendations as well. To hit some other categories for ideas:


u/FuckYouImFunny · 6 pointsr/IAmA

Leather needs to be moisturized, otherwise it will crack and ruin. I can't imagine your bag will last longer than 10 years in the Saudi desert.

I use this on my shoes, daresay you can probably use something similar (leather conditioner) on your bag. I use a spongey type of material to apply it, works surprisingly well.

u/minerva_qw · 6 pointsr/vegan

This stuff is highly rated on Amazon, and according to their website:

>Leather Honey is free of animal products, silicone and solvents as well.

u/DesolationRobot · 6 pointsr/InteriorDesign

A note on his option C is that we've been trained that indoor light is 2700-3000K. We call that "warm white". Anything higher than that reminds us not generally of the sun, but of large laboratories or warehouses and harsh fluorescent light. It's just a subconscious thing. But easy to try: buy one bulb and see how you like it. IMO, it will look very cold, almost blue. But maybe you like that.

They do make lamps to simulate daylight for people with Seasonal Affected Disorder. Maybe check out products like this.

u/spaceheater · 6 pointsr/BabyBumps

I just have to second the Squatty Potty! Makes a world of difference! http://www.amazon.com/Squatty-Potty-Ecco-Toilet-Stool/dp/B007BISCT0

u/SpringCleanMyLife · 6 pointsr/mildlyinteresting

Squatting on ceramic toilets is incredibly dangerous! I'm sorry that happened to you but glad you didn't die, or something.

Have you tried a squatty potty? Best thing ever. The poop slides out like butter.

u/haoleboykailua · 6 pointsr/Seattle

My parents bought me a “happy light” when I first started feeling the winters. I think it helped... but I found that exercise was the real noticeable difference.

u/MarkJay2 · 6 pointsr/AskNYC

Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_vwcKDbWQFF63N

These kind of light boxes are supposed to be work wonders for seasonal depression. Might wind up getting myself one..I hate fall and winter.

u/thefirststoryteller · 6 pointsr/mentalhealth

Bought my fiancee this one and it really did wonders until she put it away during spring cleaning. Now we just need to figure out where it is....

u/MyNameIsRay · 6 pointsr/tifu

From someone else with waxy ass ears:

Hot shower, let some water flow in so everything softens up, then use a wax removal tool instead of a q-tip. These are designed to scoop out wax, q-tips basically just push it further down (which can cause an impaction, which isn't pleasant).

If things get bad, a warm saline rinse works wonders, use a syringe and preferably have someone else do it to you. It's really hard to do yourself.

u/onefunkynote · 6 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I have the same problem and it happens quite often. Use this shit along with these and you are all set.

u/wetshrinkage · 6 pointsr/vegetarian

I've had a good experience with Deva Vegan Vitamins.

They cost $18, but it's for 6 months worth of vitamins. You're paying $0.70 per week to keep your body health. I'd say it's a worthwhile investment.

u/shiseido_red · 6 pointsr/sex

I don't have one, but I've read about people using dimmer switches to get more control over the intensity. You want one that you can plug into the wall and plug the wand into the other end. Here's one on Amazon marketed for the Hitachi, but I want to say that Ikea sells a very affordable one that works pretty well. Good luck!

u/mrsbunez · 6 pointsr/intermittentfasting

Thank you!!!

I started about 10 months ago and, admittedly, have been a bit more lax the last couple months.

Fasting: I'm a workaholic with a mentally demanding job. Usually, I do 20:4 because it means I can work 10ish hours straight and plow through everything I need to do in the day. If I do 16:8, it's a high protein snack midday (like greek yogurt or string cheese) and then a meal after work.

Diet: Normally, I eat about 1200-1400 calories per day. On average, 35% is protein, 32% carbs, and 33% fat. I try to keep carbs at about 100g/day and to make sure protein is higher. With the 20:4, it's often a struggle to get to 1200 because I'm eating one meal and then piecemealing the additional calories I need! When needed, I'll have a protein shake (I love Gold Standard Double Rich Chocolate) to boost my protein.

Exercise: As far as working out, I average 6 days a week, but half of those days it's walking (about 60-120 minutes). The other days I run or, if the weather is poor, hop on the elliptical. Sometimes I'll do both if I'm feeling particularly motivated! I aim for at least 7000 steps but always try for more.

Tools: I use a FitBit charge and MyFitnessPal to log my food. I really like how easy MFP is for food logging and it connects with the FitBit app so I'm not having to do stuff twice.

Hope that helps!!

u/bob_mcbob · 6 pointsr/loseit

How much over 400 pounds? This EatSmart scale is highly rated and has a 440 pound capacity.

u/ThatDaveyGuy · 5 pointsr/videos

If you live in the jungle!


this thing is incredible

u/anachronic · 5 pointsr/vegan

> B12, which is primarily an animal-produced vitamin

Actually, it's produced by bacteria, not animals.

DEVA makes an awesome vegan multi that's loaded with B12. That one pill is all you need unless a doctor has prescribed something extra.

u/tizenkotoko · 5 pointsr/theketodiet

I use this stuff called Nuun, it is an unsweetened tablet that dissolves in whatever you drop it in. Has all your needed "iums" (sodium, potassium, magnesium) to get you through the day if you're like me and don't eat a ton of salt and avocados. Amazon link

u/Flask_of_Amontillado · 5 pointsr/AskWomen

PM: drink a full bottle of water before laying down.

AM: two advil, then two bottles of water with [electrolyte tabs,] (http://www.amazon.com/Nuun-Active-Hydration-Electrolyte-Enhanced/dp/B001QW1L72) and scrambled eggs.

u/Hotblack_Desiato_ · 5 pointsr/xxfitness

I really like Nuun, but it's a bit pricey.

u/yaaaaay_beer · 5 pointsr/BurningMan

This is another great electrolyte drink. I like the "citrus" flavor, it's grapefruity.

u/tedfletcher · 5 pointsr/cycling

Let's start with the 3 beers x 150 cal each = 450 calories.

Then I'd consider dropping the chocolate, beef jerkey & candy (keep the granola) and consider trying these.

Instead of relying just on eating, you can also add these to your water bottles for rejuvenating powers.

Good luck, keep riding, and if you actually want to lose weight, it sounds like your diet is the place to start. Check out /r/fitness & /r/weightroom

u/obsessivesnuggler · 5 pointsr/sex

Depends on the motor. Some are designed to operate at certain speeds and voltage.

Looking at the picture of a teardown the unit seems very sturdy so it can probably handle drop in torque.

Best bet is to buy dedicated dimmer with electronics that wont risk motor burnout or fire: https://www.amazon.com/Wand-Massager-Speed-Controller-Hitachi/dp/B001TJ6MWQ

u/neuenono · 5 pointsr/sex

Yep, here are some online options:
I can vouch for the second one, even though it's not "for" a magic wand.

u/Spun_Bearing · 5 pointsr/Fitness

Those bastards! I was on the Amazon page looking at the price of $25.99 and wondering how much of a savings I was about to score, then they raised the price by $9 and give you an $8 "discount"???

Example: Here is the chocolate 2lb, still listed at $25.99

u/thehuntofdear · 5 pointsr/P90X

This wiki/blog post is helpful but here is a past comment I made as an answer:

  • A fitness mat (thicker) is nice for the plyo day (easier on the knees) but you otherwise want a thinner mat (e.g., yoga mat).

  • Resistance bands or weights. I have bands and might break down and buy weights. It is just easier and more intuitive. They are fairly expensive though...

  • Pull-up bar. I think this bar works well and it's not too hard to put together. Bonus: bands.

  • Chair for certain exercises.

  • Yoga blocks. I have not used them and you can get away without them but I can see their use. They make stretches easier (or harder) and are demonstrated in p90x.

  • Protein shake and bars. I hear the p90x products are actually very good but they're definitely expensive. I opted for Optimum Nutrition Whey Powder with a cheap blender bottle and these bars after a little research on /r/fit and google.

  • Lots of water and even more motivation! It feels like such an accomplishment after each day though. Off to go do Plyo for week 3!

    Ninja Edit: Heart rate monitor and push up bars are two very optional but very useful items that I plan to invest in soon.
u/kickstand · 5 pointsr/photography
u/some_keto_man · 5 pointsr/keto

I have one of the Eatsmart scales and it is very accurate. I let it re-calibrate every time I use it. Tap it, let it re-calibrate, then weight. On a very rare occasion it will be off a little. I weight myself twice and if it gets the same both times I record that. On a rare occasion it will take three weigh ins to get two that are the same. Make sure you are standing up straight and standing still. Also weight wearing the same thing for each weigh in, for me that is just my boxers.

Scale I have and would recommend: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032TNPOE

If your partner is not attracted to your more healthful appearance it is time to discuss it with them and consider a new kind of weight loss (ex partner).

u/Ken_Thomas · 5 pointsr/BuyItForLife

I got an EatSmart Precision Plus - mostly because the screen lights up when you step on it, so I don't have to turn on the lights to see the readout, but also because I was kind of blown away by the Amazon review score. 5 stars with over 7000 reviews is unreal.

But anyway, the part that is relevant to you is that the platform is really big. Plus, it's consistent and seems pretty reliable.

u/MasterZii · 5 pointsr/askscience

Okay... so why is a prescription required for 10meq of potassium, but I can just buy this from amazon? https://www.amazon.com/NoSalt-Sodium-Free-Salt-Alternative-11/dp/B000H185N6

If it's so dangerous, shouldn't I not be able to buy this online??? It's really confusing

u/paperina100 · 5 pointsr/TryingForABaby

A cheap basal thermometer is just fine to get started. Lots of people like the easy@home one because it stores many previous temps and is backlit. If you want super basic, I used this one for awhile...it has no back light and only stores one previous temp, but it does the job.

u/Jrscout · 5 pointsr/TryingForABaby

When Mabis is recommended, the nine dollar basal thermometer is what's meant. =)

u/Gotcha38 · 5 pointsr/climbing
u/dinohead · 5 pointsr/trees

Related: the Theracane. Best 30$ I've ever spent, it's helped me get rid of knots that hundreds of $ of physical therapy and professional massages couldn't do. Getting high on a good indica and using the theracane is simply outstanding.

Typical reaction from friends: "what the hell is that", 2 minutes later they're ordering their own.

u/SweetKri · 5 pointsr/massage

Invest in a TheraCane. And bringing your shoulders all the way forward, as far as you can, then all the way up, then all the way back, then letting them drop, can help them loosen a bit.

u/SouthRim · 5 pointsr/IWantToLearn

Massage Cane
I've never used one, but have heard here and elsewhere that these are fantastic.

u/periwinkleravenclaw · 5 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

I have no idea, but this is the one that I have:


I apparently purchased it in 2013 and haven't had any problems with it.

u/OITD · 5 pointsr/hockeyjerseys

Use the first method. The second (like a sweater/fabric shaver) works best on pilling, not pulls in fabric.

u/Mathias_Mouse · 5 pointsr/lifehacks

Can't tell what kind of fabric that is, but if the fabric is smooth (like a typical cotton t-shirt), try a Fabric Defuzzer. I used it to remove those annoying white piles (pills?). Used on my gf's bra. While she's wearing it.
Jk about the last part.


u/CL_3F · 5 pointsr/bugout

Always better to build one yourself.

Here's mine. Might give you some ideas.

6x6 Med Pouch (Modified with fingernail polish)

  1. Personal prescription meds inside quart ziploc for additional water resistance.
  2. 2x 4inch Gauze rolls
  3. 8x 4x4 sterile gauze pads
  4. 2x tampons 2x menstrual pads (these are meant more for backups for wife rather than wound care)
  5. 4x pair sterile surgical gloves
  6. 4x 4x4 tegaderm
  7. various butterfly closures and bandaids
  8. 1x triangle bandage
  9. Immodium & Pepto tabs
  10. Tylenol
  11. [redacted because people lack reading comprehension and I'm not going to debate it.]
  12. 2x Epi Pen (These are in case I have a run in with sunflower seeds.)
  13. 10x Alcohol swab
  14. Burn gel (the lidocane is good for more then just burns.) x10
  15. Antibiotic ointment x10
  16. Sting wipes x10
  17. 1x tweezers
  18. 1x tick remover
  19. Medipore tape
  20. Clotting Sponges
  21. Shears
  22. Israeli Bandage x2
  23. Chest Vent
  24. CAT Gen3
  25. SAM splint
  26. Hibiclens
  27. Mini USB light
  28. Bic Pen

    Not all of this fits inside the med pouch itself. It's meant for quick access to the critical items.
u/call_me_cthulhu_ · 5 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

if you cant take a nightly poop this will apparently help you ;D

u/kanemalakos · 5 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

There are products like the Squatty Potty designed to put you in the right position while you sit on the toilet.

u/MyHairIsParticular · 5 pointsr/TrollXChromosomes

Honey, do you have a squatty potty and bidet? You could probably find both of them for around sixty bucks and they will change your pooping forever. I've also heard of people making their own squatty pottys from some wood and screws to save the $$$.

I know this wont stop the pooping, but it will make it more bearable.

Source: I poop a lot.

Bidet options: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=a9_asi_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aluxe+bidet&keywords=luxe+bidet&ie=UTF8&qid=1494437956

Squatty potty: https://www.amazon.com/Squatty-Potty-Original-Bathroom-Toilet/dp/B00ESKVN7W/

u/tengo_sueno · 5 pointsr/tangentiallyspeaking

Squatty Potty = no feet on seat

u/platypuslost · 5 pointsr/Nanny

If it’s not on Amazon Prime, I’m not interested! 😂

I have this little guy and it works just fine!

u/hellamellow · 5 pointsr/hsp

A light for seasonal affective disorder has been a life saver for me!

When it’s gloomy out, and we have less exposure to the sun’s rays, our bodies produce less serotonin. I think we HSPs are often especially affected by this, I know I get super blue when it’s dark all day. I get really tired, too.

Light therapy has really worked for me and I’m glad I found it! I highly recommend getting a lamp for light therapy. There are a bunch on amazon. Here’s their best seller’s description:

Our brain’s chemistry and body clock are affected by light, and light stimulates hormones and neurotransmitters that greatly influence our overall feelings of well-being. Bright light exposure early in the day stimulates our body's production of serotonin (which improves mood and happiness) and regulates melatonin in the evening (which promotes sleep). Adding a HappyLight to your daily routine allows you to stimulate the production of these important hormones naturally, to keep your body running like clockwork.


I use one that’s also an alarm clock. It gradually wakes me up with a “sunrise” and sounds of birds chirping, so nice :)

I hope you give it a try and feel a boost in your mood and energy! <3

u/explainmypayplease · 4 pointsr/CanadaPublicServants

I would have silently gifted her this. Because, fun fact, squatting is actually the most efficient way to get shit done (pun intended). Maybe she just wanted to be as efficient as possible and get back to work as soon as she could?

In conclusion, to be efficient at work but also to avoid the whole unhygienic footprints-on-toilet-seat situation, the solution is the Squatty Potty!!!

u/cheerful_cunt · 4 pointsr/xxfitness

There are a few things that have helped me, but your mileage may vary.

  1. controlling caffeine intake. I need to stop drinking coffee by 4 to go to sleep at 11 and get good sleep. My tolerance for caffeine is extremely high though, so lots of people need to stop caffeine intake earlier.

  2. hydration. It's a difficult balance because I need to be very well hydrated, but not getting up to pee at night. Usually, dowining my 24oz bottle of water 2-3 hours before bed does the trick. Two of them if I didn't drink much that day.

  3. This is my best tip. This is the tip that made me to from taking hours to fall asleep and getting shit sleep afterwards to falling asleep on the way to my bed and waking up the freshest woman alive (slight exaggeration, but only slight). Lights they use to treat seasonal depression. I got myself one and set it in my periferal vision for 30-60min while I drink my coffee first thing in the morning. This was the one I got: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00K08ZDBI (Edit in case anyone doesn't read further in the thread: /u/stoppage_time brought up the fact that this could be dangerous for someone with bipolar tendencies - mania is a possible side effect. Worked out well for me, but I have depressive tendencies; talk to your doctor first!)

    Bonus point: I found that anything more than one alcoholic drink messes with my sleep a lot. Still worth it occasionally, but it's now a conscious trade off for me.

    Edit: oh my do I make a lot of mistakes typing on my phone
u/kylorenunderwear · 4 pointsr/littlespace

There's a special lamp on Amazon that's supposed to help with SAD, here's a link.

u/fusilli_zaitsev · 4 pointsr/Gunpla

To further your point a bit, I'd suggest a therapy lamp. I don't suffer from seasonal depression per se, but I do notice an uptick in energy with these types of lamps. I don't think you should use lamps like these all day long, but an hour or two here and there while modeling seems to be a good amount.

u/lifeisfractal · 4 pointsr/xxfitness

I'm team #thickthighssavelives, so I can't get much relief from foam rolling my hamstrings. My three part method (this can be adapted for glutes too, or any part of your body that might be too fatty to foam roll effectively):

  1. I take a hot shower or bath to loosen things up
  2. I dig into any trigger points with the Body Back Buddy
  3. I stretch.
u/HolyNapoli · 4 pointsr/May2018Bumpers

I’ve got a bad one right now. I use a sinus rinse and also this tool as my headaches go into my shoulders and neck. It really helps.

u/wellwasherelf · 4 pointsr/fasting

Regular salt is fine. Pink Himalayan (or <insert current trend here>) salt isn't really different, nutrition wise. It has more trace elements in it but the concentration is so low that it hardly matters. I haven't fasted in a while, but when I do extended (7+ day) fasts, I use regular kosher salt for Sodium (because that's what I have laying around in my kitchen), and NoSalt for Potassium. You can buy Epsom Salt and take bath/foot bath with it for Magnesium (it absorbs through the skin) or I think there are pills you can buy.

Sodium/Potassium/Magnesium are the 3 main electrolytes to worry about. I've never bothered with supplementing Magnesium, but it really depends on the person. Just look up the RDI (daily intake) for those minerals and do like 1-1.5x that. I dissolve the salt+nosalt in water and shotgun it 2x/day to meet the daily intake value.

Also, please be careful with fasting if you have a preexisting ED. I'm not here to mother you or anything, but if you're already predisposed, it could push you into anorexia or worsen your bulimia. I'd try a Keto OMAD first, if it were me.

u/sasunnach · 4 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Just noticed that the temps you gave go to only one decimal place. If you do decide to temp, whether regularly or periodically, you need to get a thermometer that does two decimal places. The one you have is unfortunately pretty useless for temping. You can get the Easy@Home or Mabis BBT from Amazon for pretty cheap. I have an Easy@Home BBT and like it a lot. I temp vaginally with it. It has a blue backlight and recalls your last 30 temps.

u/ruck_my_life · 4 pointsr/Fitness

n=1 anecdotal, but I have similar issues that make a six hour night a rare treat...and it usually comes in two three hour spurts with a nice 30-45 minute waking period in there. So I have to temper expectations - I can only go so far so quickly without appropriate rest.

For context, I'm running nSuns' Five Day variant, so I have about 48 hours between upper and lower body workouts, and I also do Special Forces-type endurance training (core, rucking, running, swimming, etc.)

Honestly I drink a ton of water (128-164 ozs a day). My gym has a steam room, so I use that for 10 minutes after every workout. On days I don't go to the gym, I literally crank my shower and sit on the toilet for ten minutes. I also got a Theracane which I use on tomorrow's muscle group(s) for 25-30 minutes before I try to go to sleep. I literally just sit there and dig in while I watch an old It's Always Sunny or something. I've also found that heated yoga once or twice a week is really beneficial from a muscular and also a mental/emotional standpoint.

TL;DR: Hydration and steam/heat/trigger point massage work for me.

u/bhigh · 4 pointsr/popping

Get an ear cleaning tool. Something like this or this.

You can use a squeeze bulb, but the specially designed ones work better. I have the cheaper one, it works fine.

u/Tyranith · 4 pointsr/asmr

qtips are quite awful for your ears honestly, you'll shove earwax down into your ear canal where it can become impacted. Do what nvader suggested. My personal method is to use olive oil eardrops (earwax is soluble in oil and it's also good for your skin) then flush with something like this. As orchestral_design mentioned be careful because your ears are more vulnerable to infection for a few days.

u/SemiPornoStatuette · 4 pointsr/vegan

We just take these.

No issues. Sometimes there's a little too much B-2 in there + your regular diet, and you pee bright (and I mean neon) yellow, but it's not harmful. It's just how your body gets rid of it.

We downgraded to only taking these in our house, and so far nobody's having any issues (and my SO gets blood tested a LOT due to unrelated issues)

Edit: We were doing this + B-12 shots, and it turns out we were getting way too much B-12. Which isn't going to do anything but literally piss money away.

u/alligatorsallaroundd · 4 pointsr/vegan

Deva Vegan Vitamins Daily Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement 90 tablets (Pack of 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GAOHVG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_LJ9rzbNZXYYZN

u/notzak · 4 pointsr/vegan

Okay, here it is

HOWEVER, I would strongly urge you to consider tracking your nutrition with cronometer.com for a week honestly and seeing whether you actually have deficiencies before going straight to supplementation. Iron and calcium are abundant in a vegan diet (beans and nuts and seeds and leafy greens and tofu!), and too much iron is not a good thing if you supplement on top!

After tracking with cronometer, I've found that the only thing I really need is B12 (which I get a daily deva sublingual) and a vegan D3 for the wintertime.

u/lnfinity · 4 pointsr/vegan

You can get vitamin B12 by eating fortified foods, but taking a supplement is a good idea to make sure you are getting enough. It costs no more than 5 cents per day. You can also just take a multivitamin for less than 10 cents per day.

u/katemurphyumbc · 4 pointsr/keto

I purchase nuun electrolyte tablets on Amazon and they do the trick also!


u/Uniwang · 4 pointsr/sex

Yea, amazon has it for $24 or so. brrrrrrrr

u/hey12delila · 4 pointsr/Supplements

Protein powder is normally low in calories and won't "bulk" you up. It is however delicious and very filling. Most people around here (including me) recommend Optimum Nutrition as it mixes well and has very few additives.

u/poopmanscoop · 4 pointsr/Sneakers

You need to get your hands on a sweater shaver. A buddy of mine fixed the suede inserts on his seats that looked just like this. Then you can use a suede brush to make it look like new.

u/golson3 · 4 pointsr/nursing

For immediate lifesaving type stuff, without any tools or resources at your disposal, it seems like you did alright. If you want to assess more quickly in the future, you have to throw out the head to toe assessment that is more in tune with what we do with a stable patient on a med surg unit. In the military, we got some really basic instruction on casualty assessment, focused on what we can do at the scene to help save a life. Identifying injuries and relaying that to first responders is a big one. So is identifying arterial bleeding and doing something about it. The nemonic device we had was "rub both balls slowly for better head".







Head injury

You might want to keep a BP cuff, CAT (you can probably find them cheaper), a NPA, and some pressure dressings like the Israeli bandage in the trunk of your car. Be able to call out injuries to the paramedics when they get there to save them time. Also, if they have neck/head/back pain, try to get them to minimize movement as much as possible. We used this book when I was in, but they don't let Joe Blow start IVs anymore:


ETA: look for stuff you can do something about, in addition for information to relay. If you see copious bleeding, get pressure on it or apply a tourniquet (if on a limb). If their face is all smashed up or or they're unresponsive but still have a pulse and are breathing, put a NPA in.

u/ketocorral · 4 pointsr/ADHD

HAHA, I have also self diagnosed myself with this. Good old Google. A constant resource for the hypochondriacs!

I use a therapy light in the mornings to mid afternoon to help combat this (especially in the winter when I'm totally thrown off schedule) - these are the two I recommend:



Both well worth the money in my opinion. I use the little one at work and when I travel, and I use the larger one at home.

u/7121958041201 · 4 pointsr/AskMen

Nope, but I do have both :) those salt rock lamps look pretty cool. You might hear SAD lamps called light boxes, they look like this and are basically ridiculously bright lights that make your body think the sun is up.

u/Bread_Design · 4 pointsr/LifeProTips

Buy a sun lamp! You can find them on amazon for ~$70. It changed my life when I got it. The first time I used it for 45 minutes at work, and for the rest of the day I just couldn't stop laughing at stuff. It was extremely odd because I was just smiling and feeling good. My friend bought one before I did, and told me about how absolutely amazing it was. He had always been dealing with depression and ever since he got one he said he's been so much better. He wakes up in the morning (around 5:45 for work) and uses it for 30-45 minutes while he brushes his teeth and gets ready.

It also warns how you shouldn't use it within 3 hours of going to bed because it'll mess with your sleep schedule.

It's also super great for the real busy/lazy. I use it for 45 minutes a day while I'm gaming or at work.

edit: this is the link to the one I have.

u/KeithFuckingMoon · 4 pointsr/trashy
u/stronglikedan · 4 pointsr/KratomKorner

As a 1 oz/day user, I poop regularly at 8 am each day. I even wake up at 8 to poop on days when I can normally sleep in. I rarely poop twice in a day.

I just make sure I do two things:

  1. Drink a 32oz tumbler of ice water with each dose. (I drink 4-5 of those a day anyway.)
  2. Eat a high fiber breakfast. (my fav)

    Another thing that helps, but is not necessary, is a squatty potty. I used to use it only when constipated (when on other opiates), but now I use it as much as possible, because it just feels right.

    Finally, when nothing else works, a 1/3 - 1/2 bottle of tart cherry juice will get things moving.

    The only thing that will for-sure-every-time constipate me is the capsules, so I avoid those like the plague.
u/thatsitthatsright · 4 pointsr/IBD
u/Snickershine · 4 pointsr/badroommates

I'm having motherfucking flashbacks goddamn.
Sounds just like the room mate I kicked out of MY apt last night because he wanted to stay an extra day because he's tired oh boo hoo.

Oh! And about the light! I too am a very light sleeper! I have all the good suggestions for you, friend!!! So, I have a noise maker.
Best one on the market, changed my gd life. My fiance snores. Even when she is quite loud, I just put it all the way up, right next to my head and I can sleep. Not the most comfortable way to sleep but I can still sleep!

I wear earplugs. Have since I was 11.
AAAND if I need to I wear a sleep mask. Soft thing. Takes a bit to get used to but it's so nice.
I use it every night because my fiance's fan light in her computer is bright green! So bright I can see it a bit through my eyelids! But it's okay because I have my nice mask!

God the more I read the more I nod my head. Mine was the same! Just seeing him made me seethe.
Now I would probably care some if he died. But I've had room mates where I did feel this way about. Bye.

He also chases after my fiance's exes and tries to run her friends off. So fucked.

One time he acted like her being in the hospital was an inconvenience and actually was arguing with me over text while I sat next to her hospital bed. And recently, my dog split her head open on the corner of a wall when she got scared and he SIGHED. Like this long sigh!! I couldn't believe it. Since that happened I have not been able to forgive him. We had to take her to an after hours vet because her poor head was POURING blood. Makes me sick to remember.

Who feels that way about an innocent animal? A bad person that I don't want to associate with anymore, that's who. Toxic, selfish fuck.

u/Deyterkerjerbzz · 4 pointsr/gifs

Do you have a Squatty Potty yet?! [What a time to be alive. ](Squatty Potty The Original Bathroom Toilet Stool 7"- White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ESKVN7W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_cDSIybGFRKQG9)

u/raijba · 3 pointsr/malefashionadvice

I use this battery operated fabric shaver and it works really well. My backpack still causes more pilling even after the first shave, so the pilling problem is ongoing. If using such a shaver, you have to be careful that you don't shave too much as it can put a hole in your fabric if it's thin enough or has been shaved too many times.

u/advicevice · 3 pointsr/Survival

Came here to mention Hemcon, QuikClot and the Israeli Battle Dressing

Also a tourniquet is a must, emergency shears are a good idea as well.

u/Superted79 · 3 pointsr/AskReddit
u/Paul_Swanson · 3 pointsr/Survival

> fully-equipped backpack ready for a survival experience ... in areas of woodland

I say your first step is to make a very specific goal. Like "Survive in the woods by myself for 3 days in the winter" or "Travel through the woods with another person for 7 days in the summer".

Then what's your budget? Target weight?

I like to use the survival rule of threes and start at the beginning

  • 3 minutes without air
  • 3 hours without shelter
  • 3 days without water
  • 3 weeks without food

    Then once you've bought your gear, test it. Maybe you have a broken item. Maybe it's hard to use without modification. Maybe you're just awful at starting fires.

    I'll give you one suggestion to start with: a compression bandage. Can't live that long without blood, can you?
u/OddTheViking · 3 pointsr/VEDC

Large gauze pads or bandages and cloth first aid tape. In my experience most injuries that are not a sprained or broken limb are going to be large scrapes or cuts.

If you are worried about more serous injury, some quick-clot and some larger bandages. I carry an "Israeli" bandage which is designed for gunshot wounds. Unlikely I will need it for that, but I am more likely to see an accident with a knife, axe, or saw.

As others have said, a couple Ace type bandages and a SAM splint.

For less serious stuff, some moleskin (for blisters), burn cream, cortizone cream, and some OTC meds:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Anti-diarrhea
  • Benadryl
  • Anti-gas
  • Phenylephrin (decongestant)

    I also have some prescription pain killers left over from a surgery (Tylenol with codeine) and some indomethacin ( anti-inflammation used to treat gout)

    On top of that I always have at least a couple days of prescription meds.
u/Maximum_Ordinate · 3 pointsr/Hunting

Buy yourself a decent bolt action .22 or a shotgun, a good 3-5" fixed blade knife, a blaze orange hat or vest, and a decent little first aid kit (don't forget a tourniquet).

Step 1: Take a hunters safety/education class.

Some states have classes exclusively for adults. This will give you some basic, but good info on gun/bow safety and state laws pertaining to hunting. In addition, they should have pamphlets that will outline the different hunting seasons, game animals, invasive species, and state/federal hunting areas.

These classes might also help you meet some more experienced folks who could bring you along or offer some valuable advice.

Step 2: Learn how to use your gear.

Your ability with your gear can mean the difference between success and failure on the hunt--and in some cases life and death (especially pertaining to your med kit).

Let's start with the rifle. I like bolt action .22's. You can get a very accurate gun and learn how to use it for very little money. Using a bolt action .22 with iron sights forces the shooter to learn the fundamentals of marksmanship, building a solid foundation for the future.

I like the Savage MkII and the Ruger American.

With either rifle I'd recommend adding a peep sight and a regular 2 point sling.
Both are accurate and inexpensive rifles that you can shoot day in and day out for years.

You should be able to find a range with at least 50 yards to sight in (aka zero) your rifle. If you need guidance here, there are plenty of online resources, however, you'd do better to ask an experienced shooter for a hand. Be sure to use the same ammo for zero and hunting.

For shotguns you can't beat the versatility of a Remington 870 or Mossberg 500. Get either gun in 12 or 20 gauge. The beauty of these two is that you are always a simple barrel change away from being able to shoot birdshot (birds small game) or slugs (everything else).

With a good .22 and a good shotgun, you should be able to hunt most wild game in North America. There are better calibers and rifles for specific hunting applications but those two will do it all.

What I don't recommend for hunting rifles/shotguns and why:

1 I don't like scopes (at first). Forcing yourself to learn on iron sights means you develop a firm foundation in the fundamentals. I remember wanting a scope for my .22 so bad, so my dad made me a deal. I had to kill 100 red squirrels or starlings and 10 groundhogs before he'd let me add a scope. It took me the better part of a summer to accomplish this but I walked away from that summer being able to put lead on just about anything within 150 yards of that little rifle.

2 I don't like autoloaders (at first). Simply because shooting a bolt gun means you have one, maybe two shots to get the job done. You learn to make ever shot count. Once you are proficient, go wild.

3 I don't like tactical/tacticool rifles for beginners or really hunting for that matter. They are usuallly auto loaders (see #2), heavier, and more expensive. You don't feel so bad taking your $230 Savage through brambles, tripping over roots and dropping it, or leaning it up against a rusty fence post. If you don't trust me, look at what the professional hunters use.

Extras: buy a quality, brass rod cleaning kit and some decent gun oil (or CLP) for deep cleans. Keep a [Bore Snake](.22 .223 .25 CAL Bore Snake Cleaner Kit Cord Rope Brass https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JKSNVTK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XRfGzbN7P8Z58) in an extra pocket for the times you get dirt or debris in the barrel.

Get yourself a good knife. I always have my pocket knife (a CRKT M21-02G) and a skinner when I'm hunting.

For a pocket knife use what suits you. For a skinner I really like knives like the Schrade Old Timer 158 for general skinning and this blade from Ontario Knife.

You also need a good way to keep your knives sharp. I've had a lot of luck with the. [Lansky System](Lansky Deluxe 5-Stone Sharpening System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000B8IEA4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_85fGzbBRJDH6K).

Last, please get yourself a decent med kit. Too many people have died in the woods due to a knife accident or gun accident that could have been easily treated.

You can easily make yourself a basic kit or buy one like [this](Ever Ready First Aid Meditac Tactical Trauma IFAK Kit with Trauma Pack Quickclot and Israeli Bandage in Molle Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GAAMS2M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_iagGzb76NGQZJ) pre-made.

This kit has everything you need except for a tourniquet like [this](Tourniquet - (Black) Recon Medical Gen 3 Mil-Spec Kevlar Metal Windlass Aluminum Lightweight First Aid Tactical Swat Medic Pre-Hospital Life Saving Hemorrhage Control Registration Card (1 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ETMVQOI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fcgGzbSAMKAWS) and an Israeli Bandage like [this](Ever Ready Bandage Battle Dressing First Aid Compression Bandage, 6 Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003DPVERM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_1cgGzb9C9H5WP).

You can learn to use all this stuff over the course of an hour via YouTube. You would do better to find a nurse, paramedic, or Navy Corpsman to give you a crash course in the use of the contents of your IFAK. If you can find a Corpsman, they are probably the best for this kind of thing. Lots of good tips and tricks for field use...plus you can pay them in beer.

Don't forget to add extras like any medication you might need, chapstick, Bayer aspirin (good for headaches and heart attacks), a little tube of antibacterial ointment, and a couple fabric bandages.

If you won't carry this on your person, keep it in your vehicle.

For good practice I like squirrel and rabbit hunting. Makes you consider a lot about safety, a lot about taking only the good shots, plus they are easy to clean and good to eat.

Last learn how to use what you kill.

If you are hunting varmits, that is one thing. I shoot invasive species (when legal), and varmits that are causing a nuisance and that is reason enough for me.

If you are hunting anything else for exclusively for sport, please use it. You can use some of the books referenced earlier to learn about skinning and field dressing. I like to watch shows like Meat Eater, to learn better ways to use the meat I've harvested. Once you get into cooking game meat, you will wonder why you ever went to the store for meat.

Just don't forget that hunting is about stewardship and learning. It's a lifelong pursuit that is very rewarding.

Always be safe, always be ethical, always be responsible, always have fun.

Edit: If you ever find yourself in south central or southwest Michigan, I can help you with anything I've outlined above. I'm a lifelong hunter, a lifelong shooter, a small arms instructor in the military, a certified combat lifesaver, and a decent game cook.

u/nikils · 3 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

If you haven't tried this stuff, I can highly recommend it. I treated my Clark's leather boots with it, and when I accidentally brushed against paint, it cleaned right off. I haven't tried it on serious scratches, but it might be worth a try.

u/Sir_Meowsalot · 3 pointsr/everymanshouldknow

This is actually quite a timely post. I just bought a bunch of leather cleaning products and conditioning for my leather jackets and boots.

My goods:

u/AllThatIsSolidMelts · 3 pointsr/BuyItForLife

Leather Honey for regular maintenance and Bickmore No.4 after thorough cleaning with Bickmore No.1

u/donquez · 3 pointsr/frugalmalefashion

Have you done anything to treat your bag? I got one of these last year, and immediately it started to stain all of my clothes. I've washed it with saddle soap and retreated it with Leather Honey, but I still have the same problem...

u/jspiros · 3 pointsr/BuyItForLife

I have one of these, and I like it a lot. It uses LEDs, and should last a long time. It is a "chunk of plastic", but it isn't big, it's about the size of a DVD case, so it stores easily between uses.

u/RobotPigOverlord · 3 pointsr/getdisciplined

Sounds like ur circadian rhythm is off. Use a special lamp in the mornings. Turn on 30 minutes before getting out of bed and lie down facing the lamp on your bedside table.

Lightphoria 10,000LUX Energy Light Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004JF3G08/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_k9i.ub04XX0EQ

You could also try a low carb diet, a lot of people say it really helps with energy. It definitely helped me. Whenever i eat a lot of carbs, i want to sleep for 12 hours and i feel exhausted. I eat a ketogenic diet. One doesn't have to eat low carb just for weight loss, there are a lot of other benefits.

u/tldrNOTaCPA · 3 pointsr/short

A short woman I recently dated had a Squatty Potty.

u/Orangulent · 3 pointsr/todayilearned
u/ElolvastamEzt · 3 pointsr/politics

Naw, he's got a Squatty Potty for sure.

u/LAsportsPSYCHO · 3 pointsr/reactiongifs

Changed my life and get one of these too.

u/nosamiam28 · 3 pointsr/needadvice

Night shifter for almost 4 years here. Lots of good advice here. To emphasize and adding some more:

  1. Ambient white noise is a must. I bought a really good sound machine and it helps tremendously.

    LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6D6LQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Zv8dAbYHG0H79

    It’s pricey but worth it if you’re gonna be on this shift for a while. It uses randomly generated white noise instead of repetitive sound loops. The loops in cheaper machines are actually bad sometimes. I can hear the patterns and start involuntarily listening for them when I should be falling asleep.

  2. Block our as much light as you can. Even blacking out windows isn’t enough if the light creeps in around the edges. If there’s any light at all, wear an eye mask. You need to trick your body into thinking it is actually nighttime because light hitting your eyes makes your body manufacture cortisol, a hormone that wakes you up and keeps you up.

  3. Speaking of hormones, on the opposite end from cortisol is melatonin, the hormone that tells your body it is time to sleep. You’re body manufactures it, but it does so during the night. You need it during the day, so you need to supplement with oral melatonin supplements. You can get them over the counter. I prefer time-release but try some
    different dosages and release schedules till you find one that works.

    DON’T expect melatonin to work like a sleeping pill that knocks you out hard! It’s not that. You want something that isn’t habit-forming and basically makes you sleep like you would at night. Not drug you into a coma.

  4. If you’re really struggling, take Advil PM or ZzzQuil or even a shot of something (be careful with that one; it’s habit-forming and can make you have to pee a couple hrs later). Just use them sparingly to get through a rough patch or if you just feel desperate for some solid sleep. ALSO, don’t do this if you’ve been lying awake all morning and now don’t have time for a full sleep cycle. You don’t wanna be hung over when you wake up!!

  5. Take steps to prevent you from waking up in the middle of the day!!

    -Put your phone on silent. Do whatever you have to do so that the screen doesn’t light up when you get a text or whatever. Even through your eyelids, that light can trigger a cortisol rush and boom — you’re awake. Remember, you already have some cortisol on board. That light makes your body think the sun just came up and you don’t have enough melatonin to drag you back to sleep like you would at night.

    -Drink plenty of fluids during your shift, but cut off all fluid intake early enough that you won’t wake up having to pee in the middle of the day. Same thing as above. Often, once you’re up you’re up and you don’t have enough mela to get you back to sleep.

    -If you have a problem with waking up hungry, have a little snack before going to sleep. But not fruit or soup or anything with a lot of liquid in it if you have the above problem.

    -If you have people in your life, insist that they respect your need to sleep and how difficult it is for you. To put it in perspective, when they wake you up at 12:00 to go shopping with them or ask you where the remote is, ask them how they think it would feel if you woke them up at 2:00am to do the same. And then turned on the light and left it on. Because that’s what is happening to your body when they do it.

  6. Keep a regular schedule if at all possible. Sometimes it isn’t but until your body develops some sleep flexibility it should be a priority.

  7. Nap if you can, have time, and feel the need. For a night-sleeper, a nap can make it hard to fall asleep at bedtime. But if you’re like me — always tired — a nap won’t hurt your ability to sleep later and may be what helps you make it through your shift and home without crashing your car.

    You’re gonna struggle sometimes. It comes and goes for me, even with taking most of the precautions above. Just be patient and don’t get anxious because anxiety kills sleep quality (anxiety also makes us manufacture cortisol).

    Best of luck! I hope you’re able to crack the code!
u/e67 · 3 pointsr/Dogtraining

Time to put on your Sherlock hat... is the dog barking in response to something? Like they hear a noise? Cars, other barks, creaks?

If so, try this or this. Additionally, you can try to train a quiet command

You can also get these white noise generators when you aren't home, which help drown out both the barking sound and any sound trigger that would set your dog off.

If the dog is barking due to boredom, then there are a bunch of toys and stuff that might help, like the frozen peanut butter kongs, etc. The more exercise the dog gets, the better too - so there's the option of getting a dog walker to come in during the day if no one is home.

u/StrategicCarry · 3 pointsr/beyondthebump

I think you need to spend $50 to get a good dedicated white noise machine. The LectroFan here is very highly recommended, has lots of options (different fan noises as well as different white noises), and is pretty compact. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6D6LQY?tag=thewire06-20&linkCode=xm2&ascsubtag=AwEAAAAAAAAAAOGr

If you want to keep using the YouTube videos, YouTube Premium is actually a decent service. For $15 a month you get the ability to download videos, but also no ads and YouTube Music (basically like Spotify). So if you watch a lot of YouTube, your kid is getting to the age where they might get some more screen time, and you're already paying for a music streaming service, it can be very worth it.

u/mrdobalinaa · 3 pointsr/sleep

Try a white noise machine instead of headphones maybe? I can't hear conversations or the tv in the next room with this one.


u/Forty44Four · 3 pointsr/OkCupid

They get loud, and I generally sleep through shit all the time when it's on. I'd just check Amazon sales they usually go on sale pretty often.

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6D6LQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_DGdOAbQZAJ8DW

Is the one we got, I think we paid like $35.

u/altoids1989 · 3 pointsr/WhitePeopleTwitter

I personally use the Lectrofan . I had a Dohm sound machine before, but since it's mechanical, it eventually became too quiet. The Lectrofan is smaller, has a better variety of noises, and can get much louder if necessary. It's easier to travel with too.

u/lafinass · 3 pointsr/polyamory

To drown out the noise in your room, the noise machine(s) would need to be in the room(s) where other people are, so it's going to depend a lot on what they like. Some people like cyclical fan noises, others like non-repeating white noise, others like deep humming or reverberation, but lots of people find such noises to be annoying or worse.

I personally love this thing: https://smile.amazon.com/Adaptive-Sound-Technologies-LectroFan-Non-Looping/dp/B00E6D6LQY/

I used it for years to drown out the sound of my cats meowing and scratching at the door. I found one of the settings on that machine blocked out most noise from outside the room and after an adjustment period I stopped really listening to the noise itself, it sorta dropped into the background.

The sound of it bothers my current NP so badly that she had to rush from the room after less than ten seconds. So be prepared for the possibility that no noisemaker is going to be a good option.

You may try instead to do some basic sound proofing. Soundproofing a room is expensive and labor intensive, but you can do a lot on the cheap to soundproof your bed itself to eliminate or reduce the squeaking/creaking/thumping. I bought a pack of rubber door jams and set them at strategic contact points between the base of our bed and the bed frame, which quiets all but the most violent of rocking motions. What works for you is going to depend a lot on your situation- both in how you have sex and what you're having sex on.

u/lovedoesnotdelight · 3 pointsr/BravoRealHousewives

So I just moved to a new apartment yesterday in the same apartment complex. The building is brand new and the apartment is enormous. I knew it was too good to be true! I can hear literally everything. I can tell you exactly what my neighbors are watching and listen along with them. I can hear every time someone goes up and down the stairs. I had to call the leasing office to complain about the noise coming from above. Turns out they were cheerleaders practicing tumbling!

I need noise maker and reduction recommendations to drown this all out. My dog and I stressed and tired!!. I found this noise maker on amazon and thinking of buying two. Then I read tapestries or cloth on the wall really helps. I’m also going to get fans to go with the noise makers

Any other ideas??? I’m regretting my huge brand new apartment now and want my 30 year old 600 sq ft closet back!!:( I guess they don’t make them like they used to.


u/Gloster_Thrush · 3 pointsr/BadNeighbors

No. Jesus that’s even more expensive.

I have these:


I bought a bunch, five and returned four when we broke our lease and moved. It was easy.

I hope it gives you some peace. I feel your pain.

u/cats_pjs · 3 pointsr/GetMotivated

the squatty pott

huh only $25. you can also just place an appropriately sized stool around your toilet, but for this price I think it's worth getting the right dimensions and not having to deal with moving a stool back and forth.

u/CoffeeLobster · 3 pointsr/blogsnark

I have not personally tried it but my dad and some of my friends from my running group swear by something called the Back Buddy. It looks like a good option those hard to reach sore spots.

I hope you can find some relief soon!

u/HarryPotterGeek · 3 pointsr/Nanny

I work with little guys (13 months) so I can still get away with a fair amount of podcasts or audiobooks in the background to keep me from going crazy. We also listen to a lot of music thanks to Alexa. :)

I make a point of taking at least 15 minutes or so (usually more, but some days it's all I can manage) where I just take care of myself when the little ones are napping. I do use some of that time to either pick up the mess we've already made or start making some of our next meal/snack, prep an activity or whatever, but I always make sure to set aside some time for me to catch my breath, even if it means that bottles go unwashed for a bit or whatever.

Outside of work, I do get regular massages (at least once a month, usually more, though I should be more careful with $$ on that front), try to go out and see movies or go to concerts and stuff that make me feel like a real, functioning adult. For my body (my arms, shoulders, back etc have taken a real beating in 20 years of infants and todds) I use a foam roller, heating pad and also this. I'm actually ordering a second one to keep at work! TOTALLY worth it. It took me a little bit to get the hang of it, but now it's a god sent. I don't think I could make it without it. I have some chronic pain stuff, so I also use a TENS unit and some pain creams and whatnot. On a good day, I'm usually at a 2-3 (scale of 1-10) in aches and pains in my joints and muscles. On a bad day, that can reach 7 or so and I'll still go to work, so these aids help me get through the day without having to take too much medication.

I know this isn't something a lot of us can control sometimes, but I would say that one of the bigger steps toward "self-care" for me was when I realized I deserve to have a good working situation. Kicking a family out of the share that wasn't treating me (or the rest of the share for that matter) with respect was a big part of that. I'm so lucky because I really like the families I work for, but I also invest a little bit of time in cultivating a good relationship with them. We all get together about once a month or so these days and hang out for a few hours. It's been different each time. Once I taught CPR/first aid, and that turned into another hour of hanging out and getting to know everyone better. Another time we all hung out after a birthday party for one of the parents and sat outside with wine (and, um, other legal intoxicants in my state) and talked until 1 am. Tomorrow night we're just having happy hour/dinner and doing a little catching up/planning for what we want to focus on with the boys for the next couple of months. I don't get paid for this time, but I really don't mind. It's been so transformative for me to truly feel like I'm part of a team that's working together for these kiddos. That makes it just a completely different ballgame. It makes going to work easier. It makes asking for what I need easier. The planning and communication has been really good for the kids bc we're all on the same page. We're working on the same signs for the boys, and we all have the same ideas about nutrition and technology and outside time and what kind of toys we want the boys to have. It's like our own little village, and it's so great.

Eventually these two will have to go off to college and I'll need a new job (lol) but now I really know what I'm looking for "next" time. I've always been an advocate for open communication and whatnot, but I really like being a part of a team. I like the consistency in care, the respect the families show me, and the bond I have with my littles. It just makes my job a joy.

u/munineye · 3 pointsr/flexibility

I've used mine off and on for about four years, got it when I started doing physical therapy for carpal tunnel and other sundry back and hip issues. The foam roller and this have made all the difference. Plus yoga, and regular stretching throughout the day. Just gotta keep movin'!

u/KnowsTheLaw · 3 pointsr/massage


edited: wrong link

Back buddy just came out with a new model, that has attachments for doing the neck and muscles around the spine. Check it out! It's better than the older styles.

edit: the S shape is larger than the old style I have. I wasn't able to use the smaller curve before, but this one, both sides are usable.

u/hannoush · 3 pointsr/migraine

I'm late to the party but yeah, severe neck stiffness/tension is my first warning sign. The Back Buddy is the best $35 I've ever spent. http://amzn.com/B0006VJ6TO

u/sharamall · 3 pointsr/pics

What's the best way to get a lot of potassium? Potassium supplements are only 3% daily value, and even high potassium foods don't have much potassium, and they come with a lot of calories.

I've found a potassium salt that is potassium rich but it's disgusting to just eat salt...

Do you have recommendations? Maybe lots of certain vegetables to avoid sugar calories from bananas?

u/Baconated_Kayos · 3 pointsr/keto



a very small amount (1/4 tsp) has 650mg of K. The perfect supplement, since you dont want to overdo K intake, but you DEFINITELY need it.

u/Kingcob7 · 3 pointsr/snakediet

Here is the potassium No Salt on amazon.


You absolutely must have potassium or you can suffer death causing heart arrhythmias.

u/drewd420 · 3 pointsr/Fitness

Use 'no-salt', potassium based table salt substitute.

u/Maggieneato · 3 pointsr/fasting

I purchased Himalayan pink salt on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZL255O/ but you can probably find it in a smaller quantity or a lower price in a grocery store. I went with the 2 lb. bag because I knew I'd be fasting regularly and occasionally for prolonged periods. As for the potassium, I bought NoSalt at my local Publix, but if you can't find it at a grocery store (where it will be cheaper), you can buy it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H185N6/ (If you plan to buy it online, try to find a better price, though. 11 bucks is kinda crazy.)

I put 1 tsp of pink salt and a little less than 2 tsp of NoSalt in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. If you drink it too fast, you may get the runs. I may drink more water afterward if I'm still thirsty, but I try not to drink more fresh water than salt water because I'm not very active and I don't want to risk flushing the electrolytes out of my system. Good luck!

u/stealthhuckster · 3 pointsr/ketogains

How do you recommend getting the electrolytes? Is there a better/tastier option than just drinking lite salt or no salt and water?

u/antarcticgecko · 3 pointsr/zerocarb

Sounds like you're getting enough sodium, it's the lack of potassium that will cause cramps. When I get stiff I'll spoon out 1/4 teaspoon of [NoSalt](https://www.amazon.com/NoSalt-Sodium-Free-Salt-Alternative-11/dp/B000H185N6) for 650mg of potassium. Take it with food, it upsets my stomach otherwise. Problem solved.

u/pinkorblue13117 · 3 pointsr/tryingforanother

Hi!!! So my son has been exclusively breastfed (aside from introducing solids at 6 mos.) and my period came back at 4.5 months postpartum. Every woman is different in regards to breastfeeding/fertility. I've had 3 cycles since they first came back, but I just started temping this month so I can see if i'm actually ovulating. We don't want a big age gap so we are trying, but haven't had any luck. Breastfeeding can cause short luteal phases, but since you're done breastfeeding then this might not be an issue for you. My advice; get some cheap OPKs. Get a mabis basal body thermometer and start temping. Track your temps with Fertility Friend. This will hopefully give you some clarity so you can start to understand what's going on with your body! Good luck :)

u/whenwillthewaitend · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I got a Mabis off Amazon. I've been temping with it since September without any problems.

The only downside I see some people complain about is the screen isn't backlit.

u/mightysquirrell · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

a lot of us use the MABIS one - it's cheap, it's reliable

Don't get the "Easy@Home" thermometer - many of us, including myself, found it to be faulty. It gets stuck on the same temperature over and over

u/UofHCoog · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Get yourself a Mabis!! I love mine!

u/baby_purple · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I use this one.

It's the only one I've ever used, so don't have another one to compare it to. It takes probably about 2 minutes to take my temp, and I think it seems pretty accurate. I have had a pretty defined temp chart. When I first got it I took my temp multiple times and it seemed consistent, and I also took my temp with a regular thermometer at it seemed to align (although the other thermometer only goes to one decimal point).

It just does one single long beep when it's done, so that's nice for DH because it doesn't wake him up. I read in the reviews of another one that it beeped incessantly and that was the deal breaker for me, I don't need all that beeping first thing in the morning, lol. It does not have a backlight, so I'm not sure how important that is to you. It shows the previous temp when you turn it on. So I'll temp right when I wake up, but if I'm not ready for any sort of light yet I just turn it off and then turn it back on when I officially get out of bed to see what the temp was. My biggest complaint about it is that it only shows the previous temp for a hot second. I tend to turn it off and back on about 3 times to make sure I am reading the temp correctly. So that's my two cents.

u/StrawberryKink · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby
u/smiling_sushi · 3 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I have done natural cycle (so timed with OPKs, no monitoring/meds) IUI using frozen donor sperm! In my case, it's because I'm a woman married to a woman.

I started off using the cheaper OPKs that you can get online (a lot of people here use Wondfo, I happened to use Easy@Home). Those are nice because you can buy a ton of them for not much money. A lot of people tend to use them twice a day, and I did at first as well, but I quickly learned that I pretty much can only catch my LH surge between 4-6pm. Most people tend to surge in the late afternoon-early evening, but that's not always the case.

If you aren't comfortable with trying to interpret the cheaper OPKs (determining if the test line is the same color or darker than the control), then I highly recommend the Clearblue Digital OPK (specifically NOT the advanced version - that one will give you a bigger fertile window range which is not important/helpful when timing IUI). When you are having your LH surge, you get a smiley face. Simple but definitely much more expensive.

I definitely recommend supplementing the OPKs with temping. You can use a Mabis or any other basal body thermometer to take your temperature daily first thing in the morning and then put those numbers into a TTC app such as Fertility Friend. It won't tell you when you're ovulating before it happens, but it will tell you after the fact and then you will know if your IUI timing was good or not.

Also, you should check out the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It will give you a lot more information on charting and helping you to pinpoint your ovulation day.

I hope that helps a bit! Please feel free to ask me any other questions 🙂

u/kalayna · 3 pointsr/yoga

Lacrosse balls, pinky balls, a 'stick', TheraCane or its competitors, and my massage therapist has some of these that he recommended yesterday evening as a larger complement to what I already have (I have lacrosse, golf, and pinky balls, and a stick that I used a lot when I was running distance). Having more than one size can be important depending on what you're doing, but I used just pinky balls and a foam roller for years.

u/napswithdogs · 3 pointsr/Thritis

I second looking into biologics. For me they’re the only treatment that doesn’t have too many side effects for the benefits.

Favorite products: salonpas hot/other capsicum patches. Aspercreme Hot-anti inflammatory cream with the icy hotness of icy hot. Crayola Model Magic clay-can be used to make nice big pencil and pen grips.Theracane and other trigger point tools for working out muscle knots.
Heating pad. Loopy phone cases-easier for me to hold and fewer drops, and mine has also held up really well. CBD infused lotion. Electric mop-I have a Bissel something or other but a lot of people really like the Shark mops. It’s easier on my hands than mopping with a mop and bucket. No wringing, no filling/moving/emptying a bucket. Electric can opener. Fancy scissors with springs that open back up on their own after you make a cut.

During a flare, it’s handy to have lightweight things in the kitchen. I have heavy glass plates that I love but they’re hell on the arms and hands during a flare. I usually keep some paper plates around for this reason, but if you’re trying to reduce waste and have the cabinet space a set of lightweight glass or plastic plates is a good idea too. I leave my cast iron skillet on the stove all the time so I don’t have to move it. My other cookware is lightweight. Similarly, bottles with pumps for things like shampoo are easier than those without.

u/shes-a-gdb · 3 pointsr/JulyBumpers2017

Oh god, this was my life for about 8 weeks in the 2nd tri. I couldn't do anything without exacerbating the pain and sometimes it would just come even when I wasn't doing anything at all, and it hurt like a mother. It was horrible. The only thing that helped at all was purchasing one of these bad boys: https://www.amazon.com/Thera-Cane-JMAS5000-Massager/dp/B000PRMCJU?th=1

I'm on the other side of it now, but it will act up occasionally.

u/a_giant_spider · 3 pointsr/yoga

Here's a few more ideas for you:

  • Theracane (use several times a day, as recommended by book in next bullet point)
  • The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook
  • Dry needling (in some states a PT can do this; in other states an accupunturist can approximate this, or a sports medicine doctor can do it)
  • The Mind-Body Prescription - I know this sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but there's truly some good evidence that trigger points are partially/largely a physical response to psychological issues. When nothing else works, I highly recommend keeping an open mind and trying this out - I thought it sounded ridiculous, but after years of pain it cured my inability to use my right hand at work (for a mouse) in just a week. Lots of success stories from programmers here.
u/sixxis · 3 pointsr/trees

That + a Thera Cane is all you really need.

u/laureek · 3 pointsr/xxfitness

Yes! So with this particular issue the muscle that you need to release is actually located between your shoulder blade and your ribs which makes it virtually impossible to get at from your back!
You have to go through your armpit! LOL Believe me for days I was massaging my back, trying to squeeze into my shoulder blade as much as I could with minimal relief.

I'm thinking the other pain you are experiencing is "radiating" pain from the actual trigger point. You would be surprised at how much better all the muscles around it feel after its released.

Ok, now how to release it!
This is the video I used, it worked so quickly my mind was blown.
Subscapularis Static Release

So if this happens for you a lot I would suggest buying a theracane or the different variation that they use in the video.

It does hurt a little but if you stick with it for 30seconds to a minute you will be amazed at how much better it will feel.

EDIT: If you don't have a theracane and can't wait you can search for "Subscapularis static release" or "Subscapularis dynamic release" for a stretch that will release it.

u/derangedhyena · 3 pointsr/Nootropics

I don't know if this is relevant to your interests or not, but if you do a bit of reading about trigger points and get yourself one of these, it may greatly amplify the helpful effects you describe. (+make it possible to reach parts of your back/neck/shoulders that you otherwise wouldn't be able to.)

It makes a huge difference - it has for me at least - but I can't stress enough, that it helps to learn about how the muscles go together + where the relevant points are. Otherwise you'll just be jabbing yourself aimlessly. Because what might feel like the "sore spot" may just be referred pain, and you could unlock further improvement by addressing the originating points instead.

There are books on the subject, and plenty of massage-therapy-related things, but a good visual reference and tl;dr is this app (Muscle Trigger Point Anatomy) which shows you the places to address, the affected areas, with accompanying anatomical descriptions.

For whole-body care and maintenance it's something I definitely recommend (in addition to exercise and other healthy stuff, haha.)

u/Chemfreak · 3 pointsr/SamandTolki


Is the one I did. When I bought all my ingredients, Choline Bitartrate wasn't on the list.

Even included is vitamins to take to supplement what you will not be getting.

Price can vary, I went ahead and bought a large quantity to force myself to stick to it (50 lb bag of masa). Price is cheaper the more bulk you get. The flaxseeds to my knowledge are just there for fiber, and they have a weird texture, so feel free to cut them if you don't like it (fiber is good though, and filling).

I actually suggest flavored protein powder, as it can get bland. Or you can do as other people do, and add different near 0 calorie flavors to it, including cinnamon, cocoa powder, or vanilla.

I personally use Protein Powder for protein powder instead. Good macro nutrient profile, and a ton of flavors to choose from. My favorites are Cake Batter, Banana Cream, and Rocky Road.

You will have hunger cravings for 2 weeks if you only use this as food. They WILL go away if you can be diligent for 2 weeks though. This is the same with any diet if you have tried though.

I started only drinking soylent for awhile, but decided for social reasons I would not kill myself over eating real food.

u/TryhardPantiesON · 3 pointsr/asktrp

I did exactly what you want to do the first time, got 5 pounds Whey Gold from Optimum Nutrition and Universal Creatine, and yes, i did do the loading phase for a week, then i reduced the intake to 5g a day, it does work, you have a lot of energy and feel like you can weightlift more.

My advice is, skip the creatine powder, and wait till you run out of protein, then get protein powders like MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Protein Powder, as it already has creatine in it, remember that creatine is not water soluble, so when you take creatine, you have to add water, stir it, drink, then stir it again, and drink until you are done, having in it in a protein shake solves that problem.

Creatine is not a miracle supplement, so i don't see why would someone spend $20, maybe $30 on creatine, when you can get in included in your protein shake.

u/TowelAtTheReady · 3 pointsr/keto

To confirm, is it this one?

If so, that's a total of 3g net carbs per serving for the powder alone. If you add it to anything other than water you'll need to factor in the possible carbs from that as well.

The sugars listed under the "Total Carbohydrates" are already included. When we talk about net grams of carbs, we talk about subtracting any fiber. For sugar alcohols, it's a bit more complicated.

u/manthaddles · 3 pointsr/loseit

Chicken breast or turkey breast as a staple for one of your meals will help a lot. Chicken breast has approximately 25g protein per 4oz serving at only around 120 calories. Typically I eat double that for dinner every (or almost every) night. I also eat cottage cheese, jerky, lunch meat, string cheese, greek yogurt (Yoplait has 100 calorie greek yogurt with 14g of protein per serving). I also drink milk with dinner and that provides a little protein as well. Protein shakes can also add some substantial protein in your diet as well, such as this one (24g protein for 120 cal) or this one (30g protein/140 cal).

u/we-dge · 3 pointsr/xxfitness

I keep one on my nightstand and every morning when my alarm goes off I pull it onto the bed and blast my face with light for like 15 minutes. At the very least it helps me wake up and feel more alert. I have this one and it hasn’t given me any problems in the year I’ve had it.

u/Olanwa · 3 pointsr/bipolar2



Same as the "light box" that Lismox just asked.


It is set up to help get you going with broad spectrum light that you aren't getting with the dark. It's been helping a lot. My doctor recommended it.

u/dragonflame3000 · 3 pointsr/feemagers

>squatty potty

a toilet stool Amazon

u/HaveABanana1 · 3 pointsr/sleep

Lot of factors here but I’ll try to give the best insight I can.

  1. To answer your question, most people I’ve worked with usually can see a shift in their CR after 4-6 weeks of consistent sleep scheduling. Now, most often, this is 3rd shifters who are trying to move from a regular diurnal pattern (e.g. 10pm-6am) to something that would fit a graveyard shift (e.g. sleep from 11am-7pm). This is a massive shift, and the one you’re describing isn’t, so wouldn’t take as long to move it 2 hours earlier bedtime/rise time.

  2. I’m concerned that if you’ve been getting 10 hours of sleep consistently and not feeling rested upon waking. Have you had a sleep study? This doesn’t sound like insomnia, but could be an organic sleep disorder (OSA, circadian rhythm disorder, restless leg). You’ll see this a lot on this sub (for good reason) but you should consider a sleep study.

  3. Lastly, if your circadian isn’t sending you enough “alerting” signal in the morning, you can jump start it through what we know regulates it: light. Making sure you have enough light coming into your room in the AM will get it jump started. If that doesn’t work, you can look into a light box.

    Hope that’s helpful! Best of luck to you.
u/princesspeach223 · 3 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

I bought something similar to this and really like it!
Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JlKwCbN0YPHBR

u/alwayspickingupcrap · 3 pointsr/StackAdvice

I have bipolar 2 and am on meds, but use supplements to support me.

This website has comprehensive information about lifestyle and supplements that make a difference. I highly recommend that you explore it completely. (It looks clunky/unsophisticated, however I have researched the MD who created it and he is respected in the field...although considered a bit of cowboy.)

Fundamentals you may have already addressed: Exercise, bipolar specific cognitive behavioral therapy, establishing a consistent daily routine (an ongoing process for me).

Most effective for depression is light therapy; it can actually trigger mania, so be careful. It has rarely failed me. I use a dawn stimulator and morning lightbox. The combination of light and dark therapy I think is ideal but I haven't added dark therapy (I'm on reddit at night and can't break the habit).

Re: your stack:

  • Make sure you are taking a EPA /DHA combo of at least 60%. And the DHA is important. Don't just take EPA.
  • Assume you're on methylfolate 15mg?
  • Probiotic: I'm not familiar with Symprove. However you need to choose the probiotic strains (name and number) that have research backed evidence of helping with depression. I used the resources of r/HumanMicrobiome and this spreadsheet to choose these strains to take: Lactobacillus casei DN-114001 - mood (NOW probiotic-10). Bifido. Longum/Infantis 35624 - Immune modulation incl. TNF, IL-6, CRP, depression (Align Digestive Support) because there was crossover with my other problem, rheumatoid arthritis. With some work, you can find something specific for you.

    Personally, I would stop all supplements except methyfolate, NAC, fish oil (EPA/DHA >60%) and maybe theanine if it helps you sleep. Add a light box in AM. Make sure you are taking melatonin 300 mcg (not more than that) every night (add a low dose time release melatonin if you still wake at night.) Give it one month of consistent use then re-evaluate.

    Good luck and feel free to DM me!
u/Cocobean4 · 3 pointsr/badunitedkingdom

Would it not be cheaper and easier to just buy toilet stools to squat on for anyone who wants one.

u/goatsthatstack · 3 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

Sure thing! One thing that may help you as well is getting a daylight lamp, something like this is small and reasonably priced. Use it before you start a lecture and your circadian rhythym will think it's morning and help keep you awake. Just be careful not to use it very close to bedtime or it could cause insomnia.

u/k5josh · 3 pointsr/TheMotte

Thirding the bidet, and I'll recommend this one in particular.

I'll also suggest one of the various pseudo-squatting stools, such as the squatty potty.

u/MAC_Addy · 3 pointsr/fitmeals

I wouldn't say it'll make you fat, but consuming too much just isn't healthy.

As for a shake or smoothie that tastes great with low calories I'd recommend making a shake consisting of:

  • protein powder
  • PB2 Peanut butter
  • Spinach (sounds weird, but it doesn't really have a taste)
  • Ice
  • Almond milk

    This is usually my go-to for something that tastes good, and is filling also.
u/ItsYoBoyAndrew · 3 pointsr/Fitness

Big optimum nutrition sale: on amazon.co.uk over 50% off

u/Binsky89 · 3 pointsr/videos

This is better than a bulb syringe. I've never had a bulb syringe that removed much wax, but that syringe removes giant chunks. 2-3 squirts and my ears are clean.

u/me_gusta_purrito · 3 pointsr/needadvice

Flush it out with a syringe like this one (warm water ONLY - NO cold water). http://www.amazon.com/Health-Enterprises-Inc-400595-Rmvl/dp/B000SOJXGA/ref=sr_1_2?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1398186330&sr=1-2&keywords=ear+cleaner

You can also try scooping with one of these bad boys.

Either one of these might be available at your local drug store.

If this doesn't work, go see an ENT doctor.

u/Ulgorian · 3 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

I floss daily so that would be a for sure daily (or twice a day) in addition to anything else. Although i recently switched to using one of these instead of qtips.

u/EatATaco · 3 pointsr/buildapc

If you have earwax buildup problems, this is the best thing I have found

Nothing better than letting it build up for a while, making a little warm hydrogen-peroxide mixture and injecting that full force into you ear and checking out what is in the sink when you are done.

If you are completely clogged, the massive industrial strength one that the doctors offices have are intense.

u/LynkDead · 3 pointsr/funny

If you're really serious about it you can look up ear syringes. Put some Debrox in your ear to loosen the wax up for about 10 minutes, then blast it with the syringe.

If you're worried about damage don't. I had my ears cleaned by a doctor via this method. The syringe was about 4x bigger and I'm pretty sure he was pressing the plunger as hard as possible. Felt like a jet of water drilling through my head. Painful, but apparently I still have an eardrum. The one I linked has a fancy tip that supposedly reduces ear drum pain.

u/CrypticEntity · 3 pointsr/vegan

So for vitamins and supplements.



And then for eggs and brands it's pretty easy and skim through. Many brands say "contains eggs and milk" So, you can skim through and read what each has.

Some people take a shot of b12 but, many foods such as cereal and non dairy milks are fortified too!

You can easily find vegan cookies such as Oreos and others. It really depends on where you are located as well.

I would drink daily soy milk to keep up calcium but, you can eat greens which contain iron and calcium. Actually most multi Vitamins that are vegan contain iron. So, you won't need really a separate iron supplement.

Anything else just ask me! 😊

u/TriggerHippie0202 · 3 pointsr/vegan
u/lttf · 3 pointsr/vegan

> We're travelling/working at the moment and eating really well isn't totally possible right now.

Whether you're vegan, vegetarian, paleo, omnivoric, whatever, if you can't eat well take a multi-vitamin. I implore you, don't let your girlfriend or yourself take any chances with your health, especially when traveling.

I don't know what she has against pills, but I also don't like them. Tough noogies for me and her. Our health is the most important factor to our livelihood. I urge you to consider taking a multi-vitamin.

Edit: Deva multi-vitamin

u/rissalynns · 3 pointsr/vegan

I take the DEVA Vegan Multi and have found it to be extremely helpful in making sure all my nutritional needs can be met. Good luck!

Deva Vegan Multivitamin & Mineral One Daily 90 Tablets (Pack of 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GAOHVG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_EK1PDb471DZ1K

u/FUCKOSAURUS_SEX · 3 pointsr/todayilearned

Yes you do! You need to keep up with your B vitamin intake though. I personally take this multivitamin and I think it's great. Another thing to look for is Omega 3. It can be found in nuts and greens, but if you're really wanting some you can buy vegan softgels.

u/AnAngryFredHampton · 3 pointsr/vegan

Deva seems to be the best bang for the buck, but I also don't live near a major grocery store so maybe you can do better.

u/juiceguy · 3 pointsr/Juicing

When it comes to nutrients, I first strive to see if I can get everything I need from the foods (juice) I eat. With a juice diet high in greens, along with the handy analysis available from Wolfram Alpha, I can ensure that I am getting a good spread of all of my amino acids, all essential vitamins and minerals, and even check my Omega 3-6 ratios. The only nutrient completely missing in a juice based diet would be vitamin B-12, and I take care of this with a daily sublingual vitamin.. As an added level of precaution, I am also taking a daily multivitamin, and that's it. I prefer to keep things as simple and uncomplicated as I can and I'm already getting more than enough protein as it is.

u/Lascielle · 3 pointsr/vegan

You might really like a tool like Cronometer. It breaks down the daily micronutrients pretty well. You can log multivitamins on there too. I take half of one of these every day and come pretty close to most of the recommended daily values https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001GAOHVG

u/Syntactic_Acrobatics · 3 pointsr/DebateAVegan

How Not To Die has been an amazing resource for me in my last 1.5 years on the vegan diet. I trust Michael Gregor and 100% recommend an algae-based Omega 3 supplement for that good EPA and DHA.

Here are the 2.5 supplements that I have been taking to achieve my satisfactory blood test results:


Omega 3:

D3 - I only take this in the wintertime.

u/pumpandabump · 3 pointsr/diabetes

I never liked G2 or Powerade Zero. Always thought they had that weird diet aftertaste. I use Nuun tablets in water to replenish electrolytes. Only 1g carbs for these: https://www.amazon.com/Original-Nuun-Active-Hydrating-Electrolyte/dp/B001QW1L72?th=1. I found out about them when I was looking for a low-carb alternative to Gatorade to replace electrolytes and saw that a lot of cyclists swear by it (I'm not a cyclist but I do dehydrate easily).

u/ketonewarrior · 3 pointsr/fasting

Not sure why no one has mentioned electrolyte intake. That's the ticket. Drink a cup of broth or two (way more tasty then adding salt to your water) when you feel a headache coming on.

You will eventually get tired of this though. You can go with gatorade G2 or I really like this stuff:


u/elliotgreen4 · 3 pointsr/Coachella

An easy way to remedy this is to purchase electrolyte tablets to put in your camelbak/water bottle to keep your system in balance. Just ordered this online and plan on using it in the festival when I'm rolling.


u/DCBex · 3 pointsr/ehlersdanlos

You can ask your doc to measure your heart rate and blood pressure while sitting then while standing. If there's a big swing between the two, s/he may diagnose your POTS by that (or do a holter) and let you skip the tilt table since that can be too intense for some. I drink Nuun as my doc recommended to help keep my salt levels high (two tablets per day). https://www.amazon.com/Nuun-Formula-Electrolyte-Enhanced-Citrus/dp/B001QW1L72

u/UmustBjoking · 3 pointsr/BDSMcommunity

Do you have the controller?


Gives you a LOT more control.

Not to mention the several dozen attachments for it.

u/PrettyPinkT-Rexy · 3 pointsr/relationship_advice

Also, I forgot to add that there are "training" toys as well.

They're typically geared towards anal stretching and training to loosen sphincter muscles, but can be used vaginally as well.

Many are conically shaped so as you work your way down there taper, you can go a bit further each time; some are inflatable to increase girth gradually.

I also suggest using a very strong vibrator on her before sex. This will likely bring her to orgasm, help her body to lubricate excessively and to relax her muscles.
I recommend the hitachi wand WITH the speed controller. That's critical because holy bejeezus that thing is intense.
My husband and I are no strangers to toys and even I can barely take it sometimes.

u/teddynovakdp · 3 pointsr/SexToys

This is supposed to work ok.

Wand Massager Speed Controller for Hitachi Wand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TJ6MWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_y955BbJN563FV

u/Paraglad · 3 pointsr/BDSMcommunity

The company now makes something that doesn't require home electronics. http://www.amazon.com/Wand-Massager-Speed-Controller-Hitachi/dp/B001TJ6MWQ

I'd take that over a homebrew switch any day. I want something to be electrifying in the rhetorical sense.

u/shame_on_us · 3 pointsr/sex


You're welcome. This extends the reach by about 6ft. It also allows for more freedom in speed control. It's great for teasing my girlfriend...leave it slow let things build, and then turn it up and let things explode.

u/payattentionimsmart · 3 pointsr/bdsm

Get one of these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001TJ6MWQ?pc_redir=1407651856&robot_redir=1

Seriously the best improvement for the wand. Also what I like to do is tell my sub that she cannot come without asking my permission using an exact sentence and then I put her on the edge for as long as I think she can take it before I tell her to come.

u/BurgersBaconFreedom · 3 pointsr/Fitness

Its probably a safe bet to buy something more well tested like ON Gold Standard.


u/GhostBond · 3 pointsr/Fitness

> 1. My first concern is the reps. I found myself not able to do as many reps as the trainer wrote on my plan (For example, i had to do 4x15 reps of chest exercises-i pushed 15kg weights with handles away from my ches). I could only do the first 15 but then it gradually got harder and i could do 8 or at most 10. I'm worried i'm not going to make any progress if i don't stick to the plan. What do you guys recommend ?

That's...likely pretty good. You don't gain muscle by doing 15 reps of the same weight all the time. You gain muscle by trying to do 4x15. You can't do all of them. Stop when your form starts getting bad. Next time try again. You'll probably be able to do 1-2 more reps the next time.

When you can successfully do all the reps, then it's time to increase the weight a little bit. With more weight you won't be able to do all the reps right away. You do as many as you can. The next time you do the same thing. Again when you can do all the reps, then you increase the weight...

People working out doing 4x15 reps spend very little time actually doing every one of the 4x15 reps, because when they can do it they increase the weight a little and with more weight, next time they can't do them all again. That's how you gain muscle.

> 3. The 3rd thing is food. My father is a vegetarian so we don't eat meat at home.

You don't necessarily need meat, most people go with it because it's the easiest.
You need protein.
You can find protein in eggs, protein in milk, etc.
You can also buy protein powder:

u/vaibhavganesh · 3 pointsr/india

Nah stay away from that ! I have never heard of the brand in so many years...

UN, ON and Arnold are the go to ... Muscletech and Cellucor are pretty solid too !

Stay the fuck away from generics. You could fuck up your liver bigtime...

Yeah man ! PM me anytime... I aint a pro like Suhas but I am more than qualified to help out. Also do check out r/fitness and subscribe to a couple of no bullshit youtube fitness videos for form checks ... buffdudes is an awesome channel that would help you !

NINJA EDIT : since i got so any many pings regarding subscription ... Refer the above comment for it ! Also here is what i am subscribed to.. http://www.amazon.in/Optimum-Nutrition-100%25-Whey-Standard/dp/B002DYIZH6/ref=sr_1_2?m=A14UQ4H17XUX90&s=specialty-aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1474277121&sr=1-2
It is unavailable as of now! But you can try for other brands here http://www.amazon.in/ref_dynamicbrowse4x1/b/ref=s9_acss_bw_ln_x_3_1?_encoding=UTF8&ie=UTF8&node=1374491031&pf_rd_m=A1VBAL9TL5WCBF&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-leftnav&pf_rd_r=0NDDVDS8N1KDJA3MSC81&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=990675327&pf_rd_i=1374489031

u/AnthonyGonsalvez · 3 pointsr/india

No side effects, just use it as it is intended. Definitely noticed benefits, but I also avoid junk/fried food and colas and try my best to eat healthy stuff.

I use it with one spoon of creatine, one big spoon of peanut butter and a banana sometimes. You need to drink lots of water if you're consuming creatine. Yeah, I have noticed some improvements, my shirts are getting tighter from forearms and I can't fold my arms in front of my chest without tearing my shirts.

I use ON whey protein, it's considered to be the best one out there in terms of mixability, results and everything else.

One 30 grams scoops has like 24G protein and everything else is negligible. Calories is around 120, so if you can easily get a low calories high protein diet with one scoop or more. When you are lifting heavy weights, your muscles will break, to repair and build new muscles protein is necessary. Since whey protein is almost 90 percent protein that is in liquid form, it gets easily absorbed helping in muscle growth.

u/JimNaysium · 3 pointsr/Supplements
  1. Don't buy shit at GNC anymore, there are several other options that are better and less expensive: [Optimun Nutrition] (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002DYIZH6/ref=twister_B00OXVNR66?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)

  2. 3 scoops of Whey is probably too much. IMO, you aren't eating enough food if you're need to "supplement" 60g of protein to your diet....much less doing 6 shakes per day, that's ridiculous.

  3. It's 1 scoop to 12oz water. Timing isn't critical and you can mix it however you want, 3 scoops in 8oz of water or whatever. Personally, I prefer milk/almond milk....and don't exceed more than 2 servings per day.

  4. it's just protein powder, used to supplement your current diet...hence the name protein supplement. It's not steroids or magic beans.
u/Saravi · 3 pointsr/Fitness

You can buy high quality whey protein powder (like ON 100% Whey) in a 908g container for 32 euros, in 2.3kg container for 56 euros or 4.5kg bag for 100 euros. You can also probably find cheaper brands and better deals, but I only looked here and here.

This may seem very expensive at first glance, but you get 30 scoops (30g) out of the 908g container, 75 from the 2.3kg container and 150 from the 4.5kg bag. At two scoops a day (48g of protein in 60g of powder), the small container would last you two weeks. The total cost would be under 2.30 euros/day. 1.33 euros a day with the big bag.

Assuming you're still eating whatever your parents are cooking on top of that, ask for more chicken, red meat, eggs, peanut butter and milk/other dairy products with the groceries so that you can get even more protein in your diet.

Edited to fix incorrect calculation.

u/tenaku · 3 pointsr/Vive

these are the bomb. I've been using them on glasses, camera lenses, etc. for years.

u/dancer101 · 3 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

I use the ones made by Zeiss. They contain alcohol which should clean and sanitize. I get mine at Walmart, $5 for 100.

u/hypersonicG · 3 pointsr/Vive

This product below was recommended by someone from Valve at launch, and I've been using them ever since on both my Vive and sunglasses. I thought I wouldn't like the separate packaging per swab, but it's a perfect amount of moisture every time and works flawlessly. I will be reordering when I run out (still have over 50% left, 13+ months later), and highly recommend them:

u/Reclaimer-117 · 3 pointsr/loseit

I use the scale I linked below. It has 1500 reviews on Amazon and a FIVE STAR RATING. It's rock solid. It's been with me with all 50 lbs I've lost and never given a weird number.


u/lunarflorist · 3 pointsr/loseit

I second the EatSmart Scale but I got a slightly different one. Great scale, wide base, and excellent customer service.

Also, it's slim enough that my bathroom door opens overtop of it so I have more flexibility in where I place it. High weight limit, too!

u/blurfocus · 3 pointsr/keto

The most consistent scales are the doctor's office style balance scales like this one:


One nice thing about this type of scale is that you can leave the slider at your previous weight. As soon as you step on, you'll know if you gained or lost without having to adjust the slider since the indicator arm will tilt up or down (or stay the same if your weight hasn't changed).

These are much pricier than the spring or strain gauge scales, but more accurate and more consistent.

For digital bathroom scales, I've found that this one matches my balance scale results fairly well:


Bonus is that it handles up to 440 pounds.

u/luigitheturtle · 3 pointsr/Fitness

I've been using this one for about a year now and its served me just fine. Needs to be re calibrated every so often if you accidentally turn it on without weight, but that's easy and takes less than 30 seconds.

u/casstraxx · 3 pointsr/loseit

I bought this scale 3 years ago and it's been amazing. Always accurate.

EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform, 440 Pound Capacity https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0032TNPOE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_KW1OAb1GW686P

u/tracy_tracy · 3 pointsr/loseit

2nd this. I've had this one: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0032TNPOE/ref=cm_sw_su_dp for about 8 months & I love it. My parents bought one too.

I initially thought the massive # of reviews was a bit weird (I think there were exactly 1200 when I bought mine), but they actively encourage customers to do an Amazon review. In fact, there was a "Please Review!" note in the box when I got mine, and I did (which is rare for me) because it is a great scale for a really reasonable price.

u/Rawrtin · 3 pointsr/loseit
  1. Read the FAQ. It's full of useful information.
  2. Buy a scale. This one should probably work for you. http://www.amazon.com/Eatsmart-Precision-Bathroom-Technology-440-Pounds/dp/B0032TNPOE/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1348544133&sr=8-4&keywords=weight+scale+500
  3. Find your BMR.
  4. Always strive to burn more calories than you consume each day.
  5. Be patient. Though at your weight you should be able to lose weight pretty fast considering your bmr should be very high. Just be dedicated with your diet and you'll do well.
u/Officialshotz · 3 pointsr/loseit


the one i purchased been working really good so far.... god tip i use a 8 pound dumbbell to make sure its accurate before i weight myself

u/salas84 · 3 pointsr/keto

Got it off amazon a few months ago. Big blue screen, wide platform for big feet. Pretty happy with it. I'd definitely recommend if you're looking for something simple. $36.95 and prime eligible.

u/neuro_neurd · 2 pointsr/xxfitness

Agreed. I buy it on Amazon. Extreme Milk Chocolate is my favorite flavor.

u/elguapo1991 · 2 pointsr/science

> don't know exactly what a whey protein supplement is

Protein powder, like the protein shakes you drink after a workout, etc. E.g. this stuff.

> or how much people took to get results

Study says they took 2 28g servings (so two scoops; presumably mixed in water) a day for 8 weeks.

u/alleycw · 2 pointsr/loseit

I generally stick to Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard, and I get it from Amazon. I find it mixes easier than other protein powders, and I like the carb to protein ratio.


u/TheRealMattyPanda · 2 pointsr/loseit

How much protein are you getting a day now? You might be fine at your current levels. But if you want to add protein without adding more carbs and fat, you could use a whey isolate protein powder for protein shakes. They're pretty much all protein.

Something like this. One serving is 24g protein, 1.5g fat, 3g carbs.

Also, nonfat, plain Greek yogurt has fairly high protein, no fat, and low carbs. 1 cup of Chobani nonfat plain is 22g protein, 0g fat, 6g carbs

u/Hypnosix · 2 pointsr/soylent

I have been using Soylent to try and actual eat more calories/protein so I started mixing in 2 scoops of protein powder per pouch ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QSTBNS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 ) so far I've tried cake batter and extreme milk chocolate. The chocolate is much better but its nice to have an easy way to switch up the flavor. One major downside is that it gets a bit more grainy so I have to let it sit for at least 8 hours or else its a bad texture, could probably fix that by mixing in more water too.

u/sambravers · 2 pointsr/headphones

With the $50 range (consolidating conversation to one thread), you're likely limiting yourself (in terms of quality headphones) to IEMs or earbuds, which, given your distaste for IEMs, would likely point you to earbuds.

However, if you were willing to look into a hydrogen peroxide-based ear-cleaning system (can be had for relatively cheap), that may resolve your issue with IEMs and earwax. This is something like what I was referring to.

u/suddenlysnakes · 2 pointsr/AskDocs

if you have a plastic syringe available (a fluid one, not a needle obviously) you can gently shoot some warm water in your ear in a rotating method to see if it's just wax buildup. I actually use this method to clean my ears regularly, since I had to do this to dislodge a huge ball of wax. It was so bad I couldn't hear properly. I had a syringe for giving babies medicine sitting in a drawer and I used that in a pinch. After that ordeal, caused by cleaning w/ qtips, I made the switch. I've been using this syringe for months, 10/10

u/TsuKiyoMe · 2 pointsr/AdviceAnimals

As someone who regularly has had this happen to them due to having irregular shaped ear canals, invest in an ear syringe

Costs $5 and will save you from ever having to go through this again. Best purchase I've made all year.

u/richardsonj17 · 2 pointsr/sheffield

Had the same issue, went to walk in centre and they couldn't see my drum it was so blocked up. Used Ortex drops from Wilko/Co-op, the active stuff with urea seemed to work better. In addition to that I got one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acu-Life-Deluxe-Ear-Cleanser/dp/B000SOJXGA/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=ear+irrigation&qid=1554311905&s=gateway&sr=8-5 which after about 30 minutes of syringing released some massive black blobs of wax - not for the feint hearted.

u/adrenalive · 2 pointsr/vegan

This daily multiple is cheap as hell and has your iodine/selenium/iron covered. https://www.amazon.com/Deva-Vegan-Vitamins-Multivitamin-Supplement/dp/B001GAOHVG?th=1

K2, I use a supplement, they're also cheap. I'd like to ferment my own natto, but it just isn't feasible atm. Also natto is an acquired taste that I'm fighting a losing battle on.

Most fortified milks have 25% Vitamin A, so you're good for a good chunk of your requirement there. If you ever do any genetic testing like 23andMe, or AncestryDNA you can look at your specific SNP for the conversion of beta carotene -> Vit A. I'm of irish descent and my conversion is 25% lower than normal. Just means I eat two sticks of carrots or like half a sweet potato instead of a quarter. No one has a completely malfunctioning enzyme, it just performs less than optimally in some, so just double up your beta carotene containing veggies and take a multi with Vit A or beta carotene in it.

u/throwaway500k · 2 pointsr/vegan

Ok, sure - I've listed a pretty typical day below, including supplements.


u/floopaloop · 2 pointsr/WomensHealth

Your multi actually doesn't have enough B12. If you're vegan, you should be taking a supplement with 100 micrograms of B12 every single day. Yes, it will make your pee a bright color, that is normal and fine. There aren't any negative effects of getting too much B12, besides a small number of people getting acne from it.

If you're looking for a good vegan multivitamin, try Deva's.

For how long were you only taking a B12 vitamin once a month? If it was more than a year or so, you might have or be on your way to a deficiency.

u/TimelessNY · 2 pointsr/vandwellers

I do not identify as vegan, but can safely say you will be eating a lot of beans/lentils, fresh vegetables and rice if you are not lazy. Expensive, processed crap if you are lazy.

A word of advice is to carry spices/seasonings and take a multivitamin.

u/_McAngryPants_ · 2 pointsr/vegetarian

I take this vegan multivitamin daily with food and don't have any B problems: http://www.amazon.com/Deva-Vegan-Vitamins-Multivitamin-Supplement/dp/B001GAOHVG

u/ThrowinStacks · 2 pointsr/veganfitness

You didn't mention which multivitamin you are taking but I would recommend this one. It's inexpensive, high quality, and vegan.

u/veganatheist · 2 pointsr/IAmA

As another raw foodist, let me give you guys another take on this. On a typical day, I'll start will a huge-ass smoothie (Kale, bananas, OJ, blueberries, wheat germ, water, filling a full 64oz Vitamix pitcher) that I will split up between breakfast and lunch. If I'm extra hungry, I'll eat some fruit here and there as well.

By dinner time, I'll be wanting a big salad (Big = 1 lb kale + 1 lb spinach + a large tomato + 1/2 avocado + a dressing made from tahini, garlic and lemon).

This may not seem like much, but have a look at the nutritional breakdown on Wolfram Alpha.

In the example above, I am getting 84 grams of protein, with good coverage in all the essential amino acids, sufficient Omega-3 and Omega-6 (in favorable proportions), huge amounts of most of my vitamins and minerals. My shortcomings here are vitamins D and B-12. I take a daily vegan multivitamin, a vegan D3 supplement and a B-12 supplement, just to make sure I'm not missing out on anything.

For exercise, I ride my bike an hour each way to work and back M-F. Between the food and the cycling, I stay in pretty good shape.

u/dmikalova · 2 pointsr/vegproblems

If they have D₃ then they're also not vegan, although there are some specific vegan D₃ vitamins from mushrooms. Also, why not go for Deva, made by vegans for vegans?

u/nice_t_shirt · 2 pointsr/vegan

Some are, but a lot (if not most) aren't vegan. A really common animal ingredient is the capsule itself - a gelatin capsule. Other things are amino acids (often derived from hair, feathers, etc), lactose (milk sugar), stuff like that.

You can find plenty of vegan vitamin D and multivitamins.

u/melknin · 2 pointsr/vegan

I get the Deva multivitamin (which also has 10x daily B12) with Amazon's subscribe and save (it's a 6-month supply so I've set it up to send more every 6 months). Highly recommended.

u/ADefiniteDescription · 2 pointsr/nfl

It's not that hard to go vegetarian or pescatarian in my experience. I more or less switched to a vegan/pescatarian mix over three years ago, and my cravings are basically only ever for cheese.

I recommend that you look into Asian and Indian cuisine, which is often naturally vegetarian or vegan anyways. If you want recommendations I'd be glad to suggest some of my staples.

You can also just take a daily vitamin for your other worry. I use these, which cost you $0.10 a day. It's just once a day which is easy. They smell awful though, and make your piss neon yellow for an hour or two, which is..interesting?

u/idontwanton · 2 pointsr/vegan

Yes, thyroid meds. I take synthroid/levothyroxine.

I actually just checked my multivitamin (DEVA vegan), and it does have iodine in it! I could have sworn it didn't. So I guess my earlier post wasn't entirely accurate.

u/MacPho13 · 2 pointsr/xxfitness

You may need more electrolytes. You're probably sweating a lot and plain water sometimes needs a boost!

Pick up some electrolyte packets. I like ElectoMix by EmergenC. I keep a couple in my purse and my yoga bag. All you need is a cup or bottle of water to mix the powder in and you're ready to go!

Nuun makes electrolyte tablets. They reforms latex their product a year or two ago and it tastes pretty good. Same with the ElectoMix, just mix it with water and you're set.





u/paidshillhere · 2 pointsr/politics

The most effective way would be to simply stop having children. Barring that, we would have to cut consumption greatly.

It's definitely possible to minimize energy and resource consumption through arcologies (live/shop where you work), permaculture or aquaponics (no runoff, 90% water saved vs soil farming), recycling or reusable materials (permanent plastic cup vs styrofoam), low hanging fruit (stop drinking bottled water, shipping it when you already have clean piped water - stop shipping soda, just ship a tablet that dissolves, etc...)

There's a lot of shit we can do but like you said, people don't give a shit. Personally I'm not going to have children because I just don't think they'll want to live in the world we're making for them.

u/sowhatquestion · 2 pointsr/Nootropics

I've had the exact same thing happen to me before. In fact, I had a panic attack after taking just 100mg magnesium glycinate--along with heart palpitations, just like you described.

I wonder if it might have something to do with electrolytes (of which magnesium is one)? I've recently started taking this product and feeling more energetic as a result. But my incident with mag glycinate was a long time ago, so I don't know if there's a direct connection.

u/soylient · 2 pointsr/nutrition

Non-caloric powerade. Seriously. All the electrolytes without the crap. Also there's a product called Nuun that I use. You dissolve it into your water bottle and it acts just like Gatorade.


u/nivvis · 2 pointsr/bicycling

How did you feel after? Was it clearly a joint or muscle group getting tired and overused? Or did you overall feel just worn out?

There are really three things to do:

  • General conditioning. Sounds like you mostly have that covered from your commute. If you had a random muscle/joint aches/pains I'd say ride more in general.

  • Interval training. Your commute is pretty flat. You should try more hills. You'll survive without this but this is really how you get strong and fast. It will build muscles (lactate threshold?) and build cardiovascular strength.

  • Nutrition. I think people might overlook this the most. Generally when you train for more than 1-2 hours at high intensity you need to replenish calories and salts. Especially salts. Put salt tabs (ie electrolytes) in all your water and make sure to eat snacks (bars, etc) while you ride. It differs for everyone a little. I like at least 16oz and a bar an hour or so. When you don't do this people usually feel really tired and just hit a wall after a while. I notice salt tabs make the biggest difference. They keep me coherent.
u/KimmiecT · 2 pointsr/keto

Buying a pre-mixed electrolyte supplement has helped me get the right salts in the right amounts... Two I have used:



u/adrun · 2 pointsr/xxfitness

These are kind of pricey, but I loooooove nuun tablets. They taste nice, they're not too sweet, and they're a little fizzy :)

u/nolenk8t · 2 pointsr/xxketo

2 strips bacon every other day & egg daily (fried in bacon or coconut oil) for breakfast. If it's not a bacon day the coffee also gets the bullet treatment.

Lunch is 1oz of cheese, 1 oz summer sausage, and 10-15 almonds.

The simplicity of the morning routine (make egg, cut cheese and meat for lunch, coffee in mug) is easy for me to do whether I have to work at 8am or 4pm, and fills me up surprisingly well-- I almost never get hungry before 6pm.

Bonus, the mostly/high fat intake early in the day sets me up for a pretty flexible feeling dinner. I try to put everything in MFP before I cook it though, just to check. Last night was cauliflower rice and spinach, with blue cheese sprinkled on top, and some leftover flank steak. It was really good.

Also if you're feeling off, look at your electrolytes (I love these: https://www.amazon.com/Original-Nuun-Active-Hydrating-Electrolyte/dp/B001QW1L72?th=1)

AND remember keto flu is real. It took me appx three weeks to get "over" it. You can do it!

u/Comandatuba · 2 pointsr/SexToys

We love the (Hitachi) Original Magic Wand and second the recommendation. We haven't tried the newer Magic Wand plus yet. To keep things clean we pull a condom over the wand's head; just be careful to not bring the condom further down where it might block airflow and cause overheating. Also, recommend pairing with a variable speed controller, such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TJ6MWQ/. There may be cheaper listings for a similar/ the same item, and it provides a lot of precision. As one approaches orgasm, it is fun to gradually increase the intensity/rate of vibration.

u/Shod_Kuribo · 2 pointsr/BDSMAdvice

If even the low setting is too much for you then you can also find some controllers that reduce the incoming power like these https://www.amazon.com/Wand-Massager-Speed-Controller-Hitachi/dp/B001TJ6MWQ?tag=electronicfro-20

u/begging-for-pegging · 2 pointsr/SexToys

is this what you are wanting?

u/lizanawow · 2 pointsr/AskRedditAfterDark

Yes, you can find kits on Amazon or ebay with the dimmer and a magic wand

Wand Massager Speed Controller for Hitachi Wand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TJ6MWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_zE.IBb2HEHR2V

u/BlisterBox · 2 pointsr/SexToys

re: the Magic Wand, you're correct that it only has two speeds, and even the "low" setting can be a bit overwhelming for some women. Here's a handy solution to that problem.

As for the smaller vibe, "hands-free" shouldn't be an issue. My gf actually likes that she can control exactly where she places the vibe, how much pressure to use etc. Here's the Ovo vibe I bought her. It's $25 on Amazon -- half the cost of Siri -- and works and looks just as good.

u/iowagirlbbw · 2 pointsr/bdsm

This is what I use to control the speed of my Hitachi. It works very well in my opinion.

u/Scoftie · 2 pointsr/Fitness

If you're absolutely set on getting ON Amazon is a little cheaper - £47.50 for 2.2kg.

Otherwise go for one of the other suggested powders and spend the savings on cottage cheese :)

u/civ_gandhi · 2 pointsr/bakchodi

Sorry I don't know the brand scene for whey in india. However, this brand is found everywhere:


Whey is a standard by product of dairy process of making curd/yoghurt. It's not some special product. You can try out different brands and check reviews as well. Don't be afraid to try out Indian brands as well. But I'm not giving you Indian brands because I haven't used them personally.

u/bicyclethieff · 2 pointsr/1200isplenty


I use the double rich chocolate flavor. Others have sucralose which can disagree w stomachs. Based on this recipe you may find it a touch chalky but I’m sure adding a nut butter would probably hide it entirely. I omit for calories. It’s definitely the least chalky one I’ve tried (Vega and Pure Protein).

u/maho4807 · 2 pointsr/loseit

Depends on your convenience needs. If you have time to cook up 3-4 eggs in the am (6g protein per egg), throw on on some salsa or hot sauce you can be done in less than 10 minutes. If that doesnt work, and I honestly can only manage this a few days a week, then I use and highly recommend this protein.

u/mocha-thunder · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Decent place to start:



u/Cwaazy · 2 pointsr/loseit

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002DYIZH6 this protein shake tastes like milk shake. I just add luke warm water and its good to go. The flavor i got is extreme milk chocolate.

u/The_Counter · 2 pointsr/ketorecipes

Big ups ninjastar09. I made this last night, but didn't include the hemp powder. I also added about 15 drops of liquid Stevia. It was...how can I say this in a clean way. Orgasmic?

Without the hemp powder:
1 serving was 299 calories, 30g fat, 4.8g carbs, and 6.5 protein. I used [Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard] (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002DYIZH6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

u/Ogroat · 2 pointsr/bicycling

I've got terrible vision as well and can't do much of anything outside of sleeping without my glasses. I throw a few lens wipes into my saddle bag for those times when my glasses get all sweaty and salt-encrusted. They're essentially just a cloth with alcohol but they cut through grease and whatever else you've got on your glasses quite well. I'd recommend them.

u/7yearlurkernowposter · 2 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

I like to use these wipes also great for glasses.

u/boswell_rd · 2 pointsr/photography

Zeiss wipes on Amazon.

u/PaintDrinkingPete · 2 pointsr/GooglePixel

I like to keep a box of these on hand at all times...

They work great and safely clean everything from the screen to camera to fingerprint sensor with no risk of scratches or offensive chemicals that could strip any coating.

They're fairly cheap and easy to carry in your bag/pocket/etc if you need to take a few with you.

u/lance713 · 2 pointsr/Ford

Other options include the appearance package, MyFord Touch (is possible to get real nav on this even though it didn't get the $800 nav package?) and the backup camera.

I loved the color the moment I saw it. Sometimes I feel its a little on the girly side, but I don't care. The color is absolutely gorgeous. and the red stitching on the interior really brings it out.

Two complaints though.

  1. I seem to get WAY LESS gas mileage on my 2012 Focus sedan that I traded in. On the Focus I would average 32 city/highway but on this Fusion I'm getting 16. I really hope it just needs to be broken in. I knew I was going to get less MPG but this is more than I expected.

  2. The touch screen is constantly getting finger printed. Is it save to use these Carl Zeiss wipes on it? It came with a microfiber cloth but it doesn't do anything. If I spray some lens cleaner solution from eye glasses shops it works but I don't know if it's safe for the screen.
u/bilged · 2 pointsr/motorcycles

Check out theCarl Zeiss glasses cleaning wipes on amazon. Very handy and you don't have to worry about scratches.

u/Niflhiem · 2 pointsr/IWantToLearn

I use Zeiss brand stuff, both spray and those wipes. I've never had an issue. There's others like it (my bro finds a canister of some local brand that also de-statics.)

This is not a paid post, and I don't get any funding for clicks or purchases.

u/misscareer · 2 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

In my Dagne Dover Tote

  • Dagne Dover Clutch Wallet
  • BonLook prescription eyeglasses and case
  • Staples PostScript Pen
  • NARS Lipgloss
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush + Blush Brush
  • Wipes for my eyeglasses
  • Water Bottle
  • RALPH by RL Rollerball perfume
  • Tiny purple stone my neighbor's kid gave me because it's lucky he said
  • Kindle Paperwhite
  • 2015 PlanAhead Planner
  • Floss
  • Teeny tiny spiral notebook (I most often use this to scribble Dagne Dover info down for crazed strangers who NEED to know where I got my bag)
  • Car Key
  • Birth Control
  • Stupid ugly cell phone (can't wait for my upgrade)
u/GodlessGravy · 2 pointsr/loseit

> So, to start off, I downloaded MyFitnessPal.

Excellent! I like MFP, it's working well for me even with its quirks.

> it's been awhile since I've had access to a good scale for people of my weight

You are going to need some way to measure your progress, eventually! I had a poke about amazon and they're not hugely expensive:

eatsmart scale

this one measures %bodyfat and is on sale!

%bodyfat information is hugely valuable for accurately tracking your progress and adjusting your diet.

> Excersizing has always been hard for me, I have severely flat feet, even my specially made inserts don't do much to prevent masshive pain if I'm on my feet too long

Stationary bike is your friend!

If you can, start walking second daily/daily for 10-30 minutes.

> It asked how much weight I wanted to lose a week, it recommended 1 pound. Is going with 2 pounds a week that big a deal? Do you think it'll be harder?

If you are 5'10" and 360lb+, you should eventually aim for 2lb/week. You may want to start at 1 pound a week to see what it feels like though.

> White bread, frozen things such as chicken tenders, sandwhich meat, cheese, baked chicken, hamburgers.. I used to eat other less healthy things but I've cut a lot of food out due to my chronic acid reflux, I eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of milk because they're relatively safe for me. I also tend to drink two cans of pop a day, though I'm going to try cutting those out.

You can eat, what you can eat. That said, as you lose weight, your reflux may improve.

If you are having trouble working out what to eat, just start with what you already eat, but control the quantities with calorie counting. You will want to do a few initial days of just counting what your current intake level is, so you can slowly lower your intake.

The easiest way to generate meals is to start with some good lean protein, then add some vegetables to that, and some flavouring, but don't forget that sauces count as calories!

Frozen food has the useful benefit of having very detailed nutritional information on the side of the box, and snap frozen vegetables have high nutrient value.

> How do you guys go about snacks? I usually eat something, be it some chips or something microwavable every few hours.

Chips are generally not great, but if you need them, count their calories into your budget. There's definitely a range of microwave foods out there with decent nutritional value (good amount of protein and essential fats).

> Also, what do you do at night when you're trying to sleep but it feels like you're starving?

When you get your eating right, this may be less of a problem. The right balance of proteins and fat help with satiety, whereas not having enough of those in your dinner meal may leave you hungry as you go to sleep.

> it says that I should consume no more than 2290 calories a day. I've used other calculators online though and have seen anything from 2600-2900 calories a day.

You probably have relatively little muscle mass because of your issues with your flatfeet. The main determinant of how many calories you should have is muscle mass. (%bodyfat measurements will let you determine this far more accurately though).

2300 calories per day is probably a good eventual target. However, first you need to measure how much you are currently eating, then work down from there.

> a bit of weight training.

I would suggest with working towards bodyweight squats and lunges. You may or may not be able to do a full movement with your current size, but a few partial squats are safe and will start conditioning your knees and muscles.

Also, try to get your hands on some cheap dumbbells and learning what movements you can do at home. You don't need the gym to lift weight!

Overall it sounds like you have a good attitude and an openness to learning. With patience, time and the right feedback, you can definitely achieve not only your temporary goals, but more than you thought possible!

u/shyphen · 2 pointsr/loseit

I have this one. Someone else in the thread mentioned having an Eat Smart scale and liking it as well. It remains very consistent.


u/tiggrr2001 · 2 pointsr/loseit

I just bought this one:


It is really accurate and wide enough that you don't have to worry about squeezing onto a tiny scale. I actually have found it matches my Dr's scale whereas my previous one was 10 lbs off.

u/Helloitslate · 2 pointsr/loseit

I have this one by Eatsmart. It's always accurate as well. Most of the eatsmart ones on amazon are rated really well.

It is normal to have your weight jump around all day. I can weigh myself in the morning, and then have breakfast with coffee and a huge cup of water and be 3 lbs up.

u/tucson_lepton · 2 pointsr/loseit

For what it's worth, you can buy a scale for about $35 on amazon that is both accurate and precise.

Here. It matches the scale at the doctor perfectly and is very reliable measurement to measurement.

u/cran · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Workouts won't help you as much as diet. Get good scales; for you and for your food. I love these two:

u/DadeMurphyNYC · 2 pointsr/loseit

If you feel your current scale is consistently accurate (within reason), you probably don't need to get a new one. However, i would recommend the one I have (measures in .2 increments):


Reasonably priced, about as accurate as you can expect, wide base and a nice big LCD screen. I've had it for around 8 months now, no complaints.

u/Keroseneslickback · 2 pointsr/loseit

How about exercise? How much do you do?

For scales, I've seen these exact ones in my doctor's office before (alongside the proper ones). Out of like 12,000 reviews, a 4.6/5 score is damn good. Regardless of some problems, it should be a good scale if your luck isn't completely terrible. But with all glass scales: Make sure they're on a flat surface. I personally use the smaller one with a max of 400lbs.

What I can recommend to you is this:

You should speak with your doctor about what's going on. Perhaps they have more insight. If they hadn't done a hormone blood test, they probably would.

As with most "Help, I'm not losing weight" posts, if there's no problem with you counting calories or with your body, then it's down to either: Eating less calories. Or, exercising more. 2000 calories at your weight is quite the cut (at my 6' 233lbs, 2200 calories and that's deep for me). Because of that I'd recommend exercising more. If you're not walking (on top of normal activity) everyday, do so everyday. At least thirty minutes, and an hour is great. More than an hour depends on how you feel.

u/HardHeartedHarbinger · 2 pointsr/loseit

I'm 6'1 365 and this is the best scale I've owned. It is accurate up to 440 lbs and has a wide platform so I don't feel like I'm having to balance on a tightrope.


u/holdstheenemy · 2 pointsr/loseit

I like this scale, its been reliable and accurate for me and i was over 300lbs

EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale

u/xtc46 · 2 pointsr/Fitness

All scales have a % of being off in accuracy, what I find more important is consistancy. If the scale is consistant you can trend loss and that is what is important. I have also found that accuracy drops the closer you get to the max of the scale.

Balance Beam Scales, like this are the most expensive, and the most accurate.

I dont see the one I have at home, but this is close (same brand I think) and it works well as long as I stand on the exact same spot on the scale every time. If I move over or place my feet wrong, the reading is off by several pounds. So I just make sure to do it the same way every time.

u/lunahedral · 2 pointsr/loseit

I use this EatSmart scale and like it a lot. Big light-up display and I've found it's only 0.2 off from the readings I get at the doctor's. It's also been quite consistent for me—if I step off and on the scale again I get the same reading every time.

Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done!

u/lesatz · 2 pointsr/keto
u/Nyaraa · 2 pointsr/Fibromyalgia

I will also chime in and say getting a different job would be best. That job is just giving you a negative feedback loop and worsening your pain.
As far as medication, savella is my lifeblood. I cannot go without it, and i have tried every single other drug that is used for fibro (insurance made me before they would cover it). Also having a sleeping pill has helped me immensely. I can now semi-reliably have a decent nights sleep, which helps a lot.

As far as alternative stuff for pain relief, anything that helps with the myofascia I absolutely love. My two go-to's are the tiger tail roller, the back buddy and bongers (though i had to modify mine, as i kept snapping the plastic and the metal ones). Also (I know this is expensive) chiropractic and massage therapy help reduce my pain.

But everyone is different, and this is what I have found that works for me. I hope this gives you some idea's to try though. (edit: formatting)

u/SidRunsUnshod · 2 pointsr/Fitness

I have this one, but honestly I can't it's better than a more affordable one, because I don't use it. (I'm not a fan of rolling around on the ground.)


I have many massage and trigger point devices. I'd say these two would be my favorites.



This one was good for hard to reach spots on my back, but I haven't needed it in a while.


u/davethewave91 · 2 pointsr/Fitness

For my upper-traps I use the back buddy! https://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Companys-Trigger-Therapy/dp/B0006VJ6TO/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1509818459&sr=1-2&keywords=back+buddy

That thing is pretty tits. Other than that I focus on keeping my ankles mobile while strengthening my entire posterior chain, especially scapular retractors and downward rotators (middle and lower traps).

Basically 'forward head' = stressed upper traps which then leads to impingement. Standing/ sitting up straight and practicing proper-ish ergonomics is a big part of reducing that stress

u/BeckyBuckeye · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

2 more things: my boyfriend just texted me "what the hell did you order?!" because of the Body Back Buddy. Apparently it came today in a box the size of a TV and he was confused.

And my work computer wouldn't turn on this morning, so I'm stuck with an old crappy one with one monitor and slow internet. It's a hard life.

u/neuromonkey · 2 pointsr/gadgets

This looks like a silly, pointless gimmick, but it's great. The Body Back Buddy is amazing for un-knotting your muscles. I got one for xmahannukah, and we can't stop using it.

u/1fastRN · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Here's some good PT type stuff to help with posture if you feel you tend to have rounded shoulders and a hunch back posture: https://youtu.be/LT_dFRnmdGs

Face pulls might be helpful https://youtu.be/HSoHeSjvIdY

Just to give you an idea of scapular stabilization work https://youtu.be/59uydMNbBeA

Also, check this out, a lot of info https://www.t-nation.com/training/neanderthal-no-more-1

Lastly http://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Companys-Trigger-Self-Massage/dp/B0006VJ6TO
I own one and it's great for relieving trigger points in my upper traps

Just some suggestions that have helped me as I've had a similar issue. I definitely recommend seeing a doctor to make sure it's nothing structural or injury related. Me personally, I had dominant upper traps that were tight all the time and weak lower traps and rhomboids. I really worked to correct my posture and it helped. You need to make sure your scapula is stable before most exercises...even bench, OHP, etc. Also, stretching my neck really helped. Using the computer and cell phones causes most of us to hunch forward. For me it was mostly my right because I drive with my right hand, use the computer mouse, hold my phone, etc with it. Are you a lefty by any chance?

Anyway, hope some of this stuff helps

u/fantasticjon · 2 pointsr/shutupandtakemymoney

I got one of these: www.amazon.com/Body-Back-10100000003-Buddy/dp/B0006VJ6TO/

basically the same thing and I highly recommend it if you get knots in your back.

u/_fishinthesea_ · 2 pointsr/OkCupid

Have you tried something like this?


It looks kinda weird, but my sis got one for her husband for xmas a while back and it's great for working out knots in your back.

u/HamsterFarm · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This thing looks ridiculous but is so helpful. Its better for trigger points (knots) than the vibrating ones are

u/Stellefeder · 2 pointsr/whatisthisthing

http://www.amazon.ca/Body-Back-Buddy-Self-Massage-Tool/dp/B0006VJ6TO this?

I used to sell massage tools at my last job. These things are great.

u/SergioPrado · 2 pointsr/Fitness

It's hands-down my favorite tool for soft tissue work (photo in this link shows how it's used): http://amzn.com/B0006VJ6TO

It's definitely the best for back work (also great for hamstrings,) which is otherwise fairly difficult to do in a targeted way. Lacrosse/tennis balls can work, but they're not quite as precise or effective most of the time. They also let you work out your knots while you're watching tv, which is much harder to do with a roller/balls. It's pretty fantastic, some of the best $35 bucks I've ever spent.

u/SPEECHLESSaphasic · 2 pointsr/xxketo

Make sure you're getting enough magnesium, salt, and potassium. I start getting muscle cramps and headaches when I'm not getting enough, and just feel blah overall. The days I'm not getting enough salt and potassium from my actual diet I'll dissolve 2 chicken broth cubes (veg broth would be fine too if you're vegetarian!) in 2 cups of water and add 1/4 tsp of no salt (potassium substitute), then sip that throughout the day. I also take two of these every night.

u/dreiter · 2 pointsr/fasting

>it's called Nu-Salt not No Salt

He/she is talking about NoSalt. There is also Lite Salt.

u/scabertrain · 2 pointsr/keto

Be careful with MFP, although it's a great tool a lot of the users that upload nutritional information don't bother including the potassium levels. (or anything else, seriously people if you're going to add items to the MFP database do it right!!) You'd be surprised how many foods include potassium. When adding an item, google if it has potassium and add it to the nutritional info if there is.

Also, try No Salt to make up for some of your daily potassium requirements

u/ketojeff · 2 pointsr/keto

I am currently training for a marathon this fall (running a half on July 24th), and have been strict keto for all of the training. Every now and then (like once or twice a month) I will feel pretty wiped out. I just cook up some broth with some added potassium (nosalt and it perks me right up.

My only suggestion is just to take it slow. Especially if you have not been keto'ing for longer than say 6 weeks.

u/Magnolia_o · 2 pointsr/loseit

you can buy salt substitutes that are supposed to taste like salt but have little or no sodium: [Nu-Salt] (http://www.nusalt.com/), [No Salt] (https://www.amazon.com/No-Salt-Substitute-11-Ounce-Can/dp/B000H185N6) and [Morton] (http://www.mortonsalt.com/home-product/morton-salt-substitute/) are ones i've seen but not tried

they are usually high in potassium so you may want to check with your doctor first

u/hitogokoro · 2 pointsr/fatpeoplestories

Supplement your electrolytes and you will have 0 issues!

Get 100% of your daily value of Sodium from 1 cup of Bone Broth (or chicken broth).

In that, drop 1 teaspoon of NoSalt, which is just pure Potassium cholride powder. BAM! 100% daily value of Potassium.

Then, take 2 doses of Magnesium Glycinate Chelate and twice as much Coral Calcium if you want to get 100% of your Magnesium, and a 2-to-1 ratio of Magnesium to Calcium, which is preferred for bone calcium and blood calcium levels.

If you take your salty electrolyte shot everyday like I do, and adapt to ketosis at <25g carbs per day and not exceeding 150g protein, I bet you will turn Super Saiyan. LOL

u/s3rvant · 2 pointsr/keto

I eat 2 meals a day with a light snack after work and another for dessert. I keep water near me at all times so it's always a short reach away.

For breakfast I go with 4 scrambled eggs (video) w/ No-Salt, 1 serving of sugar free jello, a glass of Stevia Kool-Aid and a generic multi-vitamin. Depending on the day's plans I might swap out the Kool-Aid for a whey protein drink instead. This leaves me very full and even with a workout around lunch time I won't feel hungry until at least 5pm.

My wife cooks supper, which will include various proteins, veggies, etc. as listed in OP's post above. Sometimes the meal plan will include more carbs than I prefer (such as a noodle dish) and she'll swap out the carbs in my portion for shirataki noodles instead. Last night I had a lovely baked spaghetti with meat sauce using these.

As for snacks I use pepperoni (fav is to nuke them so they're like crispy meat chips), sliced cheese, creamsicle jello, sugar free pudding (use half & half) and nuts (pistachios are my fav).

As for drive-thru, there's a Cook Out near me that still has their prices low (double cheeseburger for $1) and they'll gladly serve burgers without the bun and ketchup on the side. Also love Jimmy John's as they'll use a lettuce wrap instead of bread.

^^Edit: ^^# ^^of ^^eggs

u/therm0pyle · 2 pointsr/keto
  1. Maybe. Some people need supplements, others do not. One thing that people use for Potassium is No Salt ( http://www.amazon.com/No-Salt-Substitute-11-Ounce-Can/dp/B000H185N6 )
  2. Up to you. Some people go hardcore keto and never cheat. Others build in cheat days and find that the cycling can help kick them out of a rut. You're always having some carb intake, so yes, it's the quantity that matters here; go over a certain amount and you'll kick yourself out of keto and back into running off carbs as fuel. It's not a big deal to cheat, but the more you cheat, the less time you spend in keto.
  3. Butter. Oil. Bacon. Sausage. Check out /r/ketorecipes if you're looking for specific recipes.
u/MacSob · 2 pointsr/keto

Haha! It's "Braundo" and most definitely!

In case no one posted the links yet, this is what I ended up with for my electrolyte drink. Into a glass of water I pour in NuSalt, grind in some pink Hymalayan sea salt, and down it with a 250mg Magnesium pill. I do this first thing every morning, and combined with diet I get all of my electrolytes.




My wife can't do this, she uses this mix and it does work for her:


Hope this helps! KCKO!


u/BlightPhoenix · 2 pointsr/keto

I find that juices tend to be high carb. Anything fruit based especially. I absolutely love v8 and all of the fruity varieties but I can't justify all of those carbs.

Lite salt/no salt ( http://www.amazon.com/No-Salt-Substitute-11-Ounce-Can/dp/B000H185N6 ) could be a great help for potassium. I take a magnesium supplement every day as well, and add salt to almost everything I eat.

Best of luck!

u/the_resident_skeptic · 2 pointsr/pics

Use this and lower your sodium intake too

It's potassium chloride

u/maxdodge123 · 2 pointsr/fasting

No salt:



Just get it at the grocery store

Boom that's it.
Don't really need the vinegar

u/Nugget_Brain · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Welcome! At 2 months, you have absolutely no reason to worry that you won't be able to do this. It can take a healthy couple up to a full year to conceive.

Do you temp? Use OPKs? My suggestions:

Buy and read Taking Charge of your Fertility. This is going to show you things about your body that you never knew. It really is eye opening.

Buy a Basal Body Thermometer. You can take your temperature vaginally or orally, as long as you do it the same way every day. You want to take your temperature after at least 3 hours of solid sleep. Don't get up, don't move around. Wake up to your alarm, take the temp and go back to sleep. I believe the one I linked has a 'history' so you can read it in the morning.

Enter your temperature daily in Fertility Friend This is free and will help you track your ovulation. You should have a drastic dip and then a pretty drastic rise. This indicates that you have in fact ovulated.

Temping is only good in retrospect. You can see that you have ovulated, not that you are going to. That's where [Ovulation Predictor Kids] (http://www.amazon.com/Combo-Ovulation-Pregnancy-Test-Strips/dp/B001E1Y1X6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1404993367&sr=8-3&keywords=wondfo) come in handy. You use these in the afternoon (when most women will have a surge of Lutenizing (sp?) Hormone. This indicates that you are gearing up to ovulate. And yes, it's true that it's possible that you don't ovulate every time you surge. That's why you want to temp to actually confirm it.

Combining these 3 things will give you a really clear picture of what's going on each cycle. For some women, it can really stress them out. For me, it makes me feel empowered. Let me know if you have any more questions!

u/mechitgood · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

this is the one I use and everyone on here recommends

u/brynnflynn · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Absolutely! Honestly, if you're not a little worried about bringing a person into the world, then you're probably not ready. That's the way I've always felt about it.

As for getting ready, now is the perfect time to pick up a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility, a Mabis basal body thermometer, and to find a good pre-natal vitamin and DHA supplement. I personally use a combination of Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal and Nordic Naturals DHA. They work well for me, and I got my period right when I expected to after getting my IUD taken out and have been regular as clockwork since.

I would also recommend signing up for FertilityFriend; it's the most common app we're all using, and does a great job of helping you keep track of your cycles. You don't have to go all in on temping (and if you choose not to, don't worry about the thermometer), but I've found it to be so helpful to keep my expectations in check rather than clinging to hope that "Maybe this period is just implantation bleeding".

But in terms of priority, I would highly recommend you pick up TCoYF, and getting started on a good pre-natal. Hope to see you around!

u/Throwaway_but_TFAB · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Yeah that price sounds about right. Here is the link to mine. $8 AND Prime. Sorry on mobile but here is the link : MABIS Basal Digital Thermometer to Test Basal Body Temperature (BBT) for Natural Family Planning, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000O6YCZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_mOXi6TAVq8R2O

u/MPTPWZ1026 · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

I live in the US and have this one. :) I think it's just the link she used.


u/rosiestac13 · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Yayy haha! I use This One and it gets the job done!

u/StampsInMyPassport · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

This one!

u/lemonade4 · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

My Mabis works great. If I'm sleeping in that day I'll take my temp and look at it and put it in FF, but it does keep the last temp if you want to look later. It's not backlit which I know some people like, but it has never bothered me much..my phone is always handy and the screen easily lights it.

Here's mine: (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000O6YCZY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)

u/runninglucy · 2 pointsr/TryingForABaby

Update: /u/whenwillthewaitend was correct about the counterfeit MABIS! I contacted Amazon about my MABIS malfunctioning and they sent me a replacement on Friday. When I compared the packaging, I noticed that the two thermometers were similar but definitely different. The first thermometer I received was actually from TopCare, Model 87-639-000, Distributed by Topco Associates LLC Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. However, my replacement MABIS is from MABIS Healthcare, Model 15-639-000, Distributed by MABIS Healthcare 1931 Norman Drive Waukegan, IL 60085. Physically the two thermometers are similar, except for one distinguishing factor: the real MABIS contains a white M logo on the pink battery cover. What I don't understand is why the same seller, MABIS DMI Healthcare, would have sent me two very different thermometers?!!

u/klukins · 2 pointsr/RandomActsofMakeup
  1. I was given 2 more weeks of soft foods today at my post-op appt. :(. I LOVE mexican food though and I can finally eat refried beans and enchiladas. I'm also a HUGE condiment/dip fan (ranch, hot sauce, guac, french onion).

  2. Ok halloween.... I work in a PT office and we all dress up with a theme but it hasn't been set yet (talk of construction workers since we are under construction haha or hipster disney), but I need a costume that won't get in my way at work and isn't revealing. So something simple (I also think glitter hairspray sounds fun). I also HATE painting my face/skin. This is also the first time I live somewhere that I'll get trick or treaters so I'll stay in costume for them that night.

  3. I had banana bread today at work for the first time in a long time and it was really good and I could eat it. My one candy (which is still a ways off from being able to enjoy) is Haribo Gummy Bears.

  4. I'm sad that even ghoulkins has chronic pain but I can completely relate. I've been really eyeing a theracane to help out. I've also become a fan of the rice packs that you can freeze or heat up. I have a bunch of smaller ones but I'm looking for one like these but bigger than the medium sized one. I like that it doesn't have sewn pouches in it and no fleece.

    I'm excited! Anything you want to know?
u/SocraticBreakdown · 2 pointsr/ChronicPain


I used to get massages by a PT as well, and the type of massage that worked best for my pain was a deep tissue trigger point massage, which I believe is similar to the massage you've said is effective for you. As you mentioned, that easily becomes expensive, but my neurologist turned me on to a much cheaper solution. I do home massage therapy on myself using a Theracane and workbook and get the same benefits I was getting from having the massage done to me by a PT. I'm posting this from mobile so pls message me if links don't work. This way I can also get exactly the relief I want where I want it and most importantly when I want it.

u/Billy_Reuben · 2 pointsr/bodyweightfitness

Finally! My busted, barely-works-out ass can contribute to this excellent sub!

The Google definition is straight out of the textbook:

>a classic trigger point is defined as the presence of discrete focal tenderness located in a palpable taut band of skeletal muscle, which produces both referred regional pain (zone of reference) and a local twitch response. Trigger points help define myofascial pain syndromes.

That's perfect, and different from a pulled muscle. It's based on David Simons and Janet Travell's Energy Crisis Theory that we must admit, like acupuncture, while it makes logical sense and seems to work in practice on an individual basis, doesn't exactly hold up to hard science. However, unlike acupuncture, it hasn't been proven a placebo in sham studies with our limited knowledge and understanding.

TL;DR: A true "trigger point" is thought to be a "locked-up" section of muscle that's behaving badly to an insult. The way that it is "locked-up" is that a section of the muscle has contracted and shortened, cut off blood flow, and new ATP and neurotransmitters that reset the lengthening, and remains frozen because no new nutrients are resetting the relaxation.

The way to reset this problem is easy: You either focally massage it, or your needle it to break it up, using anesthetics to ease the pain of having a needle artificially introduce bloodflow to an area to restore homeostasis and break the locked bonds (none of this is proven, just so you know).

Without a physician visit, THIS is the Easy Button for that sort of thing.

Hope it helps. I should probably work out enough to get trigger points, actually.

u/aumanchi · 2 pointsr/promos
u/gw2master · 2 pointsr/explainlikeimfive

Try a Theracane. Thank me later. (I use it around the insides of the shoulder blades when I have neck issues: it's probably doing a similar thing as when your buddy punches you there.)

u/NoButMaybe · 2 pointsr/BabyBumps

Theracane. It's the best for rubbing sore spots when you don't have anyone to help you out.


u/erisanu · 2 pointsr/massage

If you haven't already, you could consider yoga-style exercises. Anything that's basically big stretches and breathing. Hold a pose and breath into it. The breath is key for relaxation. Longer exhales than inhales will cue your body to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the auto-pilot process for resting and digesting (think opposite of fight/flight). So breath is a way to have your body tell your muscles to chill, which makes them easier to stretch, which helps give you the relaxation and results you want. Massage is all about engaging the parasympathetic system and encouraging and facilitating the body's natural healing processes.

If you're talking about the theracane, I know plenty who love it. They're great. I've used one and plan to get one, but I don't own one yet so I can't speak for long term use. I have good results with tennis balls between my back and the wall, or on the floor. If you're curious about self care options, google 'self myofascial release' and check out foam rolling stuff. There's some really cool stuff you can do for yourself just by rolling around on the floor for a few minutes each day. :]

u/StephenNotSteve · 2 pointsr/Fitness

I just got over that. I feel you.

Stay on it with a foam roller and one of these.

Edit: I have a cane massager in my arsenal, too.

u/akn0m3 · 2 pointsr/AskReddit


15 minutes with it, and I'm close to Nirvana.

u/kayleighh · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Oh neat! Seems fun. Fear cuts deeper than swords.

  1. Something that is grey. - Wishful Thinking list
  2. Something reminiscent of rain. - Priority Items list
  3. Something food related that is unusual. - Health/Beauty list
  4. Something on your list that is for someone other than yourself. - Priority Items list. For my cat Little because she gets urinary tract infections so I am always trying to find ways to keep her well hydrated.
  5. A book I should read! - DVDs/Books list. I've wanted to read it since it came out, just haven't gotten the chance to. The movie was fabulous too.
  6. An item that is less than a dollar, including shipping... that is not jewelry, nail polish, and or hair related! - Not on any of my lists
  7. Something related to cats. - Priority Items list.
  8. Something that is not useful, but so beautiful you must have it. - On a Private wishlist because the price is ridiculous.
  9. A movie everyone should watch at least once in their life. - Already Owned. Because it's my favorite movie.
  10. Something that would be useful when the zombies attack. - Wishful Thinking list. Because I could throw it at their faces.
  11. Something that would have a profound impact on your life and help you to achieve your current goals. - Health/Beauty list. Because I get bad back pain and muscle knots from my scoliosis and they can sometimes prevent me from doing what I need to do properly. Alternate from a Private wishlist because I may have to quit my job due to respiratory irritation from the chemicals.
  12. One of those pesky Add-On items. - Health/Beauty list. I hate Add-on Items.
  13. The most expensive thing on your list. - On a Private wishlist simply because it is so expensive. It's my dream item because I want to replace my gram's old one which I accidentally shattered the bowl for. /:
  14. Something bigger than a bread box. - Priority Items list
  15. Something smaller than a golf ball. - Health/Beauty list
  16. Something that smells wonderful. - Priority Items list
  17. A (SFW) toy. - Miscellaneous list. SFW to look at, not necessarily to play haha.
  18. Something that would be helpful for going back to school. - Wishful Thinking list
  19. Something related to your current obsession, whatever that may be. - Miscellaneous list. I have always been obsessed with writing lists. I have these markers and I love them but a lot of them are dried out/won't write. I haven't thrown them away because it makes me sad.
  20. Something that is just so amazing and awe-inspiring that I simply must see it. - Priority Items list. A bag that I absolutely crave with every fiber of my being. I want it soooo bad. It's pretty and comes in other pretty colors and looks cute and comfy and wonderful.


  21. Anything that has my real name on it. I don't know your real name, sadly. ): Maybe someday!
  22. Anything made in Oregon. - Filmed in Oregon.

    Any of the things I have noted being on Private lists I would be happy to send you the link to for proof can be seen here. :) Also your wishlist names made me chuckle. :D

    Also also Happy Birthday to my dad! <3
u/AttackOfTheThumbs · 2 pointsr/Fitness

This one, right: https://www.amazon.ca/OPTIMUM-NUTRITION-Standard-Extreme-Chocolate/dp/B000QSTBNS

Now I just need to find a much smaller size to try it lol

u/o0oo00oo · 2 pointsr/xxfitness

Not OP but I've tried a random variety of protein powders, and Optimum Nutrition is far and away the best. It comes in a ton of flavors and the couple I've tried (Extreme Milk Chocolate and Double Rich Chocolate) aren't too sweet, like some protein powders can be. But the best part it that it completely dissolves so it doesn't make your smoothies gritty. I also just drink it straight mixed in water a lot, because I'm lazy haha. Optimum Nutrition is recommended a lot all over this sub and r/fitness, and for good reason!

u/Jordan-S · 2 pointsr/keto

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard, Extreme Milk Chocolate, 5 Pound https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QSTBNS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_oaLNxb0J9J0MR

u/Anatidaephobic_Duck · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Not sure about cost/availability in the UK, but optimum gold standard is low carb/fat.

u/Sharkfightxl · 2 pointsr/EatCheapAndHealthy

Nobody has suggested protein shakes yet. They provide a lot of protein (~24g/serving) for relatively cheap.


u/artyboi37 · 2 pointsr/Fitness

I'm planning on stocking up on protein powder again, but what I usually get (ON Whey Protein) jumped in price a bit, and a different protein (MET-Rx Whey Protein) is about $20 cheaper. Is there any reason I shouldn't get the MET-Rx over the ON?



u/BrutalJones · 2 pointsr/bjj
  1. Ditch the cup, just wear compression shorts.

  2. Eat more protein, sleep more, foam roll. Make sure you give your body enough time to recover between training sessions. You'll be able to train more frequently as your body acclimates to grappling.
u/Dezember_Zwolf · 2 pointsr/streetwear

not for the discoloration but lint shaver is rly nice for this type of thing
i got mine for 2 bucks at a japanese tenso but this should be the same thing

u/kindalatetotheparty · 2 pointsr/clothdiaps

I opted not to use it because I had enough diapers. I’m sure you could still use it. I would just be concerned about eventual build up causing absorbency/ repelling issues.

You could try “shaving” off the stain. If it’s like the stain I have, it’s kind of rough and just on top of the fibers. So, a clothing pill shaver might work.

u/camhabib · 2 pointsr/arcteryx

Just get a pill shaver. It has nothing to do with Arc’teryx at all, it’s just a basic property of fabric that’ll happen to just about anything sooner or later.


u/informareWORK · 2 pointsr/goodyearwelt
u/asdfjklOHFUCKYOU · 2 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

fabric shavers! link Just don't press too hard and run over the same spot multiple times or you may create holes in your sweaters.

u/vivagypsy · 2 pointsr/AskWomen

Here's a link to one http://www.amazon.com/Remington-Battery-Operated-Fabric-Shaver/dp/B0034BV6KA

I use my grandmas which is old and not able to be destroyed so I don't know if the new ones are of good quality. I use it weekly though. Sweaters, socks, blankets, chub Rub in yoga pants that make them pill, etc. extends the life of my clothes by a lot.

u/_marco_polo_ · 2 pointsr/Hunting

I use a 30L Marmot, an 85L Osprey, or a regular school backpack sized Northface, and absolutely love them. It really depends on personal preference and what kind of hunt you are going on. If you do buy an internal frame pack, be sure to go to a store and try it on with some stuff in it. If you go to a major hunting/camping place, they will have staff to fit it for you. Do that and then buy online to save money.

I've used cheap walmart base layers for years until this year. Got an amazing set from a Cabela's bargain cave and decided that from now on I am going to get the expensive ones(unless I find another sale). The cheap ones will do it, but aren't nearly as comfortable or warm so I had to wear more layers. My fiancee swears up and down that her under armor set is better than the same set I bought from cabelas(she has both).

For a jacket(and maybe pack) do you need it to be camo? If no, for a jacket I suggest a Carhartt. If yes on camo, I love my Drake but it was super expensive. Maybe check out Macks Prairie Wings site?

As for anything else to make your hunt more fun, if you are done growing, I suggest splurging on a great pair of boots. Warm, dry, and comfy feet make me really happy. I also sometimes bring a little pocket rocket or a jetboil for warm food or drink but that really depends on the type of hunt. Stanley makes a great thermos for warm liquid up to 10-12 hours.

Also maybe think about a compact trauma kit. Accidents happen. I've got an Israeli bandage (get a bigger one that I linked. 6in isn't enough) coupled with a put together trauma kit. Blood clot packs, gauze, alcohol, thermo blanket, etc.

Hope reading this wall of text helped.

Ninja Edit: Rope or paracord for dragging dead game.

u/17496634303659 · 2 pointsr/tacticalgear

Ok so first off, never ever use combat gauze or quick clotting sponges / powders in any situation unless the bleeding absolutely can't be controlled by a tourniquet. So, there are powdered quick clot applications, and the one that comes in a gauze form. The powdered version is extremely old, and was phased out of the military years ago. When it gets in contact with blood, it becomes excruciatingly hot and can actually burn you. Soldiers found that when downrange, if there are a decent breeze and they were trying to pour the powder in a wound, some would fly into their eyes or onto their sweat skin and start burning. Also, unlike the gauze, there is no way to force it into the wound and apply pressure onto the bleeding artery. The gauze form has a blue line down the center that actually shows up on x rays so doctors can remove all of the gauze. The chemical found in the powder has been put into the gauze.

That is what I assume you are speaking of when you say granuals. So with the gauze, you dont just take it out of the package and smack it on the wound. Let me find a video real quick on how to properly apply it.

Video on combat gauze!

Video shown to us medics when we first joined for training!

Hope that gives you a better idea.

If you were in a bad mountain bike crash and it left a big gash on your leg, I would use an ETB (Israeli Bandage) if it wasn't arterial bleeding (you look down at your leg and bright red blood is literally SQUIRTING out = arterial). You are just trying to keep the skin closed, apply pressure, and gtfo.

ETB on Amazon!

That is what we use in the military.

Any more questions feel free to ask.

u/AFKeeker · 2 pointsr/AskReddit

Bleeding out is a leading cause of death during severe trauma, yet it is one that can be mitigated to a great extent with some simple first aid gear and training. Having a First Aid Kit in your car is a great idea. Many things that the military uses in their Individual First Aid Kits (IFAK) can be purchased online. Amazon has CATs, Israeli Bandages, Quikclot, SAM Splints, Combat Lifesaver Guides (useful for situations where medical assistance might be delayed, like wilderness situations), and much much more.

u/RockyMtnAristocrat · 2 pointsr/wicked_edge

Some supplies I often recommend:

  • Norton 4K/8K
    For general honing, and a laborious restoration/bevel set (if you do more than a few razors, get the 1k below to set a bevel).

  • A jewelers loop to see what happens to the blade as you hone, polish, stop and shave. I feel watching the sharpness of a straight razor bevel develop and degrade is a critical education step in straight razor bevel maintenance.

  • Chromium Oxide on a strop for final polish, or a diamond pasted strop.

  • King 1000 K For bevel setting.

  • DMT flattening stone your hones don't ship flat, and must even them out - use sandpaper till you get this.

  • Niawa 12K
    For polishing your razor with a stone (some prefer this method).

  • Mineral oil to prevent rust (local pharm)

  • A bit of styptic in anticipation of your first shave

u/Patrollingthemojave0 · 2 pointsr/EDC
u/illHavetwoPlease · 2 pointsr/The_Donald

Pedes make it a goal to add a first aid kit to your car or EDC bag. One with trauma wraps, tourniquet, blood clotting agent, gloves, etc. the reality is, we don't know where this is headed and it never hurts to be prepared.
Blood cult agent
Israeli trauma wrap
[Nitrile gloves](
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00BC14L5Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1493701715&sr=8-3&keywords=nitrile+gloves+xl&dpPl=1&dpID=41XZuoTzS4L&ref=plSrch)It's a good idea to have a few things anyway for the car just in case too. Flashlight, water straw filter, iodine water tablets, small emergency blanket, road flare/air flare, hand warmers, knife, flint rod, etc. it will come in handy at some point.

u/MangoBitch · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

Saddle soap is soap + oils. If the leather you're working on is dirty, you should use saddle soap (or a different leather soap) to begin with, and then switch to just a conditioning (oil) product and keep applying layers until it stops soaking it up quickly. The soap is relatively mild, but should be avoided when unnecessary.

I currently use Lexol conditioner because it's cheap and easy to find locally (I was out and needed some STAT), but I've heard great things about Leather Honey and I've also gotten good results from mink oil. Honestly, the brand isn't nearly as important as just doing it regularly.

u/SirNuke · 2 pointsr/malefashionadvice

Can I get a good, concises overview of leather shoe care?

As I understand, it's along the lines of:

  • Use cedar shoe trees when not wearing, to help dry them out
  • Every couple weeks (or however often the shoe needs it) apply some shoe polish
  • Every month or so apply shoe conditioner

    Would this be a good choice for the shoe polish and brush/rag? Then this for the conditioner?

    Also, some sites mention applying waterproof paste every year or so. Is that necessary for shoes that don't aren't expected to withstand rain (such as a pair of oxfords, which will readily leak water by the lacing regardless if the rest of the shoe is water proof or not)? If so, what's a good product to use?
u/Iophobic · 2 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

I don't have a schedule, I just apply it when the leather is starting to look dry. I tend to apply at the beginning of the season

I use Lexol (um...but the much smaller bottle? haha) and Leather Honey

u/Mother_of_Doxies · 2 pointsr/RepLadies

A generic Leather Honey off of Amazon. It really made a difference!

u/__Vic__ · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

The elastic actually isn't damaged, just frayed! I used Leather Honey, but I don't know much about the different types as I am brand new to this. It seemed to work well.

u/ColinAllCarz · 2 pointsr/BuyItForLife

As other people have said, saddle soap to clean. I like Leather Honey Leather Conditioner as a conditioner/protector. It does darken the leather a bit, though.

u/herman_gill · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Looking like a douche a few hours before bed and turning off all the lights off in your room at night (especially when you're actually asleep). Not doing any heavy working out before bed (which you already are probably fine with).

On the other end of the equation: waking up with a bright ass fucking light in your room rather than an alarm clock because you don't get enough sunlight in the morning. Attach it to one of those stop/start timers and set it to turn on 10 minutes before your alarm.

Other than that, all the supps that do help you with getting to sleep also improve sleep quality at least a bit. But yeah, not having any night lights or anything peering into your room will help improve your actual sleep at least a bit.

u/lifelurker · 2 pointsr/AskReddit

A simple Google will give you tons of products. I don't know where you live, so it's pointless to give you specific stores to buy it from. However, you should read customer reviews to make sure they even work.




u/Will_BC · 2 pointsr/bipolar

What kind of job do you have? You don't have to reveal too much, I'm just wondering if it's office work, if you work with people or by yourself, or what sorts of things you're allowed to do. When you see your doctor, make sure to bring this up. My pdoc prescribed me modafinil, it doesn't exactly deal with depression but it gives me more energy and helps counteract the fogginess. I don't know where you live, but if it's a relatively high latitude like I do, you might have some Seasonal Affective Disorder going on as well. Every fall/winter after I was diagnosed sucked really bad, until last winter when I got a light box. This is the one I have https://smile.amazon.com/Sphere-Gadget-Technologies-Lightphoria-Energy/dp/B004JF3G08/ref=sr_1_9_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1474310365&sr=1-9&keywords=light+box
and it really helps me. It's small but it's bright and it would fit on a desk.

u/fellandfound · 2 pointsr/grandrapids

I've been using this one for two years now for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's the best one I've found for the price and it's currently on sale.

u/fitsofthefather · 2 pointsr/BipolarReddit

Sure! I'll give OP a chance to respond but if they don't want it it's (probably) yours. I say probably because I did some major cleaning and have to figure out where I put it!

It's this one: https://www.amazon.com/Sphere-Gadget-Technologies-Lightphoria-Energy/dp/B004JF3G08

I have a spare because my boyfriend was trying to be helpful, but didn't realize 2 of these is no better than 1!

[edit] found it!

u/vaqari · 2 pointsr/depression

Mine are both unfortunately somewhat expensive.

A sunrise alarm clock. This is the one I have. It works great but has apparently been discontinued. It was $60 when I bought it. Helps me to wake up and actually feel rested. Usually I wake naturally at dawn, but dawn is much later than when I have to get up in winter.

SAD Lamp. The one I have is portable.

u/Pikablu · 2 pointsr/Charlotte

Bought this beauty last week thinking I may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Turns out I was incredibly wrong and the damn thing just makes me feel nervous. But it might work for you! Price is 35 and comes with everything but the box.


u/Bad_Bishop · 2 pointsr/Nootropics

I decided to get this:

Lightphoria 10,000LUX Energy Light Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004JF3G08/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_EtFSub1PR5H73

The sheer number of reviews seems to suggests how effective this model is. Costs about 125 sgd for me, so not so huge of a dent in my wallet.

u/Seabored · 2 pointsr/GiftIdeas

Here are some "natural" treatments I am trying for depression: SAM-e, HTP-5, St. John's Wort, and light therapy with the Lightphoria 10,000 LUX lamp. HTP-5 and the lamp can help to alleviate depression and help you maintain a regular sleep cycle.

This is the lamp: http://www.amazon.com/Lightphoria-000LUX-Energy-Light-Lamp/dp/B004JF3G08 Check out the reviews.

u/SailNW · 2 pointsr/quittingkratom

I have this one https://www.amazon.com/Sphere-Gadget-Technologies-Lightphoria-Energy/dp/B004JF3G08/ref=zg_bs_13053141_12?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZNA1EJ79ETGXPWSNY466

There are a ton of them on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Health-Personal-Care-Light-Therapy-Products/zgbs/hpc/13053141

Lots of difference price ranges. Basically, it mimics sunlight and kind of tricks your brain into thinking you're looking at the sun. I like to put it on the corner of my desk while I work. It looks like a sunny window out of the corner of my eye.

u/poidogs · 2 pointsr/WinterBlues

This one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004JF3G08/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

is my favorite. I've used several different kinds, and this one is powerful and compact.

Occasionally you can find happy lights on sale at Costco, but that is super variable to location and time of year.

u/lackstoast · 2 pointsr/getdisciplined

For some weird reason they don't make very many that are actual alarm clock ones like this that you can set to turn on at a specific time, so they're a little harder to find. This is the one I have, but it looks like it's unavailable now, sorry. :/ You might be able to find another one though, or just google the brand and maybe it's somewhere besides Amazon?

You can find tons of light alarm clocks like this one that I also have (except it wasn't such a ridiculous price when I bought it—wtf?), which are helpful and nice, but they're just regular lamps and not the super strong blue light, so they won't have quite the same effect. If you just need a little help though, it could be good. Just make sure you know what you're getting—if it doesn't explicitly say 10,000 lux somewhere, you're getting just a regular lamp alarm clock like this one.

This is the one I use at my desk, but you have to turn it on manually. So you could have your alarm go off, then turn it on, then lay there for a while, but that's not quite as helpful as having it light up gradually while you're sleeping.

u/Ohthere530 · 2 pointsr/tifu

Squatting is a healthy way to shit.

Amazon even has products to help.

u/dusttones · 2 pointsr/howardstern

Amazon is running a sale on these right now. Buy one for $25 get the second one for $15. So, just under $40 for two. Works with 7" or 9" ecco styles.

7 inch model and
9 inch model

u/HighOnGoofballs · 2 pointsr/funny
u/Fnarley · 2 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse

Squatting like some kind of 3rd world savage?

Get yourself a squatty potty, like me, an intellectual

u/yupislyr · 2 pointsr/windsorontario

Missed it myself as we were over there for a show already, but we have no problem hearing a lot of their events all the way in South Walkerville. I'm glad you have such a great attitude about noise pollution though, I guess. Hah

Anyway, if you ever want a white noise machine instead of having to run actual fans, this is the best one I know of

It's kind of pricey for what it is, but the best part is it can get LOUD, so it really masks noise. Maybe not fireworks so much, but the vast majority of other stuff depending on how close you sleep to it. It has one setting that basically sounds like a regular box fan.

u/NeutronStarPasta · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump

We bought and really like this one. Has a USB plug so you can use AC with a wall adapter or an external battery. Doesn't have an internal battery though. It's truly continuous and doesn't loop. Lots of different white (brown, etc...) And fan types.


u/enh98 · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump
u/OverTheCandleStick · 2 pointsr/HomeImprovement

If you don't have this white noise machine, buy it. Move on. The others are toys compared to this.

LectroFan - White Noise Machine with 10 Fan and 10 White Noise Sounds, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6D6LQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_0ZDozb88V2M33

u/SleepResearchCenter · 2 pointsr/sleep

Def recommend the LectroFan. Although now I have to travel with it because the silence in hotel rooms is deafening. I've heard you can detect the "loop noise" on the one you posted.


u/Turdworm · 2 pointsr/insomnia

They make sound pillows.

They also make pillow speakers.

Of several styles.

They make sleep headbands with speakers.

Then there's noise machines.

I use a fan. lol

If you go for one of those other things, I'd shop around a bit. Those were just the first I found as an example. Not sure of quality.

u/spiralstaircase · 2 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

White noise, my friend. (There's also pink noise and brown noise, which is my favorite)

You could buy a noise machine:

u/mndjhnsn · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump

A sound machine is a must! I love my lectrofan so much, we have 2. Adaptive Sound Technologies LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Sound Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6D6LQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_IMcUCbW93XSAB

u/twiggyful · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump

We have been using this sound machine and it gets really loud for us!

u/curiouskiwicat · 2 pointsr/newzealand

"NZ invention" is a stretch. Here's one on Amazon for $19.99 (or $213.32 for a pack of 10! ???)


> "The Original Squatty Potty - Made in U.S.A. As seen on Shark Tank and The Howard Stern Show

> If you are a new squatter, the 7” is a great place to start or if consider yourself an advanced squatter, a 9" Squatty Potty will work best. Younger children should use a 9 inch Squatty Potty while teenagers tend to prefer the 7 inch height

> The Squatty Potty may feel different at first, but the body quickly adjusts and the new healthy way of eliminating quickly becomes second nature

> Doctor recommended / endorsed, Strong & durable, Family-friendly and weight capacity-350 pounds"

Would legit recommend, though!

u/TheShowIsNotTheShow · 2 pointsr/EOOD

Can verify: once lived wayyy north. You can get hand-held SAD lamps for $40-50. I used to get into a swimsuit and do yoga in front of it as mood-maintenance pretty regularly in the winter. Here's an example of one!

u/cfeyer · 2 pointsr/paintball

Try a Squatty Potty for a few weeks! Changed a friend's life for the better in this department. Can also get these at local stores like Target.


u/xanderbitme · 2 pointsr/nutrition

> i have to go twice in the morning to feel completely done

Squatty Potty.

u/ano463s · 2 pointsr/AprilBumpers2018

OH!!! And I almost forgot... This might not work for everyone, but if you're feeling constipated/gassy... consider a Squatty Potty or an equivalent. This morning nothing was happening, stepped on the squatty potty and whoosh. Doesn't always work, but worth a try. And I would think quite easy to simulate without buying one.

u/Phoenixfangor · 2 pointsr/WinterBlues

This is half the usual recommended Lux (this is 5000), but studies (http://www.columbia.edu/~mt12/blt.htm) have shown that you just use it longer for the same affect:
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K08ZDBI/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's $40 and I paid $40 in 2014, so the price is pretty stable.

u/tweaknmod · 2 pointsr/mildlyinteresting

Problem solved : Squatty Potty!
Yes, I have one. Yes, it's awesome.

u/c4t3rp1ll4r · 2 pointsr/xxfitness

We have this one and it's really great. My husband has severe SAD and this light in conjunction with OTC vitamin D has been so incredible, both in terms of his depression and his overall energy levels.

u/kizhang05 · 2 pointsr/LawSchool

Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.E3YCbXZFT9VP

This is similar to the one I have.

u/John9798 · 2 pointsr/CBD

L-theanine, magnesium, D3/K2, therapy lamp each morning. Omega-3's.

I think NAC is something many should try, (I take 1000mg 2x a day) it's been the #2 thing that's helped my anxiety/OCD/irritability issues other than CBD.

L-tyrosine is the other thing that I take in the morning and I have much more energy and motivation, it's been better than coffee. Amino acids are amazing. I also like red panax ginseng for mood/energy/relaxation.

Gut health is important. I take a probiotic 2x a day and also 5g of psyllium husk for fiber (you won't ever need more than 1 square of toilet paper again). Apple cider vinegar is great for heartburn, I take a tablespoon or so in some water each morning. Many people have gut health issues, and they aren't properly absorbing vitamins/minerals even if they are eating a healthy diet.

Ashwaganda works for many, it didn't for me.

Hemp flower has been great, a backup when I need a bit more than the regular CBD oil. NAC and L-tyrosine I couldn't live without though, they have helped a lot.

u/Ihavemyownpizzaoven · 2 pointsr/fantasyfootball

Well if you always take shits that long, I recommend this. Since you probably don't have that, you'll probably need this.

u/PartyKrill · 2 pointsr/starterpacks
u/kourtneykaye · 1 pointr/AmateurRoomPorn

This is the one I have. I originally bought one for my boyfriend who spends all day indoors so I needed a small, desk sized one. He liked it so much I bought myself one haha

u/campermortey · 1 pointr/cscareerquestions

This is the one I got. I keep it on my desk, at about 10 o clock position to my face. It's affordable and does the job

u/IAmAcatonredditAMA · 1 pointr/AskTrollX

You can always get a lamp like this if you don't want to go to a tanning bed. My aunt who lives in Seattle swears by these things.

Edit: nvm, just noticed you mentioned it in another comment. Carry on :)

u/McGillFilterResearch · 1 pointr/mcgill

https://www.amazon.ca/Verilux-VT10WW1-HappyLight-Liberty-Compact/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=happy+light&qid=1572983279&sr=8-7 I've purchased this one and have been using it for the past 3 years. It's really good, i personally think it helps me a lot :)

u/Magicverse · 1 pointr/lawofattraction

Have you tried an SAD lamp? I have one and it helps. They are used specifically for this purpose, they provide the light spectrum missing at this time of year.

Here’s an link to one from Amazon: Verilux HappyLight Compact Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K08ZDBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_tW0XBbWGWA8MY

u/jessicasaidicould · 1 pointr/DecidingToBeBetter

I have the hardest time getting up too... this happy light changed my routine— I turn it on at 6.30am and I’m more willing to leave my bed at 7am than without the light, plus it helps with my seasonal depression :)

u/SuckinLemonz · 1 pointr/Rabbits

It is not the best situation, but if you get them a sun-lamp (sold as "SAD lights" on amazon) or "full spectrum light bulbs", that will help a LOT. If you get the sun lamp, be sure to protect the cord so they can't chew it. Also, you can get multi-vitamins from oxbow and those will help too.

You can also get a portable play pen to set up outside for a few hours every day so they can have sunlight. Make sure to get one with a top AND bottom so that they don't escape or get attacked by animals.

u/meriendaselgato · 1 pointr/SkincareAddiction

I bought mine at Bed Bath & Beyond, but I had to check which local store had them since only 1 of 5 stores in my area carries them (you can use a 20% off coupon btw, which took my price down to $32 from $40). You can also Amazon Prime it for the full price of $40. This is the model I have.

u/LaTortugaConQueso · 1 pointr/NoStupidQuestions

Mmmmk... so I've been awake for like 23 hours at this point but I'm going to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow so I'm going to try to answer now without sounding loopy.

Okay so, it's kinda shitty that the doctor threw so many prescriptions at you. I mean, I'm not a doctor, so obviously their word always trumps a tech. I just really don't like when doctors hand out prescriptions to try to fix problems that might be solved without them. I want my husband to try nuvigil because he DOES have OSA, and he's getting treatment, and still super tired.

Anyway, so I mentioned delayed sleep/wake phase disorder earlier. The name of this disorder is kinda misleading because it makes it sound like there is something wrong with you, but in reality it's a set of behaviors that got you there. It would be super nice if your body just did exactly what you told it to do, and you could sleep exactly when you wanted right when it was convenient, but unfortunately it doesn't always work that way. So, you mentioned having issues where you'll be tired through most of the day but then you get a boost at like 11pm. This is, for the most part, normalish. Your circadian rhythm is kind of like a rolling tide all day and all night. For the average person there is a specific time of day you're most awake (10am) and going to get groggy (4pm) and it happens when you're asleep too! IIRC 4am, while you're sleeping, is when you're the most "awake" during sleep. So with delayed sleep phase disorder, you've basically conditioned your body to do this normal circadian rhythm process but not at the right hours. This actually is super super common for teenagers to do, and I actually do it myself. I have very serious problems being on a 1st shift schedule and when I was on first shift I would find myself drifting towards staying up till 4am on the weekends and then I would be fucked trying to sleep Sunday night. So this is what I think has happened to you. The "best" way they say to fix this is to set your sleep time later every day in increments of like 30 minutes until you've made it around the clock and land at a more normal people time to sleep. That is completely and totally insane though and I have no idea who would be able to do that, you'd have to have no job or school or obligations at all. The easiest way to do it is on a weekend stay up all night long until you're fucking exhausted and then go to bed at a normal people time, like 10pm. After that, you have to force yourself to commit to it. You will definitely find yourself drifting again if you allow it, but you have to be firm about your bed time, and eventually it'll stick. So that's my first set of advice.

My second advice is to buy a light box. Most of them are really expensive but I bought this one which is pretty reasonably priced and unobtrusive. Use that fucker every. single. morning. Make it part of your getting ready process. Alarm goes off, you turn on your light, and then sit in front of it for like 20 minutes while you go through your phone, eat breakfast, whatever. This should help you a ton, like you have no idea. Your body needs this light to tell it to wake the fuck up, and it should help with grogginess a lot. It won't happen overnight but in a few weeks if you stick with it there should be improvement.

My other general tips that I'm sure you've heard before: take melatonin like an hour before bed every night. I actually do this and it really helps the quality of your sleep. Doing this goes hand in hand with the light therapy in telling your suprachiasmatic nucleus when it should and should not be signaling sleep. Also if you're determined to look at your phone leading up to bed (I'm guilty of this) then install an app to filter out your blue light. I have one and it's on a timer so I don't even have to remember to turn it on. But if you really can be disciplined, read a book before bed. And don't get in bed until you're ready to sleep. If you still can't sleep, don't just lay in bed tossing and turning. Get out of bed for like 20 minutes and read a book and then try sleeping again. Sleepytime tea also can be helpful if it has valerian root in it, which is proven to make you drowsy. And of course, never ever ever ever EVER drink caffeine after lunch. This is my firm rule here, this will fuck with you in ways you don't even realize. Once you've tapered down your caffeine, if you try drinking it again you'll notice how fucking wired it makes you.

That's all I've got, hopefully it was helpful. Let me know if you have any more questions, I don't mind answering at all!

u/minnie1008897 · 1 pointr/xxfitness

So the page is gone for the one I bought, but here's an alarm clock version that's unfortunately pricy and here's the one I had previously that isn't as bright. I'd recommend getting something bigger or brighter than the second one.

My current one is insanely bright and makes all the difference. It's called "NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy." It is 10,000 LUX. Since your purposes are for waking up, you might want an alarm version anyway.

u/Kr_Treefrog2 · 1 pointr/tifu

My man, if you are taking more than five minutes to poop, you need a Squatty Potty. The name is ridiculous and the commercials absurd, but the actual product works wonders. Seriously. Try it.

u/henrietta412 · 1 pointr/spinalcordinjuries

I have severe constipation also, but mine was caused from pain meds. A few weeks ago it was so bad I cried for days trying to pass my stool and almost went to the ER. Since that time I heard about this Squatty Potty and bought one, and I am telling you, it really WORKS!

The squatty potty seats you so your intestines are going straight up and down. Basically you sit down, put your feet up and the work is done for you. You can have a bowel movement with little or no effort. To me, it feels almost like it "falls out". For $25 it was worth EVERY PENNY to me. Read the reviews https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ESKVN7W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_4-GlzbJKC09A4

u/Crnorukac · 1 pointr/veganfitness

This is my choice. Also you can check this list. ;)

u/untitled1 · 1 pointr/Fitness

I'm confused too, but here's what I'm finding:

It looks like there are two kinds: "natural" and "non-natural".

The "subscribe and save" option only exists for the natural one.

The natural one has three favors (vanilla, chocolate strawberry). It's naturally flavored and has 5g of carbs.

The non-natural has like 20 flavors, and only 1g carbs (or maybe 3 grams... The description says one thing but the image of the nutrition label says something else).

They both have 24g protein and 5.5g BCAA. Natural is 130 cals and unnatural is 120 cals.

I know nothing about tastes, but the reviews seem to say both are good.

u/ImNotMadlife · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

What are your guy's favorite protein powder flavor? I just tried Whey On Extreme Milk Chocolate and it tastes soo good!

Just asking so I can get some future flavors for consideration.

u/irishchug · 1 pointr/loseit
u/Jbrooks544 · 1 pointr/Fitness

I read the ON comments on Amazon, where I buy mine. There are many suggestions regarding the different flavors and which are gluten free etc. You can search the 4k+ comments for the word "flavor"
I've only ever ordered the extreme milk chocolate, which is yummy.

u/Time_Bank · 1 pointr/loseit

I used food as a comfort and as a result gained 40 pounds in college because of the stress of school. It's now coming off. ^^ I was definitely addicted to bad food though. My primary strategies for breaking that addiction were:

  • Spices as a replacement for craving greasy food. Specifically garlic powder, black peper, and cumin. These have no nutritional value but make dishes taste delicious. My rice and beans dish fulfills what deep dish pizza and other crap used to fulfill.

  • Fruit and protein shakes for caving sweet food. The protein shake a make literally tastes like a chocolate milk shake. I use this powder in the extreme milk chocolate flavor.

    The above two strategies got me started. Now that I've lost a decent amount of weight, it becomes self reenforcing. I like looking good and the positive feedback I get helps to counter the need for emotional eating.
u/livingeasy · 1 pointr/getting_over_it

the downside of aerobic exercise is how boring it can be. It's long, tiring, and gets to be very monotonous. Some people can get into it. That's great if you can, me personally I'd just have a hard time sticking with it. I focus on anaerobic exercises. They're better for strength and muscle growth anyway. I've seen some amazing gains. Not necessarily size gains either. I mean, obviously, I've gained some muscle but I've developed more in a definition sort of way. I've actually lost a pretty significant amount of weight doing the exercises that I do. I started out at ~170 but now I hover around ~157 and I've got a six pack for the first time in my life at the age of 23. It's easy to get intimidated by the gym, but fuck it man, don't worry about it, everyone is in there to become better versions of themselves anyway. We all had to start somewhere. I personally like seeing out of shape people in the gym. Better than them sitting in front of a fucking television anyway. For my workout routines, I find the website www.muscleandstrength.com to be very resourceful. There are some great motivating articles in there, very knowledgeable users, and that's where I learned how to do certain specific exercises. Starting out, I followed this 3 day split for about 8 weeks and then I switched to this 4 day split that I'm currently following. I take whey protein supplements and do cardio on Saturdays/Wednesdays and use Sundays as a rest day. For protein, I use this delicious powder using a blender bottle I picked up at GNC. For cardio, I use Dr. Layne Norton's 'Best Damn Cardio Humanly Possible in 15 Minutes'. I love talking about exercise, and I try to recommend it whenever I can, it's the easiest way to start becoming a better you!

u/powderblue17 · 1 pointr/loseit


I liked extreme chocolate and cookies and cream, but I'd buy a small bit before buying a big tub to see what flavors you like. Amazon #1 best seller for protein

u/Aid4n · 1 pointr/Fitness

Thanks for the advice :) I went and purchased this instead: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000QSTBNS?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00

Is this what you use?

Edit: was originally going to buy this one before but then I saw the USN for cheaper, guess I'll learn from that mistake and just try and sell the rest of it to someone aha

u/Hyliac · 1 pointr/soylent

I've usually used Optimum Nutrition when it's come to protein powder and can get it through Amazon or supplement stores around me.

What would you recommend as a keto-friendly option, and how much protien powder per serving / per day would I be using?

I personally think the label of Super Fiber should be adjusted to fit when you order them next. Would streamline the DIY process. Its not too crazy though, just add the servings to get the daily and divide by the number of meals each day.

You mentioned cream, I thought I read that I could sub the cream out for olive oil or canola oil? Or are the servings portioned specifically for cream? I was looking at it mostly for the Omega-3 and 6 it would add. I'm sure the cream would taste better though haha.

u/Randyd718 · 1 pointr/amazon

Does anyone ever have trouble with camelcamelcamel reporting a low price, then you go to the amazon page, and the price is something else? What am I missing?


Here is an example: https://camelcamelcamel.com/OPTIMUM-NUTRITION-STANDARD-Protein-Chocolate/product/B000QSTBNS?utm_campaign=chrome_ext&utm_medium=camelizer&utm_source=


CCC shows 47.44 right now. Amazon page shows 55.04

u/workerdaemon · 1 pointr/mildlyinfuriating

I use this special ear syringe along with an earwax softener.

u/webtwopointno · 1 pointr/bayarea

Hot but not scalding water and/or warm Hydrogen Peroxide + a bulb or syringe

i prefer this one, the nozzle tip is specially shaped to protect your ear:


u/immortal-esque · 1 pointr/todayilearned

Then perhaps just have it done by your GP once so you can appreciate how very uncomplicated it really is (/u/curiouswizard was being facetious). I've had it done a few times myself and there's nothing much to it. It's also not very expensive. You're not going to be admitted to hospital or be put under general anesthesia or asked uncomfortable personal questions or receive an astronomical medical bill and there will be no "burning hot liquid" poured into your ear canal, which is a bonus. The time you'll spend in the doctor's waiting room flipping through magazines and the associated anticipation anxiety will likely be much more traumatic than the actual procedure.

They will basically irrigate your ear using a syringe and a bit of lukewarm water under pressure. Sometimes a few drops of oil or glycerin or some hydrogen peroxide or similar are added to the water so it can help to dislodge particularly stubborn hardened or sticky globs of wax. If successful, the whole thing shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes of your time and you'll probably be amazed at the clarity of hearing afterwards. If it's a cool doctor you might get some candy also for good behavior and not crying.

If you survive the GP visit you should be able to save yourself some time and money in future by just doing it yourself. As a first attempt with low probability of ending up on Yahoo News I would suggest to acquire the following:

  • Something like this syringe to squirt lukewarm water with
  • Something like this basin to catch squirted lukewarm water and (hopefully) dislodged globs of earwax with
  • Lukewarm water
  • A flexible arm and neck (or a friend to help you out)
  • Good aim
  • Time
  • Luck
  • Life insurance cover and/or a sense of adventure
u/jmk816 · 1 pointr/explainlikeimfive

You can get something better if your earwax is that bad. With a cue tip you are only getting a tiny bit and are more likely just pushing it deep into the ear canal.

Also using hydrogen peroxide can help.



Note: I haven't used either of these products, I was looking for something for my bf who has the same problem. He is in law school so he just goes into the clinic to get a doc to do it for him. If you see a general practitioner, they probably would be able to help

u/ALoudMouthBaby · 1 pointr/WTF

Protip: Pick up an ear wash kit at your local pharmacy. It should include a plastic bulb you can use to wash out your ear that works very well in addition to peroxide. Or even better get one of these.

u/kramdiw · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Here's something that I (unfortunately) need:

an ear wax removal syringe

Gross, sure...but I would like to hear well again.

my favorite dinosaur is - and always will be - a magical liopleurodon

u/spriggig · 1 pointr/AskReddit

It might be earwax buildup--google it and see if the symptoms match. You could try this:


u/PM_ME_YOUR_VAGJAYJAY · 1 pointr/AskReddit

I actually bought an actual ear cleaner off Amazon for $5 and it is amazing

Edit: Ear Wax Rmvl Syr https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SOJXGA/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_5lC4tb0ETEJZP

u/machesti · 1 pointr/MotoUK

They generally won't do it unless you've been using drops/oil for a few days to help soften it anyway, resulting in a return appointment.

Although the Dr recommended me one of these which I use instead and it works a treat.

u/londonskater · 1 pointr/MotoUK

The MotoGP was great! Try Audiclean in the shower - far better than olive oil and all that. And grab one of these for the shower too: https://www.amazon.co.uk/AcuLife-Ear-Wax-Removal-Syringe/dp/B000SOJXGA

u/Daedalus_7777 · 1 pointr/popping

Really easy and practically pain free. You can feel a little bit of pressure as the water builds up against the ear drum but it’s not painful. Feels weird as the water drains out too. Just had to be quite forceful with the pressure on the syringe to really make it jet around the ear canal; and it took several (20+) flushes over 2-3hrs with warm, salty water to get it to shift. Worth the effort though.

The soft nozzle head has a 3 way jet which is angled toward the ear canal walls rather than directly at the ear drum, so there’s practically no risk of causing yourself any harm. This link is for the one I bought from Amazon (UK), you should be able to find something similar if you live in another country:

Acu Life Ear Wax Syringe - Amazon

u/Bobvape · 1 pointr/electronic_cigarette

Im not sure that this will help... i have constant ongoing sinus issues/ear infections and my ENT also advised against using QTips... I still do use them, however i use them less often and started using this also https://www.amazon.com/Acu-Life-Ear-Wax-Removal-Syringe/dp/B000SOJXGA

From what I was told, QTips can actually cause ear wax blockage by pushing all the ear wax/compacting it deeper in your ear canal. I use this to flush the ear canal/wax before using a qtip and make sure not to stick the qtip too deep but basically just use it to dry the walls of my ear canal after rinsing/flushing the wax out using the syringe linked above. I use warm water with a little rubbing alcohol mixed in in the syringe and it seems to be working well for me.

PSA: I am not a doctor... just sharing what has worked for me. In my case it is totally unrelated to vaping I have had these issues my whole life.

u/funprogrammer · 1 pointr/tifu
u/radicalelation · 1 pointr/pics

This is the style of syringe they used. At least on my own it works way better than a bulb syringe, but other people use those fine too.

Doctor used 1:1 water:hydrogen peroxide, but after doing it every 2 months or so I've found I get by with mostly warm water and a little bit of peroxide. The usual 4% peroxide solution you can get is apparently safe enough to just put in your ear on its own, so you probably don't need to be exact.

Use the syringe as the instructions on the packaging says, and don't be shy about pushing the plunger with some force. I wasn't having much success until I did that after comparing how the doc did it and how my first attempt on my own was... weak.

I get a little dizzy towards the end sometimes, but I haven't ever had any issues that last more than 10 minutes.

u/keebyjeeby · 1 pointr/Health

I swear by these. I use mine every time I have a shower. Never had clogged ears or wax build up since I got it - apart from when I went away for a holiday and forgot it.

u/Pally41100 · 1 pointr/vegan

Does this look like a good multivtamin? https://www.amazon.com/Deva-Vegan-Vitamins-Multivitamin-Supplement/dp/B001GAOHVG?th=1 I've also been reading saying you shouldn't be eating high oxalate foods, but so many vegetables have it, so how am I supposed to avoid it?

u/iamapug · 1 pointr/vegan

theveganrd.com has lots of great information on vegan nutrition. i used this page to help me figure out what supplements i should take.

personally, i take one of these daily and i also take a calcium supplement (everyone needs calcium, but it's extra important for women; greens are a great vegan source of calcium but you have to eat a lot and i don't particularly like them anyway).

u/LocalAmazonBot · 1 pointr/vegan

Here are some links for the product in the above comment for different countries:

Amazon Smile Link: one of these

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This bot is currently in testing so let me know what you think by voting (or commenting). The thread for feature requests can be found here.

u/I_hate_cheesecake · 1 pointr/vegan

No problem! It can feel very overwhelming at first, but it gets easier once you have a few go-to recipes. As an addendum to the kickstarter (or the advice in this thread in general), make sure you are supplementing your diet with B12. The simplest way to do so is probably to just take a vegan multivitamin daily, or just a B12 supplement if you feel that your other nutritional needs are being met. Good luck!

u/nemo1889 · 1 pointr/vegan

No problem. I'd suggest that instead of becoming food concerned, you just take supplements and eat a sensible diet. That's a whole lot easier for me.

If you take these two everyday you'll be getting a considerably healthier amount of key minerals and vitamins:



u/pm079 · 1 pointr/vegetarian

So if you're trying to add mass/strength, your biggest concern with going vegetarian is probably going to be getting enough protein. I try to take in like ~200g/day. You can calculate what you need here.

I personally get most of my protein from protein shakes. I use pea protein exclusively, this brand. Unfortunately, it comes from China but I can't pass on the price point. I also add peanut flour, cocoa powder, bananas, flax seed meal (good source of omega-3's), psyllium husk fiber (helps to slow down digestion of protein), BCAA's, creatine, and beta-alanine all in almond milk. The reason for some of those supplements can be found here.

Thanks to the fiber and the flax seed, it gets super thick almost like pudding if you let it sit. Usually, I'll mix in cold brewed coffee to get the consistency I want. It's really good. I drink like ~48 ounces a day, every day. Still have yet to get tired of it.

As far as recipes go, I try to eat high protein meals usually with beans/legumes and quinoa. I use tofu or tempeh as meat substitutes quite a bit too. I eat a lot of chili and curries. My instant pot (pressure cooker) is always getting used.

I also supplement with this multivitamin.

In response to the anti-protein focus comment, I guess I would say that I eat at a calorie deficit so it's hard to hit my protein targets unless I supplement. However, you should still count your macros at least at first to make sure you're getting in the range of where you should be.

u/mmmberry · 1 pointr/vegan

Get a vegan multivitamin. Amazon's your best bet. I take Deva.

u/bulborb · 1 pointr/vegan

I use these, the only thing you'll have to make sure you're still getting plenty of is calcium.

u/DietCokeMachine · 1 pointr/vegetarianketo

When I have really felt the keto flu, I have taken Nuun electrolyte tablets which work well for me. I take the original ones which are <1g carbs per tablet (the newer ones are 4 g carbs per tablet and use Stevia instead of artificial sweeteners, and are certfied vegan). I don't take these everyday, only when I fail to consume enough electrolytes in my diet and start to really feel the effects.

u/way2funni · 1 pointr/bicycling

When you start getting the killer CRAMPS on your feet or calf muscle - you need to start doing electrolytes. Sodium, potassium, magnesium.

I make homemade gatorade with regular salt + NOSALT (potassium chloride) mixed 50/50.Pick up a Calcium + Magnesium supplement and MOAR Potassium tabs.


Sugarfree drank mix. Anything from Rasberry tea to the ENERGY types with vitamins and stuff.

About 1/2 a teaspoon TOTAL of reg salt + NOSALT mixed. Balance the salty with the drank mix.

Take 1 Calcium tab + 2 Mags and 2-3 potassium with breakfast.

PROTIP; When you feel that nasty cramp in your calf, RAISE YOUR TOES UP . Stops it cold. Then drank some salt , mebbe some broth, whatever.

EASY WAY (but pricey for what it is): NUNN or similar brand Hydration tabs. Just plop one in your water bottle and go.

u/handbanana42 · 1 pointr/keto

Nuun is another option.

Powerade Zero is almost no potassium or sodium. I've never had an issue with magnesium personally.

You can also mix your own rehydration mix, though I can't remember the proportions of salt to sodium citrate and potassium. I'd say it is somewhere around 3:3:1 salt/sodium citrate/potassium. You can use sodium bicarbonate instead of citrate, but I don't like the taste.

u/Feelsliketeenspirit · 1 pointr/InfertilityBabies

With the Gatorade, get the sugar free kind. The sugar in regular Gatorade can make the symptoms worse. Or better yet get some hydration tablets with no sugar (and no fake sugar). I used nuun tablets after retrieval:

Congrats on the positive! I agree with the others - call the RE.

u/Narwhalicornucopia · 1 pointr/xxketo

Awesome! Glad you're feeling better!

I ordered some Nuun tablets. I've heard they're incredibly helpful with salt/electrolyte deficits. They should arrive later today. Can't wait!

u/bkugotit · 1 pointr/Fitness

Thank you so much for the recommendation! This thing never came up when I was searching amazon for "sports drink mix." This looks like something I can really try out.

Do you usually get this one or is there a better priced one?


48 tabs for 17 dollars seem very competitive price though IDK how much a tab makes.

u/tragopanic · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
u/rohyplol · 1 pointr/xxketo

I was having a lot of trouble getting my electrolytes in, so I caved and bought Nuun electrolyte tablets. I frickin' love them -- they're delicious, 1g carbs & 8 kcal apiece, and have fixed the fatigue, muscle pains, depression, and headaches I was getting after my first week of keto this go-around.

u/peter-salazar · 1 pointr/fasting

Thanks! I already have a couple boxes of sugar-free Nuun so it would be easy for me to pop a couple of those on fasting days.

u/WisteriaXYZ · 1 pointr/asktransgender

My Dr. told me that without having kidney disease or some similar issue that it's not even possible to develop hyperkalemia from food. Your kidneys will take care of excess potassium. With Spironolactone, the main thing to worry about is dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water but not too much water as that can lower your sodium. Keep something like nunn electrolyte tablets on hand for that. Also, pickles are awesome.

u/cmbyrd · 1 pointr/motorcycles

Mesh jacket, avoid black. I wore a Joe Rocket Phoenix in grey last summer, never got much above 43-ish, but 85-95% humidity is common here, I'd much rather have a few degrees hotter if it were dry. Sucks when you're stopped, sucks when you're going a bit less. White and/or silver would have been better than grey and black, but that's not exactly rocket surgery to figure out.

You're going to be pouring sweat, so hydration is a must. CamelBak it up, and get some electrolyte tabs to help keep your salt levels up. I like those because they're reasonably lightly flavored, and low on calories. I find em more refreshing than something like Gatorade.

  • Mesh
  • Light Colours
  • CamelBak
u/klove861 · 1 pointr/keto

I'm looking into going on a ~800mi tour at the end of August and I was just wondering how you performance was? Did you take and electrolyte supplements or eat on the saddle?

I was thinking of just taking jerky and almonds on the road with me for the times in between towns. I also worry about electrolytes cause I enjoy not dying (I found these which seem promising).

Any information would be wonderful, this is the post I have been waiting for, thanks! =D

u/f1zzz · 1 pointr/AskDoctorSmeeee

I started taking one of these before bed and right after waking up for the past 2 weeks and I believe I no longer feel thirsty like I did?


u/Stefi_Sovosa · 1 pointr/sissyhypno

Amazon sells this. Should work like a charm!

You plug the Sawzall into the remote, and plug the remote into your power supply.

u/yeahnotmymainaccount · 1 pointr/SexToys

I have used a regular resistive (lamp cord dimmer $8 Home Depot) for years without any issues. Start it on full power then turn it down. There are other types of dimmers which can maintain the voltage. Search 'types of dimmers'.

There is a controller made for the Hitachi.

It may be an over priced resistive switch. I don't really know. Read about controlling a ceiling fan motor with a dimmer switch. Same issues apply.

u/Jurph · 1 pointr/TrollXChromosomes

You want to get a dimmer switch with the right circuitry to gently reduce the current draw rather than just cut the voltage -- or possibly it's the other way around? It's been over a decade since I took circuits, and I got a C. So I can't think of a great analogy but it's sort of like the difference between using the volume knob on an old record player, or putting a thumb on the turntable to slooow dooown the muuusic. You'll get "less music" both ways, but one of them is really bad for the hardware. And trust me, you're going to want "less music" at first.

Unfortunately the 'right circuitry' can be much more expensive. A normal dimmer switch is $5.00. This one is more like $20 but won't damage the motor.

(Q: "Wait, why do I need a dimmer?"
A: "Here, try it without."

Q: "H̟͓̲̩͓̙͙̙͙̙͚͕̙͔̹̭̾͆̅̈ͨO͙̤̱̘͍͎̟̪̻̹͙̲̞̞̞̜͈̩͎ͫͥͬ̒̅L̜̫͔̼͔̲̏̎̈́̉ͥ͂̉ͧ̽̉̃̔̽͋Y̖̙̟̻ͩͯ̃̇ͭͤ̐͑̈̍ ͔͎̻̟̞̗͚̤͖̝̞̬̝̓͑̀̍͛ͅM̙͖͓̹͖̲̘̹͎ͫ̒͗̆ͦͭͥ͑Á̱̘͇͓̙̯̲̩̳̮͆̈͑ͬ̒̐̃͆̆̄̂͌̎ͥ̿ͦ̌C̱̝͕̩ͣ͋͊ͫ̿̐̑̈́K̜̫̜̦͕̜̮̖͚̍̆ͧ̊ͩ͑̄̄ͬ̓̑̊̅̔ͩ̚Ḛ̠͔͓̺͍͌ͭ͑ͧͨ̐ͮ̓͗ͣR̬̹̝̘͈͉͖̩̲̭̘̫̫̮̟̟ͣ̊̉ͫ̈́ͥ̌͐̆ͬ̐̅̇ͅͅE̘̟̦̟̘̜͖̙ͧ̽̍ͩ͒͐̓͊̒ͥͤ͗ͮ̈ͩ͑ͬ̚L̻̟͉̪͚̳͕̰͍̜̻͙ͤ̈ͨ̐ͅ!̳͍̜̝̬̭̗̻̤̫͓͚͖̣̞̜̭̃ͩ̐̌͊̿̐̈")

u/barkbitch · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I have a Hitachi Magic Wand, for simple massages of course, and this speed controller would come in handy. Or... this LED shower head color changer isn't technically NSFW, but reminds of something one would find in a brothel.

u/RangeRover1948 · 1 pointr/sex

You can get a speed controller to dial in just the amount of power to the magic wand you want.


Harbor Freight sells the same thing as a router controller.

u/acydetchx · 1 pointr/sex

Here you go. I haven't gotten it yet, so I can't speak to how well it works, but people say it does. I was pretty shocked with how powerful it was, sort of disappointing. We can't use the damn thing!

u/Doctor_Banjo · 1 pointr/SexToys

Wand Massager Speed Controller for Hitachi Wand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TJ6MWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_fFvvxb0VNB4MC

u/retix · 1 pointr/sex

I was looking at this: http://www.amazon.com/Wand-Massager-Speed-Controller-Hitachi/dp/B001TJ6MWQ

Turns out it isn't made by Hitachi and the reviews are really bad for it.

u/IrreleventPerson · 1 pointr/asktransgender

I don't have anything yet, but people recommended lamp dimmers before.

Alternatively, there's also this but I'm not sure how much it's worth.

u/tankgirl977 · 1 pointr/sex

You can also buy a controller, like this one that slows the vibration way down, and as an owner of both, I recommend highly.

u/myopinionisvalid · 1 pointr/sex

Get it with the seperate speed control so she can adjust it to her needs.

u/alwayson22 · 1 pointr/askgaybros

I like this stuff with my breakfast and one for a postworkout shake. I know it's a little pricey, but it is great quality and tastes really good. I drink one of these every night before bed. Those are the only supplements I take besides a preworkout. I like this stuff for a preworkout but if you are just starting at the gym I'm not sure I'd recommend it. If you DO choose to take a preworkout right away, BE CAREFUL. If you take too much, or you take some and then decide not to work out, you will feel like shit for the rest of the day.

u/OhYeDidAye · 1 pointr/bodyweightfitness

I'm not bothered about it being in a bag or not, but can you at least get a bag with the same amount that the tubs usually have?

Basically, this is what I was hoping to get once I had gotten a little extra money: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Optimum-Nutrition-Standard-Chocolate-Protein/dp/B002DYIZH6

If you can get anything from this website the same size as that, wither it's in a tub still or a bag, please let me know because it may be cheaper than this. Thanks! :)

u/Mannthedan1 · 1 pointr/GYM

You can get a 2lb container of Gold Standard Whey , which is a really popular brand for like $30. I am not sure what you consider cheap but this is a good brand.


u/rental_car_fast · 1 pointr/keto

I read all of the PMs, there's definitely some great info here! Thank you so much for taking the time to send that. I think either the problem might be 1) pistachios are too high in carbs and I shouldn't eat them and/or 2) the labels on the food I ate today didn't provide all the info needed to correctly calculate net carbs.

One big question i have is when a label says Carbs 3g but sugars 1g and doesn't list any other source of carbohydrates, what do you count? 1 or 3? See here for an example: https://www.amazon.com/OPTIMUM-NUTRITION-STANDARD-Protein-Chocolate/dp/B002DYIZH6?th=1

Thanks again!

u/FLYBOY611 · 1 pointr/Fitness

Interesting read, I drink a chocolate protein shake with a blended banana and sometimes peanut butter when I'm done working out. The extra chocolate might be redundant for me?

As for the "fad" fitness. People gravitate towards them because they work for a startling number of people. Same reason everyone was doing the Atkins a few years back. It worked for a lot of people. Not everyone has the know-how or patience to sift through all the bad fitness advice and people would much rather have someone lay down the law for them and tell them what they need to do in a nice neat readable format sort of like our FAQ. I also find that the lifestyle change comes naturally when people get serious about any of the above programs.

u/kvossera · 1 pointr/xxketo

I use this stuff. I’ve not had an issue with it

Works with my weightlifting protein needs.

u/tyween · 1 pointr/keto

One thing that I do during the work week to save time is have protein shakes for breakfast and lunch. I use this protein powder because it is high in protein, low in carbs, and still relatively cheap. I'm not saying that you have to have protein shakes for breakfast or lunch, just consider it as a viable meal substitute that takes no time at all to ingest. I also tend to cook in bulk, so that when I do cook I have leftovers for a few days.

As far as food in the house goes, I basically ate all of my non keto food before starting keto. Whether or not having these foods in your house will be a problem is a matter of self control and will power. For me personally, having them in my apartment would be a deterrent. I buy most of my meat in bulk, freezing some if I am unable to cook it all at once. My friends don't eat keto, but I haven't had any problems finding a way to accommodate myself in social situations. I hope this helps!

u/kjudd · 1 pointr/ketouk
u/outroversion · 1 pointr/Fitness

Oh wow as if it's nutrition and supplement thursday on the one day I am looking to commit and switch to using supplements!

You gotta know, money's tight so want to get the protein I need on my heavier workout days at least without having to pay for it as the second half of the month is always tough.

I was 250lbs, now 180lbs. Switched to weight training at the start of the year while trying to keep up my cardio but want to lose that last bit of fat and figured supplements could help.

I've heard good things about this- http://www.amazon.co.uk/Optimum-Nutrition-Standard-Protein-Chocolate/dp/B002DYIZH6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426761079&sr=8-1&keywords=whey+protein

But not totally sure what it does, when to take it etc. Oh also- HOW to take it? Like what do you mix it with? Milk?

Also what's this casein night stuff?

I've had a good search but it tends to be people's results threads that show up, I just want some pointing in the right direction.

u/zkelvin · 1 pointr/Fitness

As I understand, that standard ratio for OHP:Bench:Squat:Deadlift is 2:3:4:5.

And although it's not in your brand, I highly suggest ON Double Rich Chocolate with milk. Fucking delicious. I get 200g of protein daily from these shakes.

u/akingkio · 1 pointr/Fitness
u/ac1dBurn7 · 1 pointr/C25K

Hello! I come from r/weightroom to bring you the information you seek. A favorite over there is Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard. Many people, myself included, favor the Double Rich Chocolate flavor. It isn't super expensive as protein goes - a couple of folks below me have posted Body Fortress, which is $15 for a 2lb tub. ON is $20-25ish for a 2lb tub depending what flavor you get, and I've seen the prices on Amazon fluctuate a bit. The cheap Walmart stuff works fine, but I find ON tastes better.

u/Richleeson · 1 pointr/Vive

Ive been using these
Seem to work well

u/SCphotog · 1 pointr/AskPhotography

Dust gets on the sensor, no matter how careful you are. It won't be 'years' later.

It's not something to be super apprehensive about. It requires a bit of care, but don't be nervous. It's easy.

By a rocket blower... a good one. Use the Mirror-Lock-Up functionality of your camera to expose the sensor, and blow the dust off when necessary.

Eventually you'll have to.

It's way too easy to be hiring a camera store to do it. I'd be more worried about letting someone else do it than working on it myself.

I've been where you are, years ago... I was scared I'd mess something up, but here many years later, removing dust particles from the sensor, is old hack. I've never once had an issue.

I'm not sure which glasses store... the one in the mall here. I bet any glasses store would carry them.

Here... this would do it...


u/fchild · 1 pointr/Vive

Yes, this gets overlooked. I use these in the beginning of each session.

u/The_Techie_Chef · 1 pointr/techsupport

I've been using thses for years. I find them by the optical dept. at walmart, but i'm sure you can find them in other stores if you don't want to order online. they work great and they're convenient to use.

u/jeffk42 · 1 pointr/AnalogCommunity

Here's what I use:

  • Spanner
  • Friction wrenches
  • JIS screwdriver set
  • Lens Wipes

    For the lenses, the friction wrenches are used to easily remove the front ring off the lens (the ring with the wording on the front). Then for the interior rings you'll need the spanner tool; you'll see two notches directly opposite each other on the front retaining ring, so you'll use the spanner to remove that ring using the notches. Depending on the lens, there may also be some screws to remove before you can pull the front element out. If you need to remove the rear element, you can do that by going in through the back instead.

    Either way you go, have a large workspace so you can place the parts on your table in the order and orientation that they need to go back in. If you need to clean the aperture blades because they're sticking, do so very carefully and try to avoid removing them. Getting them back together can be difficult; I generally avoid doing it at all costs.

    If you're just looking to clean a dirty lens, the wipes I linked to above are excellent for cleaning the glass without messing up the coating. They wipe the fungus and dust off easily and dry clean. They're individually wrapped and they dry quickly once opened, so don't open them until they're needed.

    I haven't had to fix an OM meter. The closest I've come is on my Mamiya 1000DTL, which had a meter that was inoperative. The problem in that case was that the wires connecting the battery terminal to the light meter had corroded, so the connection was bad. I snipped off the corroded ends and stripped a little of the insulation to expose the wire ends and verified the meter worked by touching the battery directly to the wires. Now I have to solder the wires back onto the battery terminal, I haven't gotten around to that part yet.
u/a03firefly · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
  • I'm Number One! - 13.38 is the closest I can get - It's in my wishlist anything else

  • Two ain't so bad - The book Misty of Chincoteague and the movie Misty total to $13.38... Which is AGAIN the closest I can get. Sigh. The book is in my wishlist Books - Animal and the movie is in my wishlist Movies - Animals

  • Three's a crowd - Third time's a charm! 5.39 + 3.99 + 3.99 = 13.37 - The book is in Books - Children's and the two toys are in For the Dogs
u/GrimChicken · 1 pointr/GalaxyWatch

I've run in the original band four or five times now. It holds up just fine, doesn't slip. I don't realize how sweaty the watch gets until I take it off. I just rinse it with water, dry it off then use these lens cleaning wipes I have for my glasses to clean the band and watch sensor after it's dry.

The wipes I have

u/Majordomo_ · 1 pointr/Vive

Never, ever, ever wipe your lenses with a DRY microfiber cloth.

Many of us Vivers use disposable, pre-moistened, individually packaged lens cleaner wipes.

I personally can vouch for these.

u/tempmike · 1 pointr/3DS

I use disposable lens wipes. Specifically these

They're one time use of course, but a box of 200 has lasted me over a year now. Your mileage may vary.

u/kintaeb · 1 pointr/buildapc

Just as a quick question related to this: I'm changing cases, which requires changing motherboards. When I clean the CPU off can I use "Moistened Lens Cleaning Wipes"? I only ask because I have several of them lying around (they are Zeiss brand) and I'd rather not spend money on isopropyl alcohol if I don't have any around since I won't be using it for much else.

EDIT: To give a better idea, it's this product.

u/doctorlongghost · 1 pointr/PSVR

I can Confirm these wipes left no noticeable issues after I used them four times. However since then I've decided to limit my use of them to only when absolutely needed. I'm hoping to only use them once a year or so.


u/Karavusk · 1 pointr/oculus

>I have seen people say they used Zeiss Pre-Moistened Lens Cleaning Wipes (http://amzn.to/1TDLFEV), but I am terrified of using anything since it looks like the official guidance is not to use any liquids at all.

They are being used for high end camera lenses... you are more than fine, I use them to clean my glasses and my Vive. They just have to write that in there because some idiot in the US will use 1l of that stuff and ruin his rift... they just dont want to get sued.

u/Ramacher · 1 pointr/nexus5x

My preferred method is these Carl Zeiss lens cleaning wipes just enough alcohol in them and non abrasive. I use them to clean the entire phone. Start with the screen, then camera lens, then the rest of it.

u/f4cepa1m · 1 pointr/oculus
u/telechronn · 1 pointr/keto

I use an Eatsmart Scale. Affordable and accurate. Goes up to 440 IIRC.

u/Eloiseriley · 1 pointr/loseit

I use a basic digital scale by EatSmart. It's relatively cheap, easy to use, attractive looking, and so far seems really accurate. I love it and their customer service seems amazing so I'm not too worried about it breaking anytime soon.

Here's a link to my scale on Amazon

u/ChaoticHungry · 1 pointr/loseit

This is the scale I bought though the price might be higher than what you're looking for. I'm very satisfied with the purchase. It's easy to use (just step on to it) and the readout is large and bright.

u/bonjoe · 1 pointr/loseit

I purchased this one a few weeks ago. I love the fact that you don't have to wait for the scale to zero out, and it has a backlit display:


u/guitar1969 · 1 pointr/keto

You don't have to spend that kind of cash to get a good scale. This is the one I have and its very accurate:


If you look at all of these Eatsmart scales, they all get very good reviews - and the reviews are in the thousands so they are very popular

u/didnotwanttoregister · 1 pointr/loseit

I bought this one and love it.

u/Dandeman321 · 1 pointr/loseit

Same thing happened to me. Although in the other way. I thought I was 20 pounds lighter than what I really was... It was sure disheartening going from thinking I was 195 to actually being 215. I bought this as a result. It matches up with the scale at work and a large, high quality mechanical one at gym.

u/idunnowhyohwhy · 1 pointr/keto
u/contrarian · 1 pointr/loseit
u/le_danse_macabre · 1 pointr/trueloseit

Sounds like we might have the same scale! I have the EatSmart something or other... let me find it on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032TNPOE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

That's good to know. I'm looking forward to being under 330 as that's the weight limit for the WiiFit scale and I always found that to be pretty accurate when I used it before.

u/Angby · 1 pointr/keto

I just replaced ours as it wasn't very consistent. I got this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032TNPOE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and it's works great and very consistent. It was within 1 pound of my doctor's big fancy one.

u/therightclique · 1 pointr/keto

I just bought this scale from Amazon.

If I weight myself (wearing the same thing) 3 times in 5 minutes, I'll get 3 different weights, with as much as 8 pounds difference.

The thing is rated for 440lbs, which I'm more than 100lbs under, and I'm not moving it or standing in a different way each time. It's on a stable, hard, linoleum floor. It went completely batshit when I tried to use it on carpet.

If you make a scale, please make sure it can do the one thing it's supposed to do.

u/johannz · 1 pointr/keto

Scale recommendation: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032TNPOE/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00

Goes up to 440 so not quite in range yet but soon.

u/Omnitographer · 1 pointr/keto


It goes to 440lbs, more than i needed, but i needed one that went over 350lbs. I've found it to be quite accurate, repeated weighing come in the same, unlike the scale i got at walmart that would very several pounds within the same 5 minute span.

u/Mister_Cupcake · 1 pointr/Posture

You might look in to finding a rolfer. It's a great structural technique for balancing the body, with a strong focus on standing/sitting straight. They'll measure your imbalances, then work on them, re-measure, work on them again, give you tips on maintaining the balance, etc.

A back buddy could also help with the trigger points in your back.

u/Quailrus · 1 pointr/ehlersdanlos

Medically speaking, nothing works for everyone, especially those with EDS. That said, chiropractic care can benefit a large portion of the population, and I believe it is worth a shot to determine if it works for you.

Research, research, research!
Having EDS means that chiropractors (abbreviation DC, for Doctor of Chiropractic) do need to understand how our bodies function. This means calling local clinics, major health groups, and asking for others' opinions. I work in a large city with many, many chiropractors, but I would only trust a handful of them to treat myself or other EDS patients.

A good amount of my discomfort is due to too much of my musculature tensing too often, compensating for my loose ligaments. This muscular support worsens when those muscles holding us together begin to pull us apart. For example, tension across my upper back and shoulders (common area for anyone to hold tension) frequently pulls several of my ribs out of place. In order to alleviate this weird, foreign, and aggravating sensation (personally my dislocated ribs feel more weird than painful), I must first loosen the musculature with a massage or using a BackBuddy. I can skip this and go straight to an adjustment, but I tend to move easier with somewhat reduced tension. The chiropractor then helps me reset these ribs. It is important to strengthen those muscles and safely stretch them as well, in order to reduce the chronic, involuntary tension (I practice PT exercises and light yoga)

Adjusting my ribs is only one of the many fantastic adjustments my chiropractor makes, and I highly recommend at least giving it a shot. Even just scheduling a consultation with a doctor can give you some insight on whether or not the practitioner might understand EDS.

If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable thinking about a chiropractic adjustment, it may not be the route for you.

u/JayFL420 · 1 pointr/LifeProTips
u/TheWonderLemon · 1 pointr/Archery

If it's a SHARP pain, go see a doctor right away!

I'm not sure about before (http://web.mit.edu/tkd/stretch/stretching_5.html says here that you should warm your body up by 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit before stretching), but definitely after you're shooting if you feel discomfort

I personally do most of these when after I'm done shooting. The one that might help you out the most might be the triceps and side one

If the pain continues, it might be worth it to see a masseuse-- they'll be able to point out where the knots that are giving you grief are forming. If you don't want to keep on throwing out money for massages, pick up one of these guys (you'll need to know where the knots on your back generally form first before using it though, hence the masseuse): http://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Company-10100000003-Buddy/dp/B0006VJ6TO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1410875295&sr=8-2&keywords=theracane

(this is the one I have http://www.amazon.com/Thera-Cane-JMAS5000-Massager/dp/B000PRMCJU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410875295&sr=8-1&keywords=theracane )

u/LegioXIV · 1 pointr/bjj

>I suggested a foam roller since it was a somewhat overlooked solution that IME made a significant difference in my acheyness.

I've found this beats a foam roller for back stuff:


u/finewhitelady · 1 pointr/ehlersdanlos

I have them in the same spots, although not as stubborn as yours. You may already have tried this, but having one of these on hand at home has helped a lot for mine: https://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Original-Trigger-Therapy/dp/B0006VJ6TO/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_121_bs_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=DCCZWWST6X2P8FM4Z4TG&th=1

I know you've tried a lot of more invasive things, but it may be helpful to have a massage tool that you can use on your own on a more regular basis than you would be able to get injections, dry needling, or massages.

My only other thought is maybe TENS? Not sure how well it works for trigger points, but might be worth a try?

u/zugunruh3 · 1 pointr/scoliosis

I was told I had "stopped" growing too when I was 13, my curve ended up getting so bad I needed surgery at 18. My case is atypical (they had to rule out cancer as a reason for the progression), but if your pain is worse than it was a few years ago don't be shy about asking for another x-ray. If nothing else it will show your curvature is the same but your symptoms are worse, in which case your doctor would need to figure out why it's happening and possibly get you into physical therapy.

In the meantime, these are my most used coping methods for back pain:

  • Heat pack for muscle pain, ice pack for nerve pain. I'm a fan of the ones with grain in them (bed buddy, etc)

  • A curved back massager for muscle pain. I use something similar daily on my shoulders, it's a huge relief.

  • Stretching. If you're into yoga that can be a great way to reduce back pain. I'm not quite able to do yoga, but just stretching any muscles you can helps.
u/wordhurdles · 1 pointr/Reduction

I got one of these things (we lovingly call it, "Steve") to help me really dig into that muscle that kind of tucks behind the shoulder blade...it gets a knot so bad that even an hour long massage with a licensed massage therapist can't get it out. Steve helps a lot. Side to side, slow neck stretches help as well (bend all the way to the side - ear to shoulder - and hold for 30 seconds....repeat on other side...5 sets 5 times). Those things are keeping me sane while I wait to hear if I'm covered. I've been going through this cycle for 10 years, and am finally deciding to do something about it. Don't stop fighting! You will still want this when you're 40!

u/Technologian · 1 pointr/Frugal

A good trigger point tool like the back buddy. I keep mine at my desk and I have frequent visitors who use it.

u/Mynipsareonfire · 1 pointr/cfs

Well, I use one of these but trigger point release only helps for a day or so. Heat is nice, also if I can get a massage from my husband and his strong thumbs. Stretching and exercise seems to make things more stiff, though.

u/Miett · 1 pointr/MultipleSclerosis

Oh, that sounds just miserable! I hope you feel better soon. This goofy-looking thing actually helped a lot with persistent knots and spasms in my back. I was kind of surprised how effective it was, actually. It might be a good option for between massages.

u/scratchfury · 1 pointr/Showerthoughts

Body Back Company's Body Back Buddy Trigger Point Therapy Self Massage Tool - Lower Back Massager - Neck Massager - Shoulder Massager - Myofascial Release Tool - Deep Muscle Massage (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006VJ6TO/

u/Big_Ern · 1 pointr/videos

This has helped me a TON! i stretch and then use it to massage my hips and back every night before i go to bed.

u/gizzalove · 1 pointr/mildlypenis

Here's a link to the amazon page I found it on. It contains many more pictures of the device in use.

u/macberto · 1 pointr/LifeProTips

I bought this thing called the Body Back Buddy which let's you massage and put pressure almost anywhere on your body.


u/pointedflowers · 1 pointr/SexToys

So this might be a weird suggestion, but every time i look at sex toys on amazon (don't buy from them), this item comes up which always makes me wonder.

Not 100% why this would be the case but I've always wondered if you can fairly easily mount a dildo (vac-u-loc, or one with a hole for a bullet) to this device. My guess is it would require at least minor modification of the massager (i imagine you may have to carve down one of those knobs to be smaller).

Sorry if this is off base with your request. There is also the pogo sick type device, though that sounds more expensive and I've heard more likely to break.

Edit: there are also similar massagers for much less on amazon than the one linked.

u/tge101 · 1 pointr/fitmeals

There's this stuff. I have it and don't notice any difference. I don't use it all the time and I don't use it in high quantities but I'll vouch for the taste.

u/halfgumption · 1 pointr/keto


0mg sodium, 650mg potassium per 1/4 tsp. I've never tried it so I can't vouch for the taste, but you may want to give it a whirl.

u/iluvsashasquash · 1 pointr/nutrition

I don't know the answer, but your question reminded me that there exists a salt substitute that's basically potassium: https://www.amazon.com/NoSalt-Sodium-Free-Salt-Alternative-11/dp/B000H185N6

u/comrade_brony · 1 pointr/keto

I suggest eating more spinach (daily) and using NoSalt.


u/v0idl0gic · 1 pointr/keto


Potassium: http://www.amazon.com/No-Salt-Substitute-11-Ounce-Can/dp/B000H185N6

Magnesium: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000Z1GLJI
(FYI, Mag Oxide with worthless (not bioavail), and Mag Citrate can cuase loose stools)

u/Dead_before_dessert · 1 pointr/keto

Himalayan is good stuff but it has trace amounts of potassium at best. I have used [this](NoSalt Sodium-Free Salt Alternative, 11 Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H185N6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_8ZWwCb8H2HWVG), and [this](Nu-Salt Substitute Shaker, 3 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004EPBMRC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_B0WwCbZSF5540) in the past. Its usually on the very bottom shelf in the salt section.

These are the recomended amounts of each per day

5000 mg of sodium

1000-4700mg of potassium

300 mg of magnesium

Your Himalayan is perfect for sodium, which is the big one. Same thing with the magnesium. Potassium needs really vary per person, but if you notice that you're feeling wonky, achy, or cramping up its a sign you're not getting enough and might want to try and track down the no/nu salt.

With regards to your recipe, you can use myfitnesspal (or whatever) to track them and make sure youre getting your recommended amounts. Beyond that it's really personal preference. The only caution about that is to make sure you're spreading it throughout the day, because too much, too.quick has have a really unfortunate diuretic effect.

u/Countertop_guitar · 1 pointr/keto

You don't need sports drinks to get electrolytes.

Liberally salt your foods and have a cup or two of salty chicken broth every day for sodium. I add some no-salt to it for potassium. Then pop a magnesium citrate supplement before bed.

u/feelsmagical · 1 pointr/Paleo

I had same issues.

You need potassium: mix this with some water. http://www.amazon.com/No-Salt-Substitute-11-Ounce-Can/dp/B000H185N6

u/gregsterb · 1 pointr/keto

I'm using this.
I think in the states this is the more common product though.

u/Zanowin · 1 pointr/EatCheapAndHealthy

Have you considered "NoSalt Sodium-Free Salt Alternative"? Or something similar

u/pheen · 1 pointr/keto

Check out No Salt

u/Speak_Of_The_Devil · 1 pointr/todayilearned

Yep. There's also no sodium salt substitute.

u/desperateneedofcake · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Forgot to mention this is the thermometer that people seem to recommend. I had it, it's good, works well, but its very basic. I got this one and prefer it. It has a light and a memory function and doesn't beep loud at all.

u/heartshapedcheese · 1 pointr/TFABChartStalkers

That sounds frustrating. What thermometer do you use? This is the one I use and it has memory recall for 60 temperatures. I often take my temp and don't even look at it until after I'm actually up and out of bed and more awake. This one is always being recommended on TFAB. I didn't get it because I didn't think it had the memory recall, but from what it says, it actually does recall the last temp taken. And apparently you can get that at local stores!

Good luck correcting your chart!

u/Salad_Phallus · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

I'm using this thermometer-- it was suggested by someone in this sub and it's been really great. I think the reason that my temps were funky at the beginning had to do with the fact that I had strep throat :/ I didn't include a temp one day because I had a fever. So I just kind of discount those first few that were all over the map because I was sick. You may still have yet to ovulate; I just started getting fertile CM yesterday so I think I'm getting close. Or maybe you did already! The good news is that you're got all of this new knowledge that you can put into practice next cycle (assuming you don't get your BFP this cycle!). That's how I'm looking at it, anyway :)

u/trekkieminion · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

this is the one I saw A LOT of ladies recommending, so I got it!


My temps are so all over the place. HERE is my chart so you can see what I mean. I finally had it balance the last few days, but I'm hoping i'm gearing up for O this weekend!

I can't wait to see the chart after I've completed one cycle. It'll def make going forward (if I need to) easier!

u/yuriathebitch · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

This one on Amazon, not expensive at all :) It's not any easier to see though! Also, it looks like it only shows the last temp, and the other one is always 97.7. TIL!

u/Goingforthefirst · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Awesome reply, thank you. No, my cycles are definitely not regular. I had 2 regular ones after coming off the pill in November, then no AF at all for 3 months.

Good idea about the 6am alarm, maybe I'll do that. Not sure my husband will be pleased...I'm also not very good at falling back asleep.

I get up between 5am at 6:30am during the week, and at least 2 hours later than that on the weekends.

I did just buy a "better" BBT thermometer but it hasn't been beeping at the end of the recording. It is the one recommended by this sub here. Not sure what gives...

u/MommaM00 · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Mabis! You do not need to spend a fortune.

u/Hungry_Albatross · 1 pointr/queerception

Are you taking your temperature to confirm ovulation? A positive opk doesn't guarantee ovulation. Seeing your temp charts could help save $$ before going to the RE for blood tests to confirm ovulation. You can get one on Amazon for about $8. I like the Mabis that saves your temp until you take a new one. But make sure if you order one you get one. BBT are a common scam on Amazon. If you get a different brand than you bought, report it and Amazon will send you a new one. This is mine: MABIS Basal Thermometer, Digital BBT Thermometer, Basal Body Temperature Thermometer For Natural Family Planning, White and Pink https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000O6YCZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_IgG3BbW8ZHE1M

u/123_journey · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

As I commented in response to /u/microboop, it is a ridiculously smooth curve this time around. I've had a temp of exactly 97.77 for 3 of the past 4 days. So I'm a bit suspicious that I need a new thermometer battery, or perhaps a new thermometer. I'm currently using the Generation Guard from Amazon. Should I switch to the MABIS for next cycle, or do you think the one I have will be fine if I just get a new battery for it?

u/WafflefriesAndaBaby · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Or amazon! St MABIS, Bless her Name is the cheap thermometer of choice for a lot of TFAB.

u/ludajones204 · 1 pointr/TTC_PCOS

Hey ladies, I'm new to charting my temp and recently purchased a thermometer (https://www.amazon.ca/Mabis-Digital-Thermometer-Temperature-Planning/dp/B000O6YCZY this one) but it seems to take forever to get a reading? I'm so used to the almost immediate reading from ear thermometers we have at work, so maybe it is just me?

u/Stryder1025 · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

This is good to know. I thought I was careful when I bought my "Mabis" back in November (after my Easy@Home died...) but apparently not. Just realized this morning it says "TopCare" on it.

Might as well just buy from the Briggs link, (though I am so opposed to buying a third BBT in 9 months)! Thanks for the info!

u/thebabyfeverisreal · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Also from Ontario! Here’s the BBT I bought off Amazon.ca ! :)

u/Crossfitandcoffee · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Mine are consistently below 97 pre-o. I've been told it doesn't really matter as long as there's a shift. Like you, my normal temp at the doctor is around 97.5 ish. No need to freak out about that, but you really should invest in a BBT thermometer for the sake of accuracy. The mabis thermometer is pretty popular around here.

Edit: it's cheap, too :)

u/nachtkaese · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Question: I ordered a Mabis thermometer (this guy ) and it just came in - I'd like to start temping next cycle. The package says "ORAL USE ONLY" - I can still use it to temp vaginally, yeah?

Also ARGH - I'm early in the TTC process and have decided to let myself be a little bit silly/naive/super hopeful and testing like...a lot even though I haven't even menstruated once post IUD removal. I had a horrifically terrible race yesterday (women who I usually finish with LAPPED ME) and was like...hmmm maybe... so I tested this morning and THERE WAS NO CONTROL LINE AND I'M OUT OF PEE.

u/woolensweatertime · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

Yup, just used the same BBT thermometer (this one).

Now that I go back and look at it, it does say it's for oral use, but I'm not sure what the difference would be. Maybe manufacturers need to do different testing to get them approved for different body parts? I'm not too worried.

u/trying_for_baby_coop · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

DMI Basal Digital Thermometer from Amazon. I got it as an add on for less than $5 (regularly ~$15). Doesn't have stellar reviews but not too and either... looks like the 1 stars are reading low, but so far I've had no problems. I just needed to get one and start charting!

u/healing_mystic · 1 pointr/TryingForABaby

I use the MABIS bbt thermometer. Which do you use?

u/NoKnownAliases · 1 pointr/Fitness

I highly recommend a Thera Cane Massager (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PRMCJU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_4EbIyb818C2EW) for the same massage you'd do with a lacrosse ball. It's very easy to focus on areas of the back.

u/njjc · 1 pointr/Meditation

I had a similar problem during my first couple meditation retreats, and fixed it by switching from sitting cross legged on a cushion to kneeling with a bench.

The problem was that my hips and legs aren't currently flexible enough for sitting cross legged correctly: my lumbar spine curved out instead of the correct inward curvature, which was causing my upper back to strain and the muscles to knot.

Sitting on a bench or on a chair and focusing on keeping my lumbar correctly curved solved the problem 100% after a few days, and my last couple of retreats have been pain free.

Also, massaging the knot can really help with providing instant relief until your posture gets stronger. If you don't have a partner to massage the right spot at the right time, this tool can really help. I'm happy to answer any more questions for you!

u/biodebugger · 1 pointr/Health

I have tried to use a Theracane. It seems like a good product, but I found it didn't really work well for me. (It's in need of a new home if you want to try it and would be ok with pm'ing a mailing address to a stranger.)

The trigger points that I think were contributing to the bulging disc problem weren't actually located at that disc. Part of why I think the tensegrity model of the spine is helpful is that it demonstrates how an issue in a distant part of the structure can disrupt the distribution of forces and cause problems elsewhere.

It's frequently the case with trigger points that the place you experience the pain isn't the same place as the trigger point itself. For instance, a joint may hurt when the actual problem is a trigger point in a muscle a way off that pulls on a tendon that torques on the joint. There are maps of these referral patterns (which is part of why the book is helpful), and when you put pressure on an active trigger point you can definitely tell that you've found it, but it takes a bit of trial and error.

I should mention that while just pressing on the point itself feels intense and can be cathartic, it isn't the way to reset them. The technique described in the book is to repeatedly and slowly moving pressure across the point in the direction of the muscle fiber (again, having the maps helps for this). This is part of the problem with things like the Theracane: you can poke around and apply pressure on a point just fine, but moving slowly across it while applying pressure doesn't work so well. I find that the technique where you put a ball in a sock behind your back and press against a wall works better for me.

u/Godawgsuw · 1 pointr/migraine

You could also pick up one of these in the meantime, they're actually pretty awesome. We have 2 at work and I use it all the time haha

u/mazzamia · 1 pointr/DIY
u/cntwt2c_urbiguglyass · 1 pointr/Fitness

Getting a Stick or TheraCane and doing massage like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ysn5HDoCQU

u/dancinpanda06 · 1 pointr/bouldering

Get a thera-cane to work out those back muscles!

u/ulta · 1 pointr/yoga

I started yoga for back pain and one of the things I realized is that back pain is often linked to lots of different areas of the body. Of course I can't relate to your back pain, only speak from my own experience which was not injury, but posture related. Edit I saw below you said you had a spinal fracture, so do take this advice with a grain of salt..just speaking from my own experience.

But I found that having tight ham strings and hips contributed to my back pain but then I had tight hamstrings because of issues with my quads, etc. Basically everything is connected and I found it important to take a holistic approach. So I would suggest not only focusing on upper back but doing full body work with an emphasis on your upper back.

But I would recommend (in addition to cat cows):

u/wirednyte · 1 pointr/massage

Try this stretch, then this one, and this one.

These should help stretch out the muscles around your scapula (shoulder blade). Hold each stretch for about 10 seconds, repeat 10x each. do them 3x day. Follow by doing shoulder rolls in both directions.

If this doesn't help, or its too much work, get a massage. You can also buy a theracane in the future.

u/lapropriu · 1 pointr/xxfitness

Short answer: lifting will definitely help.

I suspect your head is forward like that to counterbalance your chest going back. If you'd like to geek out a bit and try to understand what the different components are to a bad posture, I found this 5-part series helpful (don't mind the title and the tone of the piece; the information is solid, even though it's written for a very particular audience).

There are a number of venues of exploration for you:

  • weak muscles (posterior chain: back, glutes, hamstrings, + core)
  • tight, wound-up muscles (static stretching might help, but better would be mobility work like others have recommended here. Esp. consider soft-tissue work like trigger point self-massage; this thing is awesome.)
  • bad cues for everyday posture. <-- this I want to explain a bit.

    People will tell you things like "stand up straighter", but they don't necessarily understand how to achieve this result, so they'll say things like "pull your shoulders back". Just pulling your shoulders back will probably not work though, because your shoulders will just get tired, you'll forget, and you'll slump again. I think a better cue is: roll your shoulders up towards your ears, then back and down your back, and when you get to that back and down position try to keep them there. If they start feeling forward again, roll them up, back and down again. For the head, think of pushing your chin back and into your chest, prolonging the back of your head. And try "stand up straight" not by lifting your ribcage up, but by keeping your abs engaged, maybe 15-20% of your max, to encourage them to support your spine (+ the shoulder & head thing above).
u/Ideasatworm · 1 pointr/Fitness

Buy this

And then figure out myofascial release techniques. Your shoulders are just locked up this will help mobilize them.

Also good for your entire body.

Edit for grammar.

u/Laurier_Rose · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals

Here are some things my therapist gave to me for help:

  • List of Coping Thoughts, Page 86
    Saying coping thoughts out loud to yourself can help reduce anxiety and allow you to think clearly and rationally.

  • Breathing and Stretching Exercises
    Stretch and massage work wonders to reduce my anxiety and tension.

    I have TMJ and Stress tension in my temples, jaw, neck, shoulders, and arms. My favorite thing is to just put my hair up and spend 20 minutes or so just massaging all my trouble areas. You would be surprised and what breathing and a good massage can do. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water after you massage. Look into getting a cane massager like this one. They can work wonders!
u/acus · 1 pointr/Stronglifts5x5

I found the regular simple protein powders to be fine.

If you use a regular protein powder then make sure you're also taking 1 'heaping' teaspoon of creatine per day too.

I like the Optimum Nutrition Extreme Chocolate (https://www.amazon.com/Optimum-Nutrition-Standard-Extreme-Chocolate/dp/B000QSTBNS) but go with whichever you like the taste of best.

Make sure to get a shaker cup (like this: https://www.amazon.com/TOP-QUALITY-Shaker-Blender-14/dp/B01DTHWY5O ), it helps make sure it is good and mixed up.

u/adityapstar · 1 pointr/Fitness

What's the difference between ON whey isolate and ON Gold standard whey? The isolate is supposed to be better, but looking at the nutrition facts they seem to be about the same. Does it matter which one I get?

u/mattressgiant · 1 pointr/keto

Also, there are plenty of really good tasting proteins out there. I usually stick to chocolate (hard for them to mess up), and go with brands like Optimum or Dymatize. You can add some cream to it to up your fat macros and improve flavor/consistency as well. You could also try keto chow.

u/The_Russian · 1 pointr/keto

I was using this before i started keto, and im still using it. Its the most delicious thing ever. And it doesn't even taste bad with just water (always heard that protein is horrible with water and before keto i always drank it with milk) but it was great. Not exactly low-carb, but it smells and tastes almost like Nesquik.

u/Bergolies · 1 pointr/Fitness

>So, should I be eating a surplus on my rest days/weekends if I'm doing SS 3x a week?

Yes. If you're concerned of gaining too much fat during your bulk, it's recommended that you begin counting Calories once again to prevent under or overeating.

>Also, which protein powder is best to mix into oatmeal?

While I haven't done it with oatmeal, my favorite powder so far to mix with milk and cereal is ON Gold Standard Extreme Milk Chocolate.

u/upthereitstheirtime · 1 pointr/howto

This. You would have to cut off the longer threads though, so it doesnt grab them and cause runs in the fabric. These things are awesome.
Remington Fuzz-Away Fabric Shaver, RTFS-2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0034BV6KA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_SvprDb5ME6MYZ

u/companionquandary · 1 pointr/knitting

I got this [fabric shaver](Remington Fuzz-Away Fabric Shaver, RTFS-2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0034BV6KA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_7GhcAbSCDPD1P) to depill my scrubs but I have also used it on knit items it works pretty well unless you have very large pills

u/dedlewamp · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Fabric shaver

They make shavers designed especially for this purpose.

u/elementality22 · 1 pointr/rawdenim

I've got three cats, no amount of lint rolling gets all the fuzz and hair off my clothes. It's just something you have to go with. If a regular lint roller doesn't cut it you could try one of these automated lint removers mainly for pilling on fabric, though. Or one of these magic lint brushes

u/digitalyss · 1 pointr/NoStupidQuestions

The fuzzies are called pilling, and you have to shave them off. There are fabric shavers you can get for pretty cheap

u/zorgtron · 1 pointr/NoStupidQuestions

You could try washing and drying it first to see if it cuts down on the fluff. If that doesn't work, you could try using a sweater shaver to take off the extra fluff.

u/wafflepizza · 1 pointr/lifehacks
u/Irvine949 · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice
u/DoveNotChicken · 1 pointr/diytailor

You need a sweater shaver. No that’s not a typo. This is an example. www.amazon.com/dp/B0034BV6KA/ They are really effective at cutting this stuff off, just don’t push too hard or you could break the fabric surface.

u/dontshootiamempty · 1 pointr/LifeProTips

If you have high carpet, you can use a fuzz shaver. I just had my house painted and used something like this to shave the carpet fibers that had the paint spots. Worked a lot better than stain remover that just spreads the paint to a larger spot and also bleaches the carpet.

u/bodybyxbox · 1 pointr/FrugalFemaleFashion

Thrift store cashmere. You can almost always find real cashmere sweaters at the thrift shop. They end up there because 1) they are pilling or 2) they are sporting a few moth holes. Buy a cheap electric depiller from amazon. Then learn to thread a needle; holes in wool are super easy to hand sew.

u/dthai17 · 1 pointr/frugalmalefashion

Fabric shavers.

Here is one

u/BernoulliMagic · 1 pointr/motorcycles

Similar setup as well... add in a combat application tourniquet, an Israeli bandage, and a chest seal gauze and you're set for most anything!

u/annoyingone · 1 pointr/Survival

The other posts have covered the basics really well but I would add a compression bandage and watch this video to know how to use it.

Sting relief is what I have used the most - fucking hornets can kiss my ass

u/Jesus-face · 1 pointr/CampingGear

They're almost never recommended anymore. AFAIK the only time they have a use is if the limb is destroyed already, like stepped on a land mine or amputated by heavy machinery. Any kind of puncture or slice type thing you're likely to get outside short of being significantly eaten by a bear or shark is probably treatable with something else.

I have a few IBDs in my car stuff, but they're too bulky for backpacking. A clotting agent like this is pretty light weight, and they work amazingly well.

u/niacin3 · 1 pointr/MTB

I carry a battle dressing in my back pack ever since I was bit by a dog. I got bit in the middle of nowhere and had to ride 10 miles to get back to my truck. Luckily I had some TP and a spare tube to cut the bleeding and keep it somewhat clean, but having this dressing would have helped a lot.

Ever Ready Bandage Battle Dressing First Aid Compression Bandage, 6 Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003DPVERM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_zRQ-zb84Z4SX2

Edit: I now carry pepper spray on the outside of my back pack as well.

u/patrickeg · 1 pointr/WildernessBackpacking

I'll remember that for next time. I've already packed it all away, but I might drag it out and take some pics. My foot is pretty banged up so it'll be a minute. But Ill give you a short list :)

Pack: Osprey Exos 58

Sleeping Bag: Teton Sports Tracker

Tent: ALPS Mountaineering Lynx 1

Tarp: Ultimate Survival Hex tarp

Mess kit: Mess kit and Mug

Water Filtration: Sawyer Mini

Tools/Defense: Note: Normally I would only take one knife, but I wasn't sure which I would prefer as they're two quite different blades. Ka-Bar Becker BK2, Condor Bushlore, and Bear Spray

Stove: MSR PocketRocket

First Aid: I had the Adventure Medical Kits Day Tripper, and then added to that with Celox and an Israeli Bandage

Trekking Poles: Cascade Mountain Tech CF with Cork Grips

In addition I had a few little things in a small kit; Ferro rod, duct tape, trail blazes, chemical water purifiers in case my Sawyer failed, bug spray, a small thing of sunscreen (which I didn't end up needing as it was overcast), deodorant, TP, etc.

u/N0_PR0BLEM · 1 pointr/Gundam

Quick-Clot bandages are actually real, and they're kind of awesome. You can't really buy them commercially at your local drug store yet, but they are used pretty commonly in ems and other professional medical environments.

I was able to find thee on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ever-Ready-First-Aid-Compression/dp/B003DPVERM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1413572406&sr=8-2&keywords=quick-clot.

u/ofsinope · 1 pointr/PublicFreakout

There's also these IDF bandages, they're vacuum packed with a built-in torniquet. https://www.amazon.com/Ever-Ready-First-Aid-Compression/dp/B003DPVERM

u/Mackin-N-Cheese · 1 pointr/CascadianPreppers

Mine is similar, except I think I have their Mountain series Weekender kit. And I added an Israeli Bandage to mine, hopefully I never have reason to use it.

u/perverse_imp · 1 pointr/EDC

About $7 US The 4inch has the super saver free shipping thingy.

u/holigen · 1 pointr/EDC

You might want to get an Israeli compression bandage if you're preparing for gunshot wounds.

u/letsgofightdragons · 1 pointr/pics
u/thelastboyscout007 · 1 pointr/Survival

This might be more comprehensive than what you're looking for but I've been extremely happy with the kit I got.

EMT Bag - Nice and large, durable and has customizable velcro panels for the main compartment

BLS Medical Supply Kit - Most of what you would want for a kit and I priced it out you can't get it all for less on your own.

Skin Stapler

Steri strips

Israeli Compression Bandage

u/Gundamnitpete · 1 pointr/guns

I use leather honey on all my leather goods. Shoes, my couch, motorcycle gear, sword handles, etc, etc.

u/bzzking · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Hello all, I have been wearing faux leather all my life from Zara and I just got my 1st real leather jacket, Koopes Leather Bomber Jacket!

Need some advice on leather cleaner and conditioner since I never cleaned or conditioned my faux leather jackets before. There didn't seem to be a good search results on leather cleaning and conditioning or I must have missed it. From most of the threads I read, it seems like the brand name doesn't matter as much for cleaner and conditioner, but sounds like it is important to NOT use my boots conditioner due to silicone.

My lamb skin jacket did not feel as stiff as my faux leather which I really liked since I want something comfortable for usual wear rather than a stiff jacket with a bit more durability.

My research shows Saddle soap may be a great cleaner and Lexol cleaner and conditioner seem to be a great option too. I read Leather Honey is a great conditioner, albeit the premium price!

I wanted to ask the experts at r/MFA what they personally recommend for lamb skin leather:

  1. cleaner
  2. conditioner! I hear different conditioners can leave a different amount of oils and can even change colors a bit.
  3. waterproofing, is this worth it?

    Edit: Also, I just wanted to confirm that Dry Cleaning leather jackets is NOT okay. I read it may dry and/or crack the leather. Is this true? Sounds like I should just use the cleaner and conditioner once or twice a year?
u/Dave-C · 1 pointr/HumansBeingBros
u/sadknicksfan · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice
u/sliverworm · 1 pointr/frugalmalefashion

This stuff will be used right after its dry..

u/threedaysatsea · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

What you are looking for is Leather Honey. I do mine about once every four months. Before conditioning, brush off dirt and then wipe with damp cloth until the leather darkens just a bit. A little goes a long way.

u/xyz_affair · 1 pointr/frugalmalefashion
u/olivia22511225 · 1 pointr/RepLadies

Hi girls! So I bought a black Gucci Soho Disco from Joy about a year ago. Honestly do not love the quality because when compared to an auth. the leather isn't as supple/buttery, and a well used auth. sort of falls into itself whereas my version is still super stiff and boxy, even after I've used it a lot. I'm not even sure if it's real leather, but it just goes with SO many outfits, so I still wear it quite a bit.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to try to condition the leather on your reps to make them look more authentic/improve the look of the leather? I was looking on Amazon and found this, which has a bunch of good reviews but wanted to know if anyone had any better suggestions?


Thanks so much!!!

u/Jugg3rnaut · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Good to know, thanks. So if I used this one the shoes maybe twice a year:

They could last for 3-4 years?

u/LevelCauliflower · 1 pointr/RepLadies


I saw this from another post on RL. Works pretty well.

u/DaveIsMyBrother · 1 pointr/Leatherworking

There is also an all natural non-toxic product called Leather Honey. It's been around for a long time.

I've found it to be very useful on all types of leather, from my cowhide backpack, my SO's new winter boots, and my deerskin moccasins. It does tend to darken the leather you apply it to significantly. I've applied it to several of my things several times each and have not yet used a quarter of the bottle. However, I keep a small rag about 2x2 inches in a zipped bag and it's well saturated. I think this helps with not wasting the product.

I think you need to be careful with what you use to condition and recondition leather, especially old leather. Sometimes you might apply something and it works great, but you discover in a couple of years that the leather has begun to rot.

Do what you wish, but be aware that the tanning process (a preservative) can break down over time. When you try to restore your leather, you want to penetrate it with leather-friendly moisture that will not chemically undo the tanning.

Finally, whatever method you decide to do, test an inconspicuous area and wait a few hours. If you like what you see, gently apply your conditioning product (boughten or home made) and let it sit overnight. Sometimes I'll set the item a few feet in front of a space heater to gently warm the leather for a few hours.

I've also been known to use a hair blow dryer on seams to make sure it's penetrating well. Too close will just make it dry and crack. Reapply the next day, and let it soak in. Keep doing this slowly and patiently, until you see that your leather is not absorbing any more. Let it sit another day, then heat it a bit and begin to gently buff away any excess reconditioning material.

You should be left with something pretty amazing.

Best of luck!

u/ILikeToBakeCupcakes · 1 pointr/femalefashionadvice

I am also new to leather boots! Mine were getting scuffed/discolored from normal wear and tear, so I used Meltonian boot cream to a) restore the color and b) provide a bit of waterproofing (since it's wax-based).

I also have Leather Honey leather conditioner, which I've used on a purse and my Birkenstocks. It definitely does darken the leather, so if you're attached to the exact shade you have now, I wouldn't recommend conditioning.

u/Softcorps_dn · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Leather Honey is pretty well reviewed as a leather conditioner: http://www.amazon.com/Leather-Honey-Conditioner-Since-Bottle/dp/B003IS3HV0

u/omegax84 · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

I've used this as a cure-all so far, and it has never let me down. Perfect on all smooth or rugged leather (although careful with the raw leather, it will become smooth after 2 coats!).


u/sanjeevmishra94 · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

So should I use mink oil, or not? Is it for something completely different?

So far, it looks like I'm getting this, this, and this. Should I get a shoe conditioner like this, too?

u/ZobotTheRobot · 1 pointr/EDC

Sounds like a good answer. I'm assuming that you can't go wrong with either, as the design is fairly simple/similar. My only regret for not going with aliengear was the price so far, but I'm perfectly happy with my galco.

Something you might be interested in:


u/Hydro_Logic · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Is this the same as neatsfoot oil for CXM upkeep?

u/Enpoli · 1 pointr/goodyearwelt

Simple question: Any consensus on using Leather Honey for good boots? I've used it and it worked fine on some leather items, but I managed to over-condition some pieces and it really darkened some veg-tanned leather.

What conditioner/cream should I be looking at if I want to make sure not to darken brown/tan leather?

u/Binxington · 1 pointr/femalefashionadvice

I recently got this beeswax shoe polish and I really like it!

I also use this to condition my leather:

u/Flavourless · 1 pointr/malefashionadvice

Most mink oil will do. I have had great success with this, and this, it also helps that it is free shipping with amazon prime.

u/LittleMissBlue · 1 pointr/AskReddit

I overeat, oversleep, and take Vitamin D supplements. My best friend bought me a light box as an early Christmas present: http://www.amazon.com/Lightphoria-Seasonal-Affective-Disorder-Simulator/dp/B004JF3G08 -- I never bought one for myself because it seemed expensive and I was very skeptical of light therapy, but holy shit, it actually works. I just put it next to my laptop while I'm Facebooking/LiveJournaling/Redditing for 30-45 minutes in the morning, and it really helps me get through the day. I just wish I had bought one for myself sooner instead of waiting for someone to buy one for me; I was diagnosed with SAD many years ago, and basically did nothing to treat it and was miserable for a long time. :/

u/hambot · 1 pointr/BipolarReddit

I got the Lightphoria for about $70. It's 10,000 lux and hopefully it'll work as well as the spendy models.

u/hellnoggin · 1 pointr/insomnia

Its possible that the lack of exposure to sunlight in winter is affecting your circadian rhythm. Consider getting a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamp and try 1 hr exposure each day in the morning. If nothing else, it'll probably improve your mood.

Here's an example of what I mean (no affiliation)


u/dolcebellaluna · 1 pointr/BipolarReddit

The fall is really triggering to me for a variety of reasons. I was simultaneously raped and diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the same October of 2008. I've also coincidentally always been under a lot of stress from work. I've already found myself sleeping more, eating less. I just pulled out my "light box" and am going to start setting that up in the mornings. Here's the link. We'll see how it goes. I'd prefer not to add any more medication to my cocktail if I can curb this on my own.

u/blackbirdblue · 1 pointr/Frugal

I've got one of these.

u/maiden_fan · 1 pointr/sleep

I have tried many things over the years, not even sure which ones were the best ! Looks like you are already doing the basics right, so something else is off. There is no one right answer for any person. Here are some other things you can and should try that helped me:

  1. Order a cooling pillow pad that you can put on top of the pillow. I use it and it helps me fall asleep much faster. I ordered one from amazon. the brain needs to experience 2-3 degrees lower temperature than the rest of the body to doze off.

  2. How is your state of mind even when awake ? Do you find it hard to be relaxed or calm ?
    Try meditating daily using www.calm.com. Try the 10 minute session. can you do it easily ? If not, that's an important signal right there - your mind is too anxious or has a hard time slowing down. Try learning to slow down at will with this website once or twice daily and this will greatly train your inner system to relax and go deeper at will. It's all about practice when you are awake.

  3. Try calming or white noise generation machines - they play the sound of waterfalls, ocean waves, white noise and so on. They are really cheap but help engage the mind to slow it down and avoid it from getting side tracked.

  4. What's your sleeping ritual ? Do you just try to sleep and get stuck in your thoughts ? Browse the phone ? Read a book ? All of these have dramatically different sleep induction effects. Reading a non-fiction book on kindle works amazingly well for me. If I take the phone with me, it keeps me awake for a couple of hours.

  5. I know someone who had a high concentration of heavy metals in his body - that completely messed up his sleep. He had to go through a prolonged process to get those out in some hospital but it eventually helped. Not sure how you would get tested for that and its a less common thing. but trying some detox treatments anyway to get any junk can only help. Try wheatgrass pills or other detox stuff on amazon.

  6. Have you gotten blood work done recently ? How are your vitamins/minerals ? If you are very short on D for example, that can totally interfere with melatonin production. another biggie is magnesium. Taking magnesium mixed with water promotes calmness - I have had great success with this, in feeling relaxed and sleeping in general. Specifically I have: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Magnesium-Calm/dp/B000GJOZWE. Sometimes treating simple imbalances like these can change things dramatically.

  7. Yoga is another very versatile solution to issues like these. It promotes healthy hormonal activity and exercises the lymph system - very critical for getting rid of your inner cellular junk. It requires more effort than stuff I've described above, but its positive effects on your mind, body and inner organs are well known.

  8. Try using sunlight therapy: Not sure how much sun you get so this really depends on that. Getting sunlight in morning regulates your melatonin cycle. This simulates that and just using it for 15-20 minutes everyday has a very strong effect.
    For example:

    That's a bunch of stuff I know from first hand and others' experience. Most of these may be experimental for you and will work to varying degrees. But my philosophy is if it doesn't hurt, no harm giving anything a fair shot !

u/EllitrixApt · 1 pointr/WinterBlues


It says that model isn’t available anymore. I have one at my house and one at my job.

u/gir722 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This link gives a great breakdown on what to look for in the light box. This lamp on amazon is similar to the one my mom has. It's perfect for on a desk at work or while reading. Fair warning these lamps can get very pricey!

u/gloomduckie · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

You might have seasonal affective disorder (I have it too). It's when the lack of sunlight in the winter months leaves you feeling depressed and lethargic. I would recommend getting a faux sunlight lamp http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004JF3G08/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=328QFD75LHK52&coliid=I3INTXRJEPPXTG and also drinking lots of orange juice and taking walks in the morning while the sun is high in the sky. The lamp will also help you sleep better at night if you have it on you all day. You should be feeling better and more motivated if you're able to do what I'm suggesting.